


moocPrevention,control and treatment of chronic diseases答案(慕课2023课后作业答案)

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moocPrevention,control and treatment of chronic diseases答案(慕课2023课后作业答案)

Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 1 test questions

1、答案答案1. Huangdi Neijing(Huangdi's Canon of Medicine) Su Wen(Plain Questions) Si Qi Tiao Shen Da Lun put forward the concept of ( ): "This 慕课is what is called that the sage does not treat the disease that has already occurred, he treats disease before its onset. Do not cure already disorderly cure not disorderly. Take the medicine after being sick, Govern country after being chaos, It seems that dig wells after feeling thirsty, Build weapons after fighting, Isn't it late?"
B、课后B.medical treatment
C、作业C.preventive treatment of disease
D、答案答案D.diagnosis 慕课and treatment

2、2.Chapter 9 of the <"Health China 2030" Program Outline> also explicitly pointed out that we should give full play to the unique advantages of TCM and make it play a unique role in the prevention and treatment of common and ( ) diseases. We should vigorously develop non-drug therapy of TCM. By 2030,课后 let TCM fully play the leading role in preventive treatment of disease, the synergistic role in the treatment of major diseases and the core role in disease rehabilitation.

3、课后3.The作业 harm of hyperlipidemia is shown as:
C、慕课C.impaired liver function

4、1. Take medicine on time and in quantity. Don't eat as you like. Eat more or less will affect the condition.

5、2. cancer will be cured after surgical removal of the tumor.

6、3. Weight loss is about insulation from fat.

7、4. It is difficult to cure high blood pressure, but it can be effectively controlled through the comprehensive management of the condition. Don not stop taking medicine rashly.

Chapter 2 Hypertension

Chapter 2 Quiz

1、1. According to the data of the report on nutrition and chronic diseases of Chinese residents in 2015, by the end of 2012, the number of hypertension patients in China had reached as high as how many billion people?
A、A. 1.7
B、B. 2.7
C、C. 3.7
D、D. 4.7

2、2. Which of the following antihypertensive drugs belongs to the category of beta-blockers ?
A、A. Propranolol
B、B. Insulin
C、C. Aspirin
D、D. Caffeine

3、3. The first choice prescription for excessive accumulation of turbid phlegm is
A、A. Decoction of clearing lung
B、B. Decoction of Pinellia, Bighead Atractylodes and Gastrodia
C、C. Powder of clearing bone
D、D. Decoction of nourishing stomach

4、1.The Chinese prevalence rate of hypertension in the north is higher than that in the south.

5、2.WHO has advised that the sodium salt intake of healthy adults shouldn't exceed 8g per day.

6、3.Obesity is an important risk factor for hypertension.

7、4.Lowering blood pressure gently is one of the principles of blood pressure control.

Chapter 3 Hyperlipidemia

Chapter 3 Quiz

1、1. Which of the following is not included in the treatment of hyperlipidemia
A、A. "statins" lipid-lowering drugs
B、B. "fibrates" lipid-lowering drugs
C、C. "niacin" lipid-lowering drugs
D、D. cephalosporins

2、2. It is clinically believed that hyperlipidemia can be diagnosed if the plasma total cholesterol concentration of normal people exceeds in fasting.
A、A. 3.17 mmol/L????
B、B. 5.17 mmol/L ????
C、C. 6.17 mmol/L ????
D、D. 7.17 mmol/L

3、1. Patients with hyperlipidemia should choose high intensity aerobic exercise as auxiliary treatment according to the actual situation.

4、2. Once suffering from high blood lipid, should immediately use the method of high intensity exercise treatment.

5、3. The ideal exercise habit is to maintain at least 20 minutes of real exercise time every day.

6、4. Any patient with hyperlipidemia can be treated with high-intensity exercise.

7、5. Patients with hyperlipidemia should eat more animal organs and less sweets.

8、6. People who do not suffer from high blood lipid should take drugs to prevent it in advance.

Chapter 4 Hyperglycemia

Chapter 4 Quiz

1、1. What is wrong about the "glycemic index" is
A、A. It's called the glycemic index.
B、B. Foods with a high glycemic index take longer to raise blood sugar after eating
C、C. It reflects the speed and ability of a food to raise blood sugar compared to glucose
D、D. It is often used to reflect the effect of carbohydrates in food on blood sugar levels

2、2. The following biguanide drugs are
A、A. Phenylmetformin
B、B. Glyburide
C、C. Acarbose
D、D. pioglitazone

3、3. The preferred prescription for liver qi stasis syndrome is
A、A. Liu wei di huang wan
B、B.xiao yao san
C、C.jin gui shen qi wan
D、D.yu nv jian

4、High blood sugar must be diabetes.

5、Eat "hypoglycemic foods" to lower blood sugar

6、Diabetic patients should not only measure finger blood glucose, but also measure glycosylated hemoglobin when measuring blood glucose.

7、The characteristic of insulin sensitizers is to make cells more sensitive to insulin. If there is no insulin, it will also play a hypoglycemic effect.

Chapter 5 Hyperuricemia

Chapter 5 Quiz

1、For patients with contraindications to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or to prevent the acute attack of recurrent gout arthritis, the drugs of choice are
A、A.buprofen sustained release capsules
B、B. colchicine
C、C. diclofenac sodium sustained release capsules
D、D. methylprednisolone

2、2. The reason why the incidence of hyperuricemia and gout has increased so rapidly in China is because of
A、A. increasing competitive pressure
B、B. excessive intake of high nutrition, high purine and high protein diet
C、C. poor diet and lifestyle habits
D、D. all of the above

3、3. The following list of moderately purine foods are
A、A. animal viscera
B、B. smoked ham
C、C. hot pot soup
D、D. meat extracts

4、4. The following belong to Bi Xie modern pharmacological effects of treatment of high uric acid hematic disease is
A、A. anti-inflammatory
B、B. clear heat and purge fire
C、C. invigorate blood circulation and alleviate pain
D、D. inhibit the activity of xanthine oxidase

5、5. It is generally believed that the purine content of vegetables is generally low, but there are exceptions, such as the following vegetables purine content is relatively high is.
A、A. hyacinth bean
B、B. soybean
C、C. mushroom
D、D. all of the above

6、1. It is generally believed that the purine content of seafood is generally higher, but there are exceptions, such as sea cucumber, jellyfish, seaweed and other purine content is relatively low, hyperuricemia patients can also be appropriately eaten.

7、2. Hyperuricemia is gout.

8、3. Hyperuricemia only occurs in the elderly.

Chapter 6 Comorbidity

Chapter 6 Quiz

1、1. Healthy lifestyle does not include()
A、A. Early to bed and early to rise
B、B. a routine
C、C. be calm and optimistic
D、D. stay up late

2、2. The exercise mode prohibited for patients with hypertension and hyperglycemia is ()
A、A. running
B、B. play table tennis
C、C. tai chi chuan
D、D. bungee jumping

3、Comorbidity is a simple superposition of a single disease.

4、All patients with "four high" comorbidities should have the clinical manifestations of each single disease.

5、Patients with comorbidities with severe hypertension should be encouraged to take vigorous exercise.

6、Running, playing table tennis, taijiquan and other sports are suitable for patients with hypertension and hyperglycemia.

7、Celery porridge can be used for the treatment of patients with hypertension and hyperuric acid.

8、The treatment of comorbidiosis should first give priority to the intervention through lifestyle, exercise, diet and medicinal diet. When using drugs for treatment, you should follow the doctor's advice.

9、The clinical manifestations, diagnosis, conditioning and treatment of comorbidities are much simpler than those of single diseases.

Chapter 7 Coronary heart disease

Chapter 7 Quiz

1、The following diagnostic methods can dynamically observe the condition of coronary heart disease is()
A、A. 24-hour dynamic electrocardiogram (DCG)
B、B. cardiac blood pool imaging
C、C. myocardial perfusion imaging
D、D. intravascular ultrasound

2、2. The drug that can rapidly terminate angina attacks is().
A、A. nifedipine
B、B. sildendran
C、C. nitroglycerin
D、D. propranolol

3、3. The Chinese patent medicine commonly used in the clinical treatment of coronary heart disease is () .
A、A. Suxiao Jiuxin pill
B、B. compound Danshen dripping pill (tablet)
C、C. Xuefu Zhuyu capsule
D、D. all of the above

4、The reason for taking nitroglycerin under the tongue is that the sublingual veins are so abundant that the drug is easy to absorb.

5、2. Coronary heart disease person should develop good defecate habit, avoid defecate height is forced.

6、3. The most commonly used effective drug for relieving angina is nitroglycerin.

7、4. Active treatment of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, stroke has a good effect on the prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease.

8、5. Daily consumption of hawthorn in patients with coronary heart disease can play a role in lowering blood lipid.

9、6. Safflower can reduce myocardial oxygen consumption and the scope of myocardial infarction, inhibit platelet aggregation, and have a certain role in vascular dilatation.

Chapter 8 Cancer

Chapter 8 Quiz

1、1.At present, what are the two main categories of factors clearly related to cancer?()
C、C.Mildew food
D、D.Exogenous and endogenous factors

2、2.Which is common medicine of dispersing phlegm and removing dampness ? ()
A、A.Huang lian
B、B.Chuan xiong
C、C.Ban xia
D、D.Huang qi

3、3.The Soup of Xiao Yao and Crucian can be used for patients()
A、A.suffer from breast cancer with stagnation of the liver and a disharmony of Qi and the blood
B、B.suffer from giant liver cancer with fever thirsty and fidgety
C、C.suffer from lung squamous cell carcinoma
D、D.suffer from prostate cancer the deficiency of the liver-Yin and kidney-Yin

4、1.There is no correlation between the severity and size of tumors. Large tumors look terrible, but if they're not located in the key viscera, they're actually relatively harmless to life.

5、2. Malignant tumor = cancer + blood cancer

6、3. Cancer cells are deteriorating human cells which are still a part of body.When chemotherapy drugs kill cancer cells forcefully, they almost kill a thousand enemies and self damage 800.

7、4.The treatment of supporting the healthy energy and strengthening the body resistance in TCM is to enhance immunity.

8、5. Ma chi xian and eggs can be boiled at the same time to get Ma chi xian stewed eggs.

Chapter 9 Stroke

Chapter 9 Quiz

1、1. The age range with the highest incidence of stroke is( )
A、A. 0-10years old
B、B. 10-20years old
C、C. 30-40years old
D、D. 60-89years old

2、2. Which of the following is a healthy lifestyle?( )
A、A. Frequent Smoking and Drinking
B、B. Keep on Doing Exercise
C、C. Workaholism and Overtired
D、D. Irregular Life, often Stay up Late

3、In the FAST formula for quick stroke recognition, A stands for arm.

4、A clinician can diagnose a stroke by imaging examination.

5、Among the imaging methods for the diagnosis of stroke, CT is the first choice.

6、Ditan Decoction Modification of Prescription is the representative prescription for the treatment of the syndrome of phlegm-damp clouding orifices.

Chapter 10 Obesity

Chapter 10 Quiz

1、1、 According to the current incidence and development of obesity in China, experts put forward that BMI ( ) is the standard of obesity in China.

2、2、 Ethanol can produce ( ) kcal calories per milliliter.

3、3、 As a percentage of body fat, the average normal weight is about 15 percent for men and 22 percent for women. If the male is greater than ( ) and the female is greater than ( ), obesity can be diagnosed.

4、4、 Obese patients often have problems with constipation, appropriate increase in ( ) intake helps relieve constipation.
A、A. vegetable oil
B、B. sugars
C、C. protein
D、D. dietary fiber

5、Obesity refers to a certain degree of obvious overweight and fat layer is too thick. It’s a state led by the body fat over-accumulation, especially triglyceride over-accumulation.( )

6、China has surpassed the US as the country with the most obese population in the world.( )

7、In the dietary process of weight loss, the allocation principle of the three major heat-producing nutrients is that protein accounts for 20% ~30% of the total heat energy, fat accounts for 25% ~30%, and carbohydrate accounts for 40% ~55%.( )

8、Self-motivation, psychological support and behavioral monitoring complement each other in the process of weight loss.( )

中国大学Prevention,control and treatment of chronic diseases























