



29 min read



多任务处理 Multitasking

1、尔雅What can we do to multi-task better in interpreting?交替
A、To make each sub-task routine or automatic by practice
B、传译To make the brain energy pool larger through great concentration
C、答案To allocate brain energy more effectively
D、学习No option here. Please select answers among A,通完 B and C.

2、What can be seen as intention of speaker?整答
A、the communicative goal he/she wants to achieve
B、尔雅the message he/she wants to convey
C、交替the purpose of his/her verbal activities
D、传译the examples he/she used in speech

3、答案To become qualified interpreters,学习 students have to be trained particularly on multitasking.

4、How can we get speaker’s intention better?通完 a. Use information as clue

5、How can we get speaker’s intention better?整答 b. Use speech as clue


信息分层 Information Structuring

1、In an argumentative speech,尔雅 which kind of the following information carries the most value?
A、Details or stories
B、The supporting evidences
C、The argument
D、No option here. Please select an answer among A, B and C.

2、Which of the following statement can better describe the typical Chinese speech composition?
A、The speaker starts with an overall statement and then mobilize arguments and examples to support it.
B、The speaker starts with details, different examples and background of a topic or situation, from which the speaker concludes a general rule.
C、No option here. Please select an answer from A and B.
D、No option here. Please select an answer from A and B.

3、For information structuring, the interpreter separates the speech into different parts based on major ideas and differentiates the value of information of each part, making the speech structure hierarchical.

4、How to make a speech with cloudy structure clearer? a. Resort to the speaker’s to predict where the speech goes

5、How to make a speech with cloudy structure clearer? b. Intentionally make the between ideas explicit when drawing the mental structure map



1、In interpreting, what skills can we use to remember more?
C、Noting down everything in the speech
D、No option here. Please choose among A, B and C.

2、What are the reasons for failures in memory retrieval?
A、The information being poorly stored.
B、The input stops at the short-term memory.
C、No effective clues to retrieve chunks of information.
D、No option here. Please choose among A, B and C.

3、What makes an effective chunking?
A、Effectively using existing knowledge to process and store new information
B、Making hierarchical chunks
C、Combining the skill of information structuring and chunking
D、No option here. Please choose among A, B and C.

4、Instead of taking lots of notes, interpreters listen and process the information with full concentration, and at the same time remember the message.

5、To solve the “lack of clue failure”, interpreters can deliberately set retrieval for each chunk.


1、Listen to the speech by the former US president Barack Obama and retell in SPOKEN ENGLISH. Try to use the memory expansion and retrieval skills discussed in Unit 4 and Unit 5. Remember to attach your retelling in MP3 format.


笔记1 Note-taking 1

1、What are the distinctive features of notes in consecutive interpreting?
D、No option here. Please choose among A, B and C.

2、What can be noted down as retrieval cues in interpreting?
A、Key words
B、Figures or proper names
C、Logic marks
D、A clear structure for the above information

3、It is suggested that we take notes in a layout.
D、No option here. Please choose among A, B and C.

4、In interpreting, notes reflect our analysis and understanding of the speech. Therefore, after thorough thinking, the key words we note down may better represent the ideas and activate our memory.

5、The “completeness of information” in interpreting notes means the full information structure of a given speech segment, including the topic and points of view of the speaker, the complete logic of narration or reasoning, and sufficient supporting details or illustration.











  • 专业的翻译人员:学习通交替传译需要有专业的翻译人员进行翻译,在保证翻译准确性的同时,还需要控制翻译速度,让学员能够更好地理解授课内容。
  • 在线教育平台的支持:学习通交替传译需要在线教育平台提供相应的技术支持,包括音频和视频同步播放,翻译文本的实时更新等。
  • 良好的教学内容:学习通交替传译的实现还需要良好的教学内容作为基础,只有有质量的教学内容才能让学员有更好的学习体验。

