



88 min read


Chapter 1: Course Introduction

1.1 Quiz

1、超星In van Gogh’s The美术 Night Cafe, he tried to express the terrible sinful passions of humanity by rendering reds and greens in the painting. This suggests ___.
A、The通识通课 content is the basis of subject.
B、The英语业答 content is expressed by subject.
C、The章节 subject is the most basis of the three components of visual arts.
D、The答案 content is expressed by form.

2、Kandinsky’s Movement 1 tells us when we are appreciating an abstract artwork,学习 a better )understanding of ___ can reinforce a better understanding of the content.

3、通识通课The英语业答 subject of an artwork is what is depicted in this work, it can be ____.
A、a person
B、章节an object
C、答案a theme
D、学习an idea.

4、Which of the following statement is true according to this part?
A、The content is why it‘s depicted in this way, refers to the artist’s intention, communication or the meaning behind the work.
B、The content of an artwork is the emotional or intellectual message developed by the artist and interpreted by the viewer.
C、The content of an artwork can be a statement, an expression or mood.
D、The viewer decodes the artist’s message by observing the subject and form.

5、The ceramics work Anne’s Jacket is presented in a very representative way, because it looks so much like a leather jacket that you can even feel the texture of the leather.

6、Form is the basis of both subject and content.

7、Sometimes the viewer’s interpretation to an artwork does not exactly coincide with the artist’s intention, because the viewers' interpretations are always confined by their diversified feelings and experiences, and this may affect the communication between artist and viewer.

8、The basic components of an artwork have always been ___, form and ___.

9、By form, we refer to the following seven elements, line, ___, form, value, ___, colorand space.

10、The differences in content were created by the differences in___, not the _.

1.2 Quiz

1、All of the following except ______ are visual elements of art.

2、Horizongtal lines suggest ______.
A、turmoil and anxiety
B、comfort and ease
C、height and strength
D、distance and calm

3、Chiaroscuro refers to the ______.
A、the use of lightness or darkness in an artwork
B、the feelings imparted by lines
C、the emotional impacts elicited by shapes
D、different shading techniques

4、The higher the value is, the ______ it appears.

5、The words bumpy,smooth,rough,woven,jagged are used to describe ______.
A、the shapes of objects
B、the texure of a surface
C、the value change
D、the application of color

6、Lines can be used to______.
A、suggest movement
B、give the feeling of different textures
C、depict objects
D、construct structure

7、Organic shapes are often ______.
C、found in nature

8、Which of the following are three-dimensional forms?

9、Which of the following techniques can we use to create the illusion of space on a two-dimensional surface?
A、The variation of size.
B、The clarity of objects.
D、Color and value.

10、Colors can be used to ______.
A、set a specific mood
B、depict objects
C、symbolize something
D、create shapes

11、The shapes in the picture are______?

Chapter 2: Line

2.1 Quiz

1、Human beings’ earliest artistic journey could date back to about ___.
A、18000 years ago
B、17000 years ago
C、12000 years ago
D、15000 years ago

2、Who was Paul Klee?
A、A famous Swiss-German artist.
B、A famous German-Swiss artist.
C、A famous Swiss artist.
D、A famous German artist.

3、Line is considered to be the first and the most essential one of the seven elements of art because ___.
A、it is often the first thing that an artist learn about when they begin to do art
B、it is called the first art langugage
C、when the primitives occasionally made some lines with branches or stones, they began to realize the expression power of lines and began human beings’ earliest artistic journey
D、it is the first one in the list of the seven elements

4、According to this part, definitions of lines usually include the following factors:

5、Lines can be used to ___.
A、create a sketchy interpretation
B、express a deep emotion
C、reveal the gesture of an action
D、record actual information

6、Which statement is mentioned when coming to define a line?
A、A line is an identifiable path created by a point moving in space.
B、Lines are continuous marks made on some surface by a moving point.
C、Line is an element of art defined by a point moving in space.
D、Line is the path of a moving point made by a tool, instrument, or medium as it moves across an area.

7、Line is considered to be the first and the most essential one of the seven elements of art.

8、In the world of art, lines can not only be two-dimensional, they also can be three-dimensional.

9、Lines come to our lives usually as a ___ definition, which are supposed to be straight and going on forever.

10、Paul Klee once said, “A line is a___ that went for a ___.”

2.2 Quiz

1、Which of the following statement is true according to this part?
A、Horizontal lines suggest height and strength.
B、Vertical lines suggest a feeling of rest and repose.
C、Only horizontal lines can be paralleled .
D、Diagonal lines can go both upward and downward.

2、Diagonal lines convey a feeling of movement, and the impression of unstable, that is because ___.
A、objects in a diagonal position seems in motion or about to fall
B、diagonal lines can go in lot of directions
C、diagonal lines are the most important
D、diagonal lines are always not paralleled

3、Different from we tend to use thick fonts in traffic signs or headlines, when we are painting a fragile flower, we usually choose to use ___ lines.

4、Judged from the measure of lines, we have ___.
A、thick lines
B、thin lines
C、short lines
D、long lines

5、This part deals with the following points ___.
A、the classification of lines
B、the measure of lines
C、implied lines
D、three-dimensional lines

6、There are 3 main classifications for line directions, horizontal, vertical and diagonal.

7、In the world of art, paralleled lines can be straight lines, wavy lines or even jagged lines.

8、Lines are not only two-dimensional, it can also be three-dimensional.

9、For the unstraight lines, we have curved lines, ___ lines, spiral lines, jagged lines and squiggly lines.

10、Implied lines refer to the lines that are ___ in paintings

2.3 Quiz

1、Which of the following statement about straight lines is true according to this part?
A、Long and thick straight lines seem brittle.
B、Thin and short straight lines usually seem stiff and rigid
C、Straight lines are as ornamental as wavy lines.
D、Straight lines suggest a sense of integrity, resolution and rationality.

2、The word “ornamental” in this part means ___.

3、What kind of lines are the least ornamental according to William Hogarth?
A、curved lines
B、straight lines
C、waving lines
D、spiral lines

4、Which one of the following books is mentioned in this part?
A、The Story of Art
B、Gardner’s Art through the Ages
C、The Analysis of Beauty
D、Art Fundamentals Theory and Practice

5、Which of the following statement about lines is true according to this part?
A、Freehand lines can express the personal energy and mood of the artist.
B、Mechanical lines can express a rigid control.
C、Continuous lines can lead the eye in certain directions.
D、Thick lines can express strength.

6、Since lines bear some basic emotional expressive qualities because of their own physical characteristics, they naturally have the powder to express feelings by themselves.

7、The expressive power of lines lies in the way how artists use them. Different artists have different way of making lines and that’s how they develop and express their individual and unique artistic style.

8、William Hogarth was a contemporary American artist who wrote the book The Analysis of Beauty.

9、Lines with different _____ can be described in different ways, dotted, dashed, rough, smooth, zigzag, implied and so on.

10、Only when the artists have achieved to use different lines to convey the messages they want to convey, can the ______ expressive qualities of lines be finally manifested.

2.4 Quiz

1、Which statement is not true according to this part?
A、Cross contour lines can only be horizontal or vertical.
B、The use of cross contour lines makes an object look three-dimensional
C、Cross contour lines follow the contours of the object.
D、Cross-contours lines follow planes of form, moving around and across objects as well as through them.

2、Which of the following statement is not true according to this part?
A、Both hatching and cross hatching are linear drawing techniques.
B、Hatching and cross hatching can be used to create texture, value, and the illusion of form and light.
C、Hatching lines and cross hatching lines are basically the same things.
D、Hatching and cross hatching are often used together.

3、Which of the following statement is true according to this part?
A、Hatching lines is often used in drawing and sketchin.
B、Hatching lines are most often in pencil and ink drawing.
C、A lot of famous artists loved to use hatching lines in their drawings and sketches, such as Albrecht Durer, Leonardo Da Vinci, Rembrandt van Rijn, Auguste Rodin[r, Edgar Degas, and Michaelangelo.
D、Hatching is an artistic technique used to create tonal or shading effects.

4、Contour lines describe edges or draw the boundary of an object to help distinguish it from its surroundings, so sometimes they are called outlines.

5、Basically, lines can be used in three ways in drawing: to be used as contour lines, hatching lines, and cross-hatching lines.

6、Hatching is an artistic technique used to create tonal or shading effects by drawing closely spaced parallel lines.

7、Cross-hatching lines cross over each other like a mesh, so they create an interesting variance in tone.

8、Hatching and cross hatching lines are not used in traditional printmaking techniques such as etching and engraving.

9、Cross contour lines can indicate ___ and form.

10、Cross-hatching lines are often used for shading and picking up ___ changes.

2.5 Quiz

1、Cezanne,Gauguin and Van Gogh are called three masters of _____ in art history.

2、Which of the following statement is True according to this part?
A、In his short career life of 10 years, Vincent van Gogh created more than nine hundred works altogether.
B、Most of Vincent van Gogh’s best-known works were produced in the final ten years of his life.
C、Vincent van Gogh committed at the age of only 37 in 1819
D、Vincent van Gogh is maybe the artist with the most self-portraits in the world.

3、About Vincent van Gogh’s use of lines, which of the following expression is Not True?
A、In these drawings, Van Gogh used energetic lines to create his works, varying the thickness and thinness of lines to create abstracted elements of nature.
B、The line is like a live wire in Van Gogh’s hands, he used lines to build up a background, to define a person’s feature and to describe different objects.
C、The frenetic energy in his lines inhabits the simplest but most expressive drawings and that’s why his drawings are filled with so much energy, design and pathos.
D、In his representative work The Starry Night, Vincent van Gogh used a lot of thin and short lines to express the motion of objects he imagined.

4、In this part ,the phrase swan song means ___.
A、the most beautiful song which has ever sung by a singer
B、a farewell appearance or final act or pronouncement
C、a Nobel Prize Winner
D、a ballet dancer

5、Vincent van Gogh’s artworks include ____.
B、oil paintings

6、Which of the followings statement is True?
A、In these drawings, Vincent van Gogh used energetic lines to create abstracted elements of nature.
B、The Starry Night’s oil paintings are characterized by bold colors and expressive brushwork that contributed to the foundations of modern art.
C、In his masterpiece The Starry Night, Vincent van Gogh chose to use swirling, tumultuous curved lines and contrasting blues and yellows to articulate the inner spirituality of nature and his turbulent state of mind.
D、The Starry Night is a picture Vincent van Gogh painted to record one of the dreams he actually had.

7、As a post-impressionist painter, Vincent van Gogh is one of the most famous and influential figures in the history of Western art.

8、Vincent van Gogh used short straight lines paralleled in thick brushstrokes a lot in his sketches and paintings to express emotions like admiration, solemnity, neatness, anxiety, repression and so on.

9、Van Gogh had very strong ideas about drawing, he regarded drawing as a basic task and it was necessary to master black and white before working with ___.

10、Vincent van Gogh’s oil paintings are characterized by bold colors and dramatic, impulsive and expressive ___ that contributed to the foundations of modern art.

Chapter Discussion

1、What you have learned about Vincent van Gogh‘s use of lines in his artworks from this part?

Chapter 3: Shape

3.1 Quiz

1、A shape has boundaries, which can be either precise or fuzzy.

2、Shapes have already revealed themselves when artists begin work.

3、A shape is a three-dimensional enclosed area.

4、A shape can be created by moving a dot and connecting it at the beginning.

5、Other elements of art can also define a shape’s boundaries such as colors, values and so on.

6、 We can recognize geometric shapes such as _______, _________, and _________ in Beasts of the Sea.

7、A shape is an ______ space, a bounded ___________form.

8、With careful placement and treatment, shapes also create various illusions of _______________.

9、 In Impression Sunrise by Claude Monet, the shapes’ boundaries can be described as ________.

10、 The shapes in TheBurial of Pierrot, Plate VIII from Jazz, 1947 by Henri Matisse can be said to be _______?

3.2 Quiz

1、 Look at this sketch, as we give different values to the shapes, we get ______________.
A、a triangular pyramid
B、a cube
C、a cylinder
D、an apple
E、a pyramid

2、Collages can be made of various materials like__________.

3、Shapes can only be defined by lines.

4、Shapes are defined by values in collages.

5、Shapes can be created by various elements such as line, value, color, texture and what is in or around them.

6、In art, ______ and shape are nearly always used together .

7、Shapes can be created using lines: one line can create a ____________, three lines can create a ____________, while four lines can produce a ____________.

8、Shapes can also be created without lines. For instance ____________, ____________ or ____________can define a shape too.

9、Implies shapes are defined by ___________________________.

10、Collages can create shapes that are defined by the _________________.

3.3 Quiz

1、____________ gives a shape character that distinguish it from others?
A、The number of lines used to create a shape
B、Materials used to create a shape
C、The configuration of a shape’s outer edge
D、Its size

2、When the shapes imitate observable phenomena, they may be described as____________.

3、Geometric shapes have the character of being ____________.
C、A combination of being curvilinear and rectilinear
D、All the above

4、 Dali (达利)adopted objective or realistic shapes in this painting.

5、Man created structured and precise shapes to make order from the chaos of the natural world.

6、We can not find geometric shapes in nature.

7、The Big Three of geometric shapes are ____________, ____________and ____________.

8、Circles can communicate a sense of ____________.

9、Triangles signify ____________.

10、Rectangles are used frequently in our life such as in our phone, laptop , walls, ____________and ____________.

3.4 Quiz

1、Organic shapes are _______________.
D、all asymmetrical

2、Which of the statements is NOT true?
A、Organic shapes are well-defined.
B、Cloud is an example of asymmetrical organic shapes.
C、Organic shapes are individual creations which have no names or standards.
D、Organic shapes can be found in nature.

3、Organic shapes are as well-defined as geometric shapes.

4、Organic shapes can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical.

5、Symmetrical shapes have more resonance with human beings because our body is also bilaterally symmetrical.

6、Asymmetrical shapes look more orderly than bilateral shapes.

7、 Photographer Edward Weston preferred organic shapes to convey his emotions through his work Pepper No. 30.

8、Bilateral organic shapes like a tree resonate with us because the human body is also bilaterally ____________.

9、____________shapes such as a paint splatter or a cloud may reference nature and so look more disorderly.

10、Photographer Edward Weston used organic shapes in his remarkably sensual image____________.

3.5 Quiz

1、The repetition of _______shapes can create a sense of harmony in most compositions.

2、Overstressing harmony may lead to________.

3、The degree of dominance is established by the________.
A、repetition of shapes
B、degree of contrast
C、similarities of shapes
D、degree of similarities

4、Because circles and squares are stable in nature, they can also establish _________ and create__________.
A、balance, tranquility
B、tranquility, harmony
C、tension, harmony
D、tension, subconscious movement

5、Triangles look more ______ than squares.

6、Aaccording to the content, the placement and physical characteristics of shapes can help establish a sense of________.

7、Artists use _________of similar shapes to create a sense of harmony.

8、Because the level of contrast decides the degree of dominance, the amount of _________ within the shape family helps create the amount of dominance of each new shape.

9、Artists can use shape and the other elements of form, to produce ____________.

10、The “dynamic” triangle has ____________(more/less) directional force than the "stable"square.

3.6 Quiz

1、When starting drawing, artists will often break their subjects down into _____________.
A、organic shapes
B、separate parts
C、symmetrical shapes
D、geometric shapes

2、If we would like to study how artists use shapes in art, a great way is by looking at the work of the _________.
A、Impressionist painters
B、Cubist painters
C、Neoclassic painters
D、Post-Impressionist painters

3、Which of the following artists belong to the group of Cubist painters?
A、Pablo Picasso
B、Marcel Duchamp
C、Vincent van Gogh
D、Claude Monet

4、 Look at the picture of a solid black coffee cup on white paper, the ______ is the positive space.

5、The ____________ space around it and between the handle and the cup helps define the basic shape of that cup.(based on picture in question 4)

6、 In Sky and Water 1 by a Dutch painter M.C. Escher, dark images of a flying goose evolve into dark _________ .

7、In this picture(as in question 6), birds transit to fish, and vice versa, in the ___________.

8、 Tang Yau Hoong is a Malaysian artist and_______.

9、In this painting called Falling Lights( as in question 8), the contour of the city buildings is formed by the _________ of the background.

10、A very important use for shapes is that it can help us draw ________________.

Chapter 4: Color

4.1 Quiz

1、define colors in terms of pigment (paint, ink) , not light.
A、Subtractive colors
B、Additive colors
C、RGB colors
D、Analogous colors

2、What kind of colors are highlighted here?
A、Secondary colors
B、Tertiary colors
C、Opposite colors
D、Analogous colors

3、color involves the mixing of colored lights.

4、What kind of colors are highlighted here?
A、Analogous colors
B、Tertiary colors
C、Secondary colors
D、Primary colors

5、What is the correct order of colors in the rainbow?
A、Green - Blue - Violet - Indigo - Red - Orange - Yellow
B、Yellow - Green - Blue - Violet - Indigo - Red - Orange
C、Red - Orange - Yellow - Green - Blue - Indigo - Violet
D、Violet - Indigo - Red - Orange - Yellow - Green - Blue

6、You get a color by mixing a primary and a secondary color.

7、Colors that you can see through are called colors.

8、Colors that you cannot see through are called colors.

9、You get a color by mixing two primary colors.

10、Which of these mixtures would create a secondary color?
A、Orange and green.
B、Purple and glue.
C、Green and yellow.
D、Red and yellow.

11、The colors of the rainbow are also known as the .

12、What kind of colors are presented here?
A、Primary colors
B、Secondary colors
C、Tertiary colors
D、Opposite colors

13、Which of these mixtures would create a tertiary color?
A、Red and yellow
B、Yellow and blue
C、Red and orange
D、Blue and red

14、Red-orange is .
A、a neutral color
B、an intermediate color
C、a secondary color
D、a cool color

15、The subtractive primaries are .
A、cyan, blue, and magenta
B、red, yellow, and blue
C、yellow, magenta, and cyan
D、red, green,blue

4.2 Quiz

1、depict feelings of coolness and relaxation.
A、Chromatic colors
B、Cool colors
C、Tertiary colors
D、Tetradic colors

2、______ is an example of cool colors.

3、How can yo make a tone of a hue?
A、Adding black.
B、Adding white.
C、Adding grey.
D、Adding brown.

4、A tint is made by adding _____ to a color.

5、A is a color that is mixed with grey.

6、A is a color that is mixed with black.

7、The term is used to refer to the brightness or darkness of a color.

8、When a large amount of color is added to an image, it is .

9、______ is an example of hue.

10、The three main properties of color are______.
A、warm, cool and luke warm(微温的)
B、hue, value and intensity
C、light, dark and medium
D、tint, tone and shade

11、Chroma does NOT refer to a color's .

12、Reds, yellows and oranges depict feelings of heat, passion and intensity. These colors are also known as .
A、warm colors
B、cool colors
C、primary colors
D、secondary colors

13、Which of the following are examples of cool colors?
A、Orange, green and purple (or violet).
B、Blue, green and violet (or purple).
C、Yellow, blue and red.
D、White, black and brown.

4.3 Quiz

1、Color schemes can be found by using .
A、A color palette
B、A color wheel
C、A color scale
D、A color prism

2、Which of the following is NOT a 4-color scheme?
A、The double-complementary color scheme.
B、The tetradic color scheme.
C、The rectangle color scheme.
D、The split-complementary color scheme.

3、Which of the following is a 2-color schemes defined by creating a high amount of contrast between colors?
A、The triadic color scheme
B、The tetradic color scheme
C、The complementary color scheme
D、The square color scheme

4、What class of colors are used in this painting to express a sense of fun and excitement?

5、Which art movement was interested in trying to capture the changing effects of color in nature?

6、______ color scheme uses variations in value and saturation of a single color.

7、Colors opposite of each other on the color wheel are______.
A、analogous colors
B、complementary colors
C、triadic colors
D、monochromatic colors

8、When you place complementary colors next to each other, it will make the colors .
A、appear brighter
C、appear dull
D、blend together

9、If you want your artwork to be calm, soothing, and make the viewer feel comfortable, you should use .
A、contrasting colors
B、analogous colors
C、triadic colors.
D、complementary colors

10、We use complementary colors when we want to .
A、create no contrast
B、create a calm feeling
C、create a soothing feeling
D、make something stand out

11、This painting mainly consists of color scheme.

12、The picture highlights .
A、monochromatic colors
B、secondary colors
C、triadic colors
D、complementary colors

13、What color harmony is shown in the picture?
A、Rectangle colors.
B、Neutral colors.
C、Complementary colors.
D、Split-complementary colors.

14、What color harmony is shown in the photo?
A、analogous colors
B、color triad
C、monochromatic colors
D、primary colors

15、The choice of colors used in a design plan is called a _______.
A、color scheme
B、color spectrum
C、color mix
D、color wheel

4.4 Quiz

1、If a language has fewer basic color term, ______.
A、the color wheel will not apply.
B、each term may refer to several colors.
C、the range of a color term expands.
D、the people who speak that language can't perceive other colors.

2、Basic color terms in a language refer to the color words that are ______.
B、known to all speakers of the language.
C、the same in all languages

3、Which of the following are true about basic color terms across languages?
A、If a language has five basic color terms, they must be black, white, red, green and yellow.
B、English speakers can't distinguish the difference between blue and light blue because light blue is not a basic color term in English.
C、The number of basic color terms varies from two to twelve.
D、According to Berlin and Kay, all languages develop color terms in a similar order.

4、Which of the following are true about color and language?
A、There is something universal about how colors are named in different languages.
B、We often use cool colors to depict objects and warm colors to depict the background.
C、Orange didn't refer to a color but a fruit in English at the very beginning.
D、Azure is a basic color term in English.

5、Before the first millennium, there was no word for green in Japanese.

6、When green traffic light was first set up in Japan, people referred to it as blue.

7、The traffic light in Japan now is as green as anywhere else in the world.

8、Different languagehes have same basic color terms.

9、There is no word for blue in Russian.

10、The environment may influence the naming of color words.

11、All languages have color words for black, white, red and green.

4.5 Quiz

1、Red is a very auspicious color in ______ and is used to symbolize good luck,celebration and happiness.

2、In Russia, red is often associated with ______.

3、______ is considered to be a protective color and is popular with banks in North America and Europe.

4、Purple is often associated with ______ in many eatern and western countries.
A、wealth and nobility
B、international market
C、resposibility and duties

5、Which of the following can influence our perception of colors?
A、Physical health.
C、Personal Experience.

6、What does red represent in North America and Europe?

7、Green is ______.
A、often associated with ecology and the environment
B、the color of money
D、quite visible but not harsh on the eyes

8、Red is the color of mourning and death in South Africa.

9、Red is used in many parts of the world to symbolize danger because it's the most visible color.

10、Green is the color that has the second longest wavelength on the visible spectrum.

Chapter Discussion


Chapter 5: Texture

5.1 Quiz

1、Texture is directly related to our sense of smell.

2、In viewing a picture or a piece of sculpture, we may react to the artist’s rendering of the objects’ surface character.

3、In simple words, texture means how something f____ when it is touched.

4、When we touch a piece of marble, it might feel smooth and cold. This can be described as the t____ of the marble.

5、A piece of wood may make us feel r____.

6、“肌理体验” can be translated into “t_____ experiences”.

7、A piece of cloth or a tapestry might make us feel rough or s____.

8、The “tactile quality of an object’s surface” means “物体表面的_____” in Chinese.

9、Texture appeals to our sense of t_____.

10、If we react to the artist’s rendering of the surface character of some objects, we have both v and tactile experiences.

11、Texture can reveal the individuality of artists and communicate information about the m_____ of artworks.

12、“Piece” in this lecture can be translated into _______ in Chinese.

5.2 Quiz

1、According to the lecture, reproducing simulated texture in an artwork may have the following effects EXCEPT ______.
A、Making things identifiable
B、Letting the viewers experience a rich tactile enjoyment when viewing the artwork.
C、Helping the artist to practice his technique.
D、Making the artwork more impressive.

2、Actual texture refers to the feelings given by a surface that can be experienced through the sense of touch.

3、As artists begin to paint or draw on canvas, they change the textural quality of that surface.

4、In impasto painting, the thickness and texture of the applied paint is not that obvious.

5、Simulated texture is the “real thing”.

6、Trompe l’oeil paintings give the viewers a certain impression of things which in fact don’t really exist nearby.

7、For many works of art, the design depends heavily on the actual texture of the m .

8、“Textile arts” can be translated into “_____艺术” in Chinese.

9、As artists begin to paint charcoal or graphite, they change the textural quality of that surface in a s_____ (微妙的) way.

10、Every surface has it unique light and d_____ features as well as reflections.

11、In still-life and genre paintings, the Dutch and Flemish artists produced amazing naturalistic effects with their use of s_____ texture.

12、“高光和阴影”in this lecture can be translated into h_____s and shadows in English.

5.3 Quiz

1、“Instead of trying to reproduce or exactly imitate the textures of their subjects, many artists prefer to abstract them”. Which of the following translates the word “Subject” in the sentence in the most accurate way?

2、Abstract textures can be used by the artist to achieve _____.
A、a better color effect
B、relative dominance
C、a bright picture
D、a proportional space

3、Relative dominance means _____.
A、one color dominates the rest
B、some areas are accented and some are diminished
C、the size of one object dominates the others
D、the tone of one object is way more prominent than the rest

4、Invented textures are used in the same ways as abstract textures in the sense that they both create the following effect except _____.
A、decorative enrichment
B、relative dominance

5、Abstract textures are usually the same as the original texture.

6、Abstract texture is often a complicated version of the original, emphasizing the pattern or design.

7、We may find abstract textures in works where the degree of abstraction is consistent throughout.

8、Abstract texture enriches an artwork in the same way as simulated texture enriches a work.

9、Invented textures are textures with precedent; they simulate the reality.

10、The work mentioned in the lecture by Brian Fridge features abstract texture.

11、A skilled artist can invent a texture and make it appear to have a precedent where none exists.

5.4 Quiz

1、Which of the following is the difference between assemblage and collage?
A、The former brings together items that are larger and bulkier.
B、The former brings together more items.
C、The latter focuses more on color.
D、The latter evokes both visual and tactile senses.

2、The word “tactile” refers to our sense of _____.

3、According to the lecture, which of the following is a fundamental concern for Three-D artists?
A、Simulated texture.
B、Abstract texture.
C、Invented texture.
D、Actual texture.

4、Assemblage draws a clear distinction between two-dimensional and three-dimensional work.

5、Assemblage combines 2-D and 3-D objects of various sorts.

6、The place where works of assemblage are presented are usually different from where works of collage are presented.

7、Simulated texture is only limited to graphic creations.

8、It is impossible for sculptors to simulate the exterior qualities of hair, cloth, skin, and other textures in their works.

9、“Ceramist” can be translated into “_____家” in Chinese.

10、“平面艺术家” can be translated into “g_____ artist” in English.

Chapter 6: Form

6.1 Quiz

1、According to the lecture, which of the following belongs to form?

2、_____ forms are irregular in outline, and often asymmetrical, meaning having two sides that are different in shape.

3、“However, not all made objects are geometric; many designed forms have irregular contours, meaning the general shape or outline of an object.” Please choose the best translation for the word "contour" in the sentence.

4、Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the lecture?
A、Normally speaking, shape is three-dimensional while form is two-dimensional.
B、Normally speaking, shape is two-dimensional while form is three-dimensional.
C、In some cases, form can be two-dimensional.
D、In some cases, shape can be three-dimensional.

5、In the lecture, snow-covered boulders are used as an example to show to us what _____ form is.

6、Form refers to objects that are 2-Dimensional.

7、The work by Frank Lloyd Wright mentioned in the lecture is mainly composed of geometric forms.

8、Form and shape both imply space and cannot exist without space.

9、There are basically two types of form: o_____ and geometric. (有机形态和几何形态)

10、Squares, rectangles, circles, cubes, spheres, cones, and other regular forms belong to g_____ form.

6.2 Quiz

1、Which of the following doesn’t belong to the five basic forms at the three-dimensional level?

2、Which of the following is related to a square box?

3、Which of the following is related to the form of a bucket?

4、Which of the following is related to the form of a basketball?

5、An empty rectangular swimming pool is part of a _____.
A、Negative sphere
B、Negative cube
C、Negative cone
D、Negative torus

6、Nearly pure examples of spherical forms include the following but _____.
A、A bottle cap.
B、A bubble.
C、The Earth.
D、A watermelon.

7、The form of a Christmas tree is a nearly pure example of cone.

8、The form of a can is a nearly pure example of cylinder.

9、From a three-quarter view, the torus is just two circles, one within the other.

10、The form of a coiled snake is a cube.

6.3 Quiz

1、According to the lecture, the reason why a work sometimes “looks flat” include the following except _____.
A、Improper proportion.
B、Improper perspective.
C、Improper brushwork.
D、The artist using the light logic in the wrong way.

2、To learn about light and shadow, the easiest way is _____.
A、using one hard, single light
B、using multiple light sources
C、visit a museum
D、visit a shopping mall

3、If the observer is standing beside a tree, when is the best time to learn the Light Logic?
A、In the early morning.
B、Mid afternoon.
C、During the sunset.

4、A soft light will produce a cast shadow ______.
A、With a sharp edge
B、with a blurry edge
C、with strong highlight
D、with contrasting outlines

5、Which of the following can make a cast shadow behave predictably?
A、Various light sources.
B、A flat surface
C、A bumpy surface.
D、A dark environment.

6、If we are using one single light source, when the light hits a form, it may behave in a highly predictable way.

7、If a single light hits a sphere, it will make a square shape.

8、The cast shadow is darkest right underneath the sphere and then it gets lighter and lighter as it goes out further away from the light source.

9、If line drawing creates the proportions, handling of t_____(色调的控制)creates the form.

10、The features of the cast shadow are dependent on the i______ of the light source(光源的强度).

6.4 Quiz

1、Which of the following is NOT a part of the shadow side?
A、The form shadow.
B、The form shadow core.
C、The form shadow surface.
D、Reflected light.

2、About the shadow line, which of the following is NOT true?
A、It highlights the darkest zone of the whole picture.
B、It is the transition between the light side and the shadow side.
C、We should keep our light tones in the light side and the darks in the shadows.
D、We should try our best to keep a soft transition between the light side and the darks in the shadows.

3、About the Light Side, which of the following is NOT true?
A、It is the lightest part of the whole picture.
B、It’s where the light indirectly hits the object.
C、It is the best indicator when you look at your subject to determine where the light is coming from.
D、Highlights make the drawing come to life.

4、Form shadows serve to define the external contours of an object.

5、A cast shadow is the shadow of objects cast on another surface by blocking the light.

6、The halftones are always lighter than any value on the shadow side and blend into the shadow side.

7、The h______ of an object is the lightest part where the light directly hits the object.

8、The darkest part of the shadow is the f______ shadow core.

9、R______ light is the light reflected onto the subject, from the surface it sits on or ambient light around the object.

10、The h______ (半高光区)blend into the shadow side and make the highlight appear white.

6.5 Quiz

1、In the lecture, the picture depicting a window on the wall which seems to be able to lead us to a beautiful isle adopts a technique called _____.
C、Easel painting

2、The works by Aakash Nihalani are used to show that _____.
A、Street art can have various forms.
B、Street art is full of possibilities.
C、A strong sense of form can be created by increasing the contrast between highlights and shadow areas.
D、A strong sense of texture is made up of two parts, i.e., the exterior form and the interior one.

3、The works by street artist Banksy are introduced to show that _____.
A、A strong sense of form can be realized through the combination of similar colors.
B、A sense of form can be achieved by the contrast between black, gray, and white.
C、Form includes two types, the real one and the implied one.
D、Common people can also conduct their experiment on form.

4、Contemporary artist Richard Serra is famous for adopting flat shapes and bends them to create massive, free-standing forms made of steel.

5、The work “Saints, Lovers and Warriors” is used to show that the human figure can be recreated with two-dimensional artwork.

6、Trompe-l'?il is a technique that uses expressionistic images to create the optical illusion, making you believe that, the objects exist in three dimensions.

7、Paintings or drawings take on implied form because an illusion of three dimensions is given in artworks of these two types.

8、Sculpture takes on real form because sculpture work takes up three-dimensional space.

9、In some sense, we may say that there are basically two types of form, the i_____ form and the real form(隐含的形态和可触摸的形态).

10、A strong sense of form can be created by increasing the contrast between h_____ and shadow areas(高光区和阴影区).

Chapter 7: Value

7.1 Quiz

1、In this unit we are going to focus on another significant element of visual art, the value, and we will talk about value in the following 4 parts:
A、definition of value
B、value and color
C、importance of value
D、use of value

2、Which of the following statement is true?
A、Value deals with the lightness or darkness of a color.
B、Value is the key to the illusion of light.
C、No matter what type of art, as long as there are dark values in harmony with light values, it can be aesthetically pleasing.
D、Value is the most important element of art.

3、Value is the main reason that we see objects and understand objects.

4、Artworks that exhibit a full range of values are generally successful.

5、Contrasts in value allow us to see lines and shapes, sense depth and dimensionality, and perceive surface textures.

6、A value scale consists of 9 values from 1 to 9, so we can say that there are only 9 values altogether.

7、For many, value in art is more important than color, as it helps to determine the tone of the color itself.

8、Value has both compositional function and great expressive capability.

9、An understanding of value is fundamental to the study of art because it applies to all the elements.

10、Value scale was firstly introduced by Denman Ross in 1907, who was an Australian painter.

7.2 Quiz

1、In this part, the following terms are mentioned.
A、value scale
B、standard color wheel
C、Achromatic value

2、Which of the following statement is true?
A、Pink is a tint of red.
B、Light blue is a tint of blue.
C、Maroon is a shade of red.
D、Navy is a shade of blue.

3、Values and colors are two distinct terms but cannot be segregated completely.

4、Colors are not equal in terms of light and dark.

5、In most cases, when artists are working with colors, they are working with values as well.

6、By adding different amounts of white or black, we can get numerous values of the same color.

7、Artistic works that have a full range of values are generally successful.

8、In this part, the introduction of Vincent Van Gogh’s Wheat Field under Clouded Sky is an example of the use of values in a successful way.

9、Values naturally have colors but colors can exist without values.

10、Achromatic value is maybe the easiest way to help us determine a color’s value.

7.3 Quiz

1、In a representational painting, value plays the role of describing the following important characteristics of the subject.
A、Whether the subject has volume or is flat.
B、What kind of texture the surface of the subject has.
C、Where the light source is located, and how bright it is.
D、Whether the object can be seen or not.

2、Value makes it possible for us to know what we are looking at.

3、Value can create the visual structure of an image.

4、Color is a much more powerful structural element in your paintings compared to the values you use.

5、There is always a definite value pattern in every good painting that knits every shape together.

6、The light to dark ratio of the picture of Reid mentioned in this part is about thirty to s eventy.

7、Although he used inaccurate colors, Henri Matisse’s paintings looked realistic. That’s because the values he used were generally correct.

8、In order to understand color it is essential to fully understand value first.

9、Most of the great artists in history placed a priority on mastering drawing much before mastering painting because the mastery of value is fundamental.

10、In this part, the narrator believes _____ is the more important element in art compared with color.

7.4 Quiz

1、Which of the following statement is true?
A、Side lighting emphasizes an object’s mass and helps develop the contours of its form.
B、A light placed directly in front of the object or multiple lights evenly spaced on either side will seem to flatten the object.
C、By moving the light to a location beside or slightly behind the object, such qualities as the juiciness of fruit will be enhanced.
D、Artists often use Side lighting to enhance the three-dimensional effect of an image or provide greater compositional interest.

2、In two-dimensional artworks, the application of value can help giving a shape the illusion of mass or volume, or it can give the entire composition a sense of lighting and depth.

3、The Barbara Morgan photo tells us that the best way to attract our eyes is to place the lightest element against a dark element. It can not only create the focal point of interest, but also produce a dramatic effect.

4、When an object is exposed to specific lighting, additional values can be seen.

5、Light and shadow patterns vary according to the shape of the object and how the object is lit.

6、In Baroque painting, the technique of chiaroscuro was often applied to produce highly dramatic effects.

7、Candlelit scenes were extremely popular in Baroque painting.

8、Georges de la Tour used strong candlelight and its highlights and shadows to produce the atmosphere of a quiet drama in his painting The Denial of St. Peter.

9、The use of lighting is characteristic of the artwork of primitive and prehistoric tribes and traditional East Asians and from certain periods of Western art, notably the Middle Ages.

10、An object’s surface, without artificial or additional lighting, has a naturally occurring value known as ___ value.

Chapter 8: Space

8.1 Quiz

1、The term “space” refers to the ( ) within which all the parts of the drawing appear to exist.

2、To create an illusion of space in a drawing is to suggest a feeling of depth on the ( ) surface.

3、The position of objects or elements within a composition tends to generate a sense of ( ).

4、Space can be ( ) almost to the level of the picture plane.

5、Chinese brush painting emphasizes space, not busyness. Rather it’s about ( ).

6、An artist who has traveled on a steam train, driven an automobile or flown in an airplane feel the same way about form and space as one who has not.

7、Picasso, the representative figure of impressionism, broke the focus perspective of traditional painting and showed the same shape or various forms in the movement of the object observed from various perspectives according to certain rules.

8、In order to show three-dimensional objects on the picture plane, it requires certain ability of observation and feeling, ability of understanding spatial structure and ability of painting performance techniques.

9、You may draw one object smaller than another to imply that it is closer to the viewer.

10、The American architect Frank Lloyd Wright once said that “Space is the breath of art.” What Wright meant was that unlike many of the other elements of art, space is found in nearly every piece of art created.

8.2.1 Quiz

1、When we draw or paint we tend to ( ) so hard on the subject that we ignore the space around the subject.

2、She was in her studio again, painting onto a large ( ).

3、Viewing Chinese landscape paintings, it is clear that Chinese ( ) of nature are seldom mere representations of the external world.

4、The Ming Dynasty painter Dai Jin’ s Landscape in the Style of Yan Wengui shows a truly mindful ( ) typical of Chinese Landscape Paintings.

5、In case you enter a store room of a building, usually located in the basement and used for storing items that are no longer needed, you will see that empty space inside is extremely ( ), and consequently, comfort levels are extremely poor.

6、Art historians use the term negative space to refer to the subject of the piece itself—the flower vase in a painting or the structure of a sculpture.

7、Negative space is used a great deal in logo design as we see in the FedEx logo and the white arrow that is created in the negative space.

8、Positive and negative space is to some extent subjective. However, the illusion in fig. 2.4 shows us “Balance of Positive and Negative Space”.

9、Quite often, we think of positive as being light and negative as being dark. This does not necessarily apply to every piece of art.

10、Piet Mondrian was a master of the use of space. In his purely abstract pieces, such as 1935’s Composition C, fig. 2.8, his spaces are like panes in a stained glass window.

8.2.2 Quiz

1、Space is powerful and it is everywhere. It is also quite ( ) to study, so as you view each new piece of art, think about what the artist was trying to say with the use of space.

2、Sculptors, particularly those working on a large scale, will almost always take the installation space into ( ) while they work.

3、If you are an abstract painter, learning how to create different ( ) effects can make your paintings stronger and more interesting.

4、Matisse’s biomorphic shapes, which are abstracted from organic forms, ( ) from the background area due to the contrasts in color and value.
A、stand out
B、take out
C、look out
D、turn out

5、Cool blues and blue-blacks pushed the foreground figures back, while warm reds and oranges pulled the background forward, ( ) the space within the image.

6、Shallow space refers to a 2D flat space that may have width and density, but contains only a limited amount of ( ).

7、For example, a picket fence is an example of an object that demonstrates ( ) space because of its lack of depth.

8、In the painting Cabinet Makers, by Jacob Lawrence, the figures have been ( ) and placed in a confined room.

9、Concepts of ( ) space, allied with atmospheric perspective, dominated western art from the beginning of the Renaissance (about 1350) to the middle of the nineteenth century. ()

10、Works of contemporary artists range from decorative space to profoundly infinite space without showing a ( ) toward any particular approach.

8.3 Quiz

1、In fig. 3.4. Placement of squares, a line across the picture plane reminds us of the ( ) that divides ground plane from sky plane.

2、If one object ( ) part of the visible surface of another, the first object is assumed to be nearer.

3、Art, as a product of human creativity, is uniquely dependent on individual ( ) and interpretations.

4、Because we view things through earth’s hazy atmosphere, we are not able to see near and distant planes with ( ) clarity at the same time.

5、In this unit, we learnt that “Spatial Indicators” include ( ).
D、linear perspective

6、A glance out the window confirms that close objects appear blurred and lack definition, whereas those far away seem sharp and clear in detail.

7、Hazy lines, indistinct shapes, grayed values, simple textures, and neutralized colors are identified with background, or distant locations.

8、Objects appear to diminish in size as they recede into the distance.

9、Color, value, and textural choices can exaggerate or minimize the spatial effect of the overlapped shapes.

10、Transparency, which tends to produce a close spatial relationship, is clearly evident in the triangles in Duchamp’ s painting Broken Star, please see fig. 3.8.

8.4 Quiz

1、The spatial position of planes, solids, and volumes can be made distant by ( ) their size in comparison to others in the foreground and by neutralizing their value, color, intensity, and detail.

2、In the natural world, foreground objects are seen with ( ) and great contrast, while distant objects are ill-defined and gray.

3、Many types of spatial experiences can be achieved by manipulating the elements—that is, by ( ) their position, number, direction, value, texture, size, and color.

4、In fig. 4.2 Untitled (Indigo), the physical characteristics and properties of each line contribute to the development of the space within this painting. Individual lines overlap, ( ), and define their own space while collectively creating a relatively deep visual labyrinth.

5、In fig. 4.10 The Gate, the smaller areas of warm yellows and reds contrast with the background colors and seem to ( ) in space, creating a unique illusion of depth.

6、Each of the elements possesses inherent spatial qualities, and the interrelationship between elements yields the greatest spatial feeling.

7、Long or short lines, thick or thin lines, straight, angular, or curved lines all take on different spatial positions in contrast with one another.

8、The plastic qualities of overlapping lines cannot be increased by modulating their values.

9、Sharp, clear, and bold textures generally recede, and fuzzy, dull, and small textures generally advance.

10、The space appears three-dimensional when its edges seem to parallel at a point toward the front or the back of the picture plane.

8.5.1 Quiz

1、When drawing a still life, you may be able to see each object very clearly, but to create dramatic space you may wish to exaggerate what you see by rendering the background objects with reduced focus, less contrast, and ( ) colors.

2、Because the presence of moisture and airborne particles obstructs vision, in reality the appearance of objects seen at a distance is affected in a number of ways, including ( ).
A、reduction of focus
B、lessening of value contrast
C、color changes
D、speed change

3、Atmospheric perspective can be exaggerated to suit the purpose of creating the illusion of space.

4、Fig. 5.1 Olive Trees at Tivoli, by the American landscape artist George Inness, is a particularly strong example of how linear perspective can create the illusion of space.

5、Fig. 5.2 Hillary Brace created small charcoal drawings on Mylar that suggest huge expanse of space. We believe this space because of her adapt use of atmospheric perspective. Brace makes obvious differentiations between the foreground and background, which we see in terms of focus and value contrast.

6、Perspective drawing is a technique used to represent three-dimensional images on a two-dimensional picture plane.

7、Light of short wavelength—blue light—is scattered least, the colours of all distant dark objects tend toward blue; for example, distant mountains have a bluish cast. Light of long wavelength—red light—is scattered most; thus, distant bright objects appear redder because some of the blue is scattered and lost from the light by which they are seen.

8、It was later discovered that the presence in the atmosphere of moisture and of tiny particles of dust and similar material causes a scattering of light as it passes through them, the degree of scattering being dependent on the wavelength, which corresponds to the colour, of the light.

9、There are two main elements in perspective drawing: Atmospheric Perspective which deals with the atmospheric effects on the tones and colours. ( ) Perspective which deals with the organization of shapes in space.

10、( ) perspective was used with great sophistication and pictorial effectiveness by Chinese landscape painters from about the 8th century on.

8.5.2 Quiz

1、Objects appear to ( ) in size as their distance from the observer increases.

2、The word “orthogonal” refers to right angles ( ) by lines such as the corner of a cube shown in perspective.
C、being formed

3、There are three major types of linear perspective: ( ).
A、one-point perspective
B、two-point perspective
C、three-point perspective
D、none of the



















