



64 min read


2. American Romanticism and Transcendentalism

American Romanticism- Poetry and Essay

1、超星Which of the following terms is 英美业答related with American Romanticism?
A、American Renaissance
C、史及Southern Renaissance
D、作品Harlem Renaissance

2、选读学习"The答案 other terror that scares us from self-trust is our consistency; a reverence for our past " is written by ______
A、Wiiliam Wordsworth
B、通课H. D. Thoreau
C、后作Ralph Waldo Emerson
D、超星Nathaniel Hawthorne

3、英美业答"The文学 voyage of the best ship is a zigzag line of a hundred tacks. See the line from a sufficient distance, and it straightens itself to the average tendency. ." This is taken from “self-reliance”. Such a metaphor of voyage is to explain __________.
A、Be yourself.
B、史及Life is 作品a journey.
C、Consistency to your previous actions.
D、选读学习Agreement with the nature, despite various instant actions.

4、Which of the following is Correct concerning Emily Dickinson's poetry?
A、Free verse
C、Soothing and relaxing
D、Simple diction

5、Which of the following is NOT typically relevant to Walt Whitman?
A、Leaves of Grass
C、Free verse.

6、Which of the following is NOT written by Eimly Dickinson?
B、Success is Counted Sweetest
C、Because I could not Stop for Death
D、One's Self I Sing

7、Which of the following tag is NOT relevant to "Song of Myself"?
A、To stay true to your nature.
D、Individual greatness

8、_________ is considered to be the spokesperson of American national spirit.
A、Wadsworth Longfellow
B、Emily Dickinson
C、Walt Whitman
D、Edgar Allen Poe

9、___________ is the representative work by H. D. Thoreau.
B、The American Scholar
D、The Scarlet Letter

10、Which of the following statements is true in terms of transcendentalism?
A、It stresses indvidualism and anthropocentrism.
B、It pays more attention to the emotional side of human beings.
C、It greatly emphasizes the mysterious side of nature.
D、It goes against formalized religion.

11、Concerning Emily Dickinson's writings, which of the following is not frequently dealt with?
D、Success and failure.

12、___________ is regarded as the intellectual Declaration of Independence.
B、The American Scholar
C、The English Traits
D、Of Self-reliance

13、"The Carriage held but just Ourselves...." In this line, what does carriage refer to?
B、A shelter
C、Road to Success
D、Journey of life

14、"I mean that they should not play life, or study it merely, while the community supports them at this expensive game, but earnestly live it from beginning to end" is a line by H. D. Thoreau. What does it mean?
A、Students' job is to study not to play.
B、Students should learn the rules and principles of the world in school.
C、Live to study, and by studying.
D、Students should pay attention to experiencing life sincerely.

15、"To live deep and suck out all the marrow of life" is a line by _______.
A、Ralph W. Emerson
B、Walt Whitman
C、H. D. Thoreau
D、Emily Dickinson

16、What does R. W. Emerson mean by "a nonconformist"?
A、Those who always defy the rules.
B、Those who don't conform to social rules, traditional ideas and authoratative opinions, but follow his own independent thinking.
C、Those who rid themselves of traditional values.
D、Those who sticks to their past and others' opinions.

American Romanticism- Novels

1、Which of the following statements is NOT true about The Scarlet Letter?
A、It to some extent reflects the author's rebellion against Puritanism.
B、It is featured with dark romanticism.
C、It is written by Herman Melville.
D、It extols more of humanity than religious belief.

2、Why did Brown cry in "grief, rage and terror"?
A、He was cheated by the old man.
B、His wife's voice was heard in a mass of sinners and saints.
C、He was exposed to the deeds of his respected ones.
D、He found he was deceived by his ancestors.

3、Which of the following works is written by American romanticist nonvelists?
B、Life on the Mississippi
C、The Jumping Frog
D、The White Whale

4、When first exposed to the evil deeds of the governors, Brown still believed his respected deacon and his wife. What's the old man' reaction to his words?
A、Furious and incredible.
B、Arrogant and resentful.
C、Mocking and sympathetic.
D、Sorrowful and indignant.

5、Do you think there is an autobiographical element concerning the author in the story?
A、No, it's an absolutely imaginary creation.
B、No, he just took advantage of the Salem Witch Trials.
C、Yes. The case of Brown's ancestors' deeds is quite relevant to Hawthorne's
D、Yes, it is a true story based on his own experiece.

6、Which of the following statements is NOT true concerning the old man Brown met?
A、He is sophisticated and experienced.
B、He has an air of dignity and respectable status.
C、He has abundant access to the dark side of human nature.
D、He is the ghost of Brown's ancestors.

7、Which of the following is NOT right about Moby Dick?
A、It tells about a revenge.
B、It's a story of positivism.
C、It draws on biblical meanings.
D、It is of symbolism.

8、The following except _________ account for the symbol of the “forest” in “The Young Goodman Brown”.
A、Nature which is poetic and healing.
B、The mysterious, unknown world.
C、The temptations on the life journey.
D、Nature in the sense of its being crude and instinctive.

9、Which of the following is true concerning Herman Melville?
A、He takes advantage of his personal experience as a captain.
B、Typee, Moby Dick, The House of Seven Gables are all written by him.
C、His works are characterized by symbolism, like Nathaniel Hawthorne,.
D、His works are typical text of idyllic text.

10、The following themes except ________ are relevant to Moby Dick.
A、Human egoism
B、Tragic Hero
C、Religious skepticism
D、Biological concern

11、The “unseen multitude” connotatively refers to _________.
A、The ghosts
B、The townspeople
C、The devilish Indians
D、The hidden dark aspect of the crowd

12、Which of the following is NOT one of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s writing features?
A、Great concern for family history.
B、Keen sense of human evil and sin.
D、The theme of redemption

13、"Too far! too far!" exclaimed the goodman, unconsciously resuming his walk. "My father never went into the woods on such an errand, nor his father before him. We have been a race of honest men and good Christians since the days of the martyrs." From the lines we can tell ___________.
A、He is tired and exhausted.
B、His ambivalent attitude toward his family history.
C、He struggled betwen his rationality and innate desire.
D、He is troubled with the eminent family background

14、Which of the following can NOT be classified as the themes of "The Young Goodman Brown"?
A、The innate evil of man kind.
B、The religious hypocrisy.
C、Disillusion and growth.

2.3 作业: On Individualism

1、WIth reference to "Self-reliance" by R.W. Emerson, write a short essay concerning "individualism". Try to illustrate your opinion concerning Emreson's ideas,with 100 words.

On "Self-reliance"

1、Write down your opinion concerning Emerson's opinion about individualism in the excerpt.

2.6-作业 Symbol

1、Write an essay concerning the symbols in the selected videos. Choose one from the videos firstly, have a group discussion concerning the topic and finis the essay. Selected videos are as follows: The Last Knit, Piper, What Would Christmas be Without Love.

2.7 What is gothic?

1、With a summary of gothic ideas and try to make a relevant analysis of the givent text: "The Raven", "The Cask of Amontillado" /"Black Cat".

4. American Modernism

Realism and Modernist poetry

1、The Necessary Angel is mainly about ________ by __________.
A、poetry, Robert Frost
B、poetic theory; William Carlos Williams
C、poetry; William Carlos Williams
D、poetic theory; Robert Frost

2、Which of the following works does NOT belong to American realist writings?
A、Life on the Mississippi
B、Innocents Abroad
C、The Cop and the Anthem
D、The Sound and the Fury

3、__________ is the piorneer of imagism, benefiting a lot from ___________.
A、Robert Frost, British Romanticiism
B、Edgar Allen Poe, Gothic literature
C、Ezra Pound, British Romanticism
D、Ezra Pound, Chinese ancient poems

4、Which of the following writers belongs to American modernism?
A、Henry James
B、William James
C、Mark Twain
D、Gertrude Stein

5、Mark Twain is characterized by the following tags except_________.
B、Humor and irony
C、Southern Renaissance
D、great concern for social inequality.

6、Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE in terms of Henry James?
A、He proposes novel creation stem from reality, and thus should be totally true to life.
B、His "transatlantic" novels depict a vivid picture of the contrast in culture in the European contient and America.
C、He hints at the subjectivity of narration.
D、He pays attention to the psychological aspect of characters.

7、Which of the following sentences is True in terms of "In a Station of the Metro" ?
A、A typical poem of romanticism.
B、An imagist poem by Robert Frost.
C、With juxtaposition, it depicts a picture of the indifference and disillusionment of modern human society.
D、Ezra Pound wrote the poem according to a Chinese ancient poem.

8、Which of the following work is a representative novel of American realism?
B、The Scarlet Letter
C、Aspects of Novel
D、Winnesburg, Ohio

9、Among the modernist poets, Robert Frost is special in that _________.
A、He is philosophical and psychology-attached.
B、He abides by free verse.
C、He employed a large bunch of images.
D、He employs simple words and pays attention to rhythm and rhyming.

10、Imagism is __________.
A、A Chinese literary movement which attaches great importance to images.
B、a movement which, first proposed by Ezra Pound, focuses on the picturesque presentationi of the subject.
C、a movement which emphasizes the exact representation of the subject with no redundant words.
D、a theory studying Chinese poetics.

Creative Writing- Based on" "A Rose for Emily

1、Read "A Rose for Emily" and write a passage of no less than 5 sentences, based on the imagination of what is going on in Emily's mind when she is dying. You may make full use of the plot mentioned in the text.


1、包含选择题 30分,连线题10分,匹配题10分。




中世纪文学的特点是宗教性极强,大多数作品都与基督教有关。其中最著名的作品是《贞德传》(The Life of Saint Joan of Arc),这是一部关于法国女英雄贞德的传记,反映了她在中世纪的时代背景下所面临的一系列挑战。另外,还有《坎特伯雷故事集》(The Canterbury Tales),这是一部由英国诗人乔叟撰写的故事集,描写了14世纪的英国社会生活。


文艺复兴时期是英美文学史上一个极为重要的时期,而莎士比亚则是文艺复兴时期最著名的作家之一。其代表作品包括《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)、《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(Romeo and Juliet)等。此外,还有弥尔顿的《失乐园》(Paradise Lost),这是一部关于亚当和夏娃的故事,既探讨了人性的弱点,又表达了作者对上帝的信仰。


文学出版在英美文学史上扮演着重要的角色。在这个时期,很多重要的作品得以面世,比如济慈的《悲歌》(Ode to a Nightingale)和雪莱的《西风颂》(Ode to the West Wind)。此外,这个时期还出现了许多重要的出版商和编辑,比如约翰·雷诺兹(John Reynolds)和理查德·本斯利(Richard Bentley)。


现代主义是英美文学史上的又一重要时期。其中最著名的作家就是詹姆斯·乔伊斯(James Joyce)和弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf)。乔伊斯的代表作品是《尤利西斯》(Ulysses),这是一部描述一天内一位爱尔兰人的生活的小说。而伍尔夫则以《海浪》(The Waves)和《奥兰多》(Orlando)等作品而闻名。




A.UML的设计视图包含了类、接口和协作,其中,设计视图的静态方面由( )等表现。


C.下列暇积分中,收敛的为( )。


A.离心式雾化喷头分为转盘式和( )。
B.对一个程序来说,组成系统的模块数目( ),则开发成本越小。
C.多数运动技能随着练习,技能绩效的进步幅度会( )。
D.将PAM信号的振幅变换按比例地变换成脉冲宽度的变化,得到( )信号。

下列乙烯基单体对同一自由基的相对活性大小顺序正确的为( )。


《学记》中“道而弗牵.强而弗抑.开而弗达”,主要体现了( )

C.短期内在每一产量上的 MC 值应该( )。


A.All English back vowels are rounded.
D.利用Edward公式估算患者一级亲属的发病风险的条件是 。


C.称“心为五脏六腑之大主”的根据是( )


B.旅游功能是指乡村旅游资源能够满足某种旅游活动需要的作用,如 等。
D.要设置带非号的引脚名称“ ”时,应在引脚属性对话框中输入“S\D\”。

5. 宋词繁荣的文学原因是( _____ )

B.汽车微机控制系统功能主要包括( )、行驶与制动转向控制、电源系统。

自动变速器升挡过迟的原因可能是( )。

A.低温下液体混合物的分离,-Wmin受温度压力的影响( )
C.选区光阑应该放置在( )
D.although stereotypes are considered

变压器型冷却方式ONAN 表示该变压器铁芯的冷却介质是( )。

A.Under no________will I go there again.
B.在配置访问列表的规则时,以下描述正确的是:( )
C.在jsp指令中 errorpage

以下描述错误的是 ( ) 。


下列选项中,属于个人所得税的纳税人是:( )

B.第三方物流的主体主要是( )。


C.以昼夜分阴阳,上半夜为( )