


超星Obstetrics and Gynecology_1答案(学习通2023题目答案)

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超星Obstetrics and Gynecology_1答案(学习通2023题目答案)

Physiology of reproduction

Physiology of reproduction

1、超星The答答案 pelvis minor is bounded ( ).
A、anteriorly by the pubic bones
B、案学laterally by the pubis 习通bones
C、anteriorly by sacrum and coccyx
D、题目laterally by sacrum and coccyx
E、超星posteriorly by ischium and a small segment of the ilium

2、答答案During menstrual phase,案学 which layer shed from uterus? ( )
A、Basal endometrium.
B、习通Endometrial stromal layer.
C、题目The超星 whole endometrial mucus.
D、Functional endometrium.
E、答答案Endometrial epithelium.

3、案学The习通 blood supply of the uterine tube is derived from ( ).
A、ovarian arteries
B、题目uterine arteries
C、ovarian arteries and uterine arteries
D、vaginal arteries
E、ovarian arteries and vaginal arteries

4、To appreciate how different positioning of the presenting part can impact the second stage of labor, one needs to understand the pelvic axis. During the delivery, the fetal head follows the pelvic axis. What is the best way to describe this axis?( )
A、a straight line in parallel to the vaginal canal
B、a curve first directed anteriorly and then caudad
C、a curve first directed posteriorly and then caudad
D、a curve first directed posteriorly and then cephalad
E、a straight line perpendicular to the vaginal canal

5、The secretion of estrogen has ( ) peaks during the menstrual cycle.

6、The anterior and posterior triangle are located in ( ).
A、pelvic outlet
B、pelvic inlet
D、false pelvis
E、true pelvis

7、Which is WRONG about cervix?( )
A、The cervix is a tubular structure that serves as the conduit between the endometrial cavity and the vagina.
B、In postmenopausal women, the cervix may appear flush with the vagina on examination rather than protruding.
C、The cervical canal opens into the endometrial cavity at the external os and into the vagina at the internal os.
D、The posterior aspect of the cervix forms part of the anterior boundary of the pelvic posterior cul-de-sac.
E、The endocervical canal is lined with glandular epithelium.

8、What is the morphological characteristics of uterus? ( )
A、The thickness of the endometrium doesn’t change with the menstrual cycle or other hormonal stimulation..
B、The most superior portion of corpus is called the isthmus.
C、During the prepubertal and postmenopausal stages, the cervix and the corpus are of similar sizes.
D、In reproductive age women, the cervix is much larger than the corpus.
E、The uterus is made up of two layers.

9、Which is the most common type of female pelvic?( )
A、gynecoid pelvis
B、android pelvis
C、platypelloid pelvis
D、anthropoid pelvis
E、mixed type of pelvis

10、The uterine artery send out from: ( )
A、abdominal aorta
B、common iliac artery
C、external iliac artery
D、internal iliac artery
E、renal artery

11、Which is WRONG about the physiology of the normal menstrual cycle? ( )
A、The cycle is then divided into two phases: follicular and luteal.
B、The average adult menstrual cycle lasts 28 to 35 days.
C、approximately 7-14 days in the follicular phase and 21 days in the luteal phase.
D、The follicular phase begins with the onset of menses and ends on the day before the luteinizing hormone (LH) surge.
E、The luteal phase begins on the day of the LH surge and ends at the onset of the next menses.

12、Which ligament is used to fix the location of the cervix? ( )
A、round ligament
B、cardinal ligament
C、infundibulopelvic ligament
D、broad ligament
E、Uterosacral ligament

13、When is the ovulation of a woman if her menstrual cycle is 32 days?( )
A、About 16 days after the menstrual onset
B、About 14 days after menstruation clean
C、About 14 days before the next menstrual onset
D、The middle of the menstrual onset

14、Which statement is wrong about the steroid hormone secreted by the ovary ( )
D、the above hormone is belong to the steroid hormone

15、In the first half of a normal menstural cycle: ( )
A、Serum progesterone levels are high.
B、The endometrium is rich in glycogen.
C、The corpus luteum begins to degenerate.
D、Some ovarian follicles degenerate.

Physiology of reproduction


2、How many pairs of uterine ligaments? What is their role?

Pregnancy physiology; diagnosis of pregnancy

Pregnancy physiology; diagnosis of pregnancy

1、All of the following increase during a normal pregnancy except ( ).
A、enlargement of the kidney
C、blood volume
D、white blood cell count

2、The red cell mass increases by about ( ) during pregnancy.

3、During pregnancy, the concentrations of β-HCG rise exponentially until ( ).
A、5 -6 weeks' gestation
B、9 -10 weeks' gestation
C、14 -16 weeks' gestation
D、7 -10 weeks' gestation
E、18 -30 weeks' gestation

4、In the umbilical cord, there are ( ).
A、2 umbilical arteries and 1 umbilical vein
B、1 umbilical artery and 1 umbilical vein
C、3 umbilical arteries and 1 umbilical vein
D、1 umbilical artery and 2 umbilical veins
E、2 umbilical arteries and 2 umbilical veins

5、It is widening of the softened area of the isthmus, resulting in compressibility of the isthmus on bimanal examination. Which sign is it? ( )
A、Hegar' s sign.
B、Chadwick' s sign.
C、Goodell' s sign.
D、Ladin' s sign.
E、McDonald' s sign.

6、The fetal lungs are capable of breathing after ( ).
A、20 weeks' gestational age
B、24 weeks' gestational age
C、28 weeks' gestational age
D、32 weeks' gestational age
E、16 weeks' gestational age

7、Fertilization occurs in which part of the fallopian tube ( )
A、interstitial portion
B、isthmic portion
C、ampulla portion
D、fimbrial portion

8、Which one is not used for diagnosing of early pregnancy? ( )
A、pregnancy test
B、morning sickness
C、fetal movement
D、B-ultrasonic examination

9、Fetal position is definited as( )
A、the relationship between maternal longitudinal axis and that of the fetal
B、the relationship between maternal pelvis and point of fatal presentation
C、the fetal portion that the first coming into pelvis inlet
D、the attitude of fetal in uterus

10、The normal fetal heart rate is ( ).
A、60 bpm
B、80 bpm
C、130 bpm
D、165 bpm
E、none of the above

11、A 28-year-old woman with the first day of her last menstrual period of May 7, what is the estimated date of delivery? ( )
A、February 10 of the next year
B、February 14 of the next year
C、December 10 of the same year
D、December 14 of the same year
E、February 16 of the next year

12、normal volume of amniotic fluid at 40 weeks gestational is ( )

13、Which of the following statements about amniotic fluid volume is true? ( )
A、Fetal membranes are the major source of a amniotic fluid in the latter half of pregnancy.
B、The fetus starts to swallow amniotic fluid in the third trimester.
C、Exchange in the fetal respiratory tract is a major determinant of amniotic fluid volume.
D、Obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract is associated with oligohydramnios.
E、Fetal urine is a major source of amniotic fluid in the second half of pregnancy.

14、The most valuable assay of fetal pulmonary maturity is ( ).
A、lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio
E、the age of gestation

15、Which statement is wrong about the way of exchange and transit the placental substance? ( )
A、simple diffusion
B、facilitated diffusion
C、active transport
D、It’s not easy to get through the vasculo-syncytial membrane.
E、The larger substance can get through the gap of vasculo-syncytial membrane.

Pregnancy physiology; diagnosis of pregnancy

1、Hegar sign

2、Please write down the function of amniotic fluid in detail:

学习通Obstetrics and Gynecology_1

Obstetrics and Gynecology_1是一门涉及女性生殖系统和妊娠的医学科学。学习通Obstetrics and Gynecology_1可以帮助医学生深入了解女性生殖系统和妊娠,从而提高对女性健康的认识和管理水平。


Obstetrics and Gynecology_1学习内容包括以下内容:

  • 女性解剖学与生理学
  • 妊娠及分娩的生理学和病理学
  • 妇科疾病的诊断和治疗
  • 避孕和生育控制
  • 女性生殖系统恶性肿瘤的预防和治疗


学习通Obstetrics and Gynecology_1有以下几种方法:

  1. 听课:学生可以通过听讲座的方式来学习Obstetrics and Gynecology_1的相关知识。
  2. 实践:学生可以通过参与临床实践来加深对Obstetrics and Gynecology_1的理解和掌握。
  3. 阅读:学生可以通过阅读相关书籍和期刊来学习Obstetrics and Gynecology_1的知识。
  4. 交流:学生可以通过参与Obstetrics and Gynecology_1的讨论和交流,来促进对知识的理解和学习。


Obstetrics and Gynecology_1学习的难点主要包括以下几个方面:

  1. 对生殖系统的解剖结构和生理功能的理解。
  2. 对妊娠及分娩的生理学和病理学的认识。
  3. 对女性生殖系统疾病的诊断和治疗的掌握。
  4. 对避孕和生育控制的了解。
  5. 对女性生殖系统恶性肿瘤的预防和治疗的掌握。


为了更好地学习Obstetrics and Gynecology_1,学生可以采取以下建议:

  1. 注重生理学和病理学的学习,加深对女性生殖系统的理解。
  2. 参与实践,积累相关经验。
  3. 多读相关书籍和期刊,了解最新研究进展。
  4. 积极参与讨论和交流,促进对知识的理解。
  5. 多加练习,加强对疾病的诊断和治疗能力。

总之,学习通Obstetrics and Gynecology_1是医学生必不可少的一门学科,它对于提高女性健康管理的水平和保障妇女的生殖健康具有重要的意义。