



42 min read


第一周 教育心理学基础/Foundation For Teaching

画出教育心理学发展的超星阶段/Drawing the developmental stages of educational psychology

1、According to research on expertise development,教育 what characteristic seperates novice teachers from expert teachers?
A、Novice teacher tend to rely on their pedagogical skills because their content knowlege is 心理学颜学习less complex than that of experts.
B、Expert teachers do more short-term memory processing than novices because their thinking is 志雄more complex.
C、Novice teachers have to constantly upgrade and examine their own teaching practices,答案 whereas experts use a "best practices" approach.
D、Expert teachers are critical thinkers.

2、通题What makes a good teacher?目答
A、Knowing the subject matters and knowledgeable
B、超星Mastering teaching skills
C、教育A intentional teacher
D、心理学颜学习Critical thinking
E、志雄A tough teacher

3、答案A intentioanl teacher tends to believe her students will be productive and imaginative.

4、通题[ ] and correlational studies are two main research methods in Educational Psychology

第二周 认知,目答语言与识字能力发展/Cognitive,超星Language,and Literacy Development


1、[ ] belives that development is predetermined at birth, by heredity and biological factors, while [ ] believes that development is affected by experience and other environment.
A、Opinion of Nature, Opinion of Nurture
B、Opinion of Nurture,Opinion of Nature
C、Opinion of Nurture,Opinion of Nurture
D、Opinion of Nature,Opinion of Nature

2、theories of development based on the belief that human development progresses smoothly and gradually from infancy to adulthood.

3、Babies use patters of behavior called to learn about their world.

4、If you give infants small objects that they have never seen before but that resemble familior objects, they are likely to grasp them, bite them, and bang them. This is process of

5、Children in have ability to deal with potential or hypothetical situation.
C、concrete operational
D、formal operational

6、Piaget's stages of cognitive development include:
C、Concrete operational
D、Formal operational

7、Children in preoperational stage can't understand the principle of conservation.

8、Preoperational children are egocentric in their thinking.

9、When old ways of dealing with the world simply don't work, a child modify an existing scheme in light of new information or a new experience, a process called

10、All infants have inborn behaior called for which responses automatically.

11、refers to an object exists even if it is out of sight.


1、Vygotsky called an ability to think and solve problems wothout the help of others.
C、private speech
D、the zone of proximal development

2、refers to a child cannot yet accomplish alone but could with the assistance of more competent peers or adults.
B、Zone of proximal development
C、Cooperative learning
D、Sign system

3、You can use information about Vygotsky's zone of proximal development in organizing classroom activities in the following way:
A、Using hints and prompts that helped children during preassessment.
B、Using scaffolding that provides hints and prompts at different levels.
C、Cooperative learning activities can be planned with groups of children at levels.
D、Physical or mental punishment can be planned with some children.

4、Scaffolding is all types of clues that allow the students to grow independently.

5、Private speech refers to children's self-talk that guides their thinking and action and internalized as silent inner speech.

6、Cooperative learning means children work together to help one another learn.

7、Vygotsky believs that the development depends on the , the symbols that cultures create them.

第三周 社会、道道和情绪发展/Social,Moral and Emotional Development


1、According to Kohlberg's stages of moral reasoning, in [ ], rules are set down by others.
A、preconventional stage
B、conventional stage
C、postconventional stage
D、autonomous moral stage

2、"Your scratch my back, I will scratch yours" is a stage of [ ]
A、Punishment and obedience
B、Instrumental relativist orientation
C、"Good boy-Good girl" orientation
D、law and order orientation

3、In Pavlov’s classical conditioning, if a previously neutral stimulus (the ringing of a bell) is paired with an unconditional stimulus (meat), the neutral stimulus becomes a [ ]
A、unconditional stimulus
B、conditional stimulus
C、unconditional response
D、conditional response

4、Food, water that satisfies a basic need, is a kind of [ ]
A、Primary reinforcer
B、Secondary reinforcer
C、Positive reinforcer
D、Negative reinforcer

5、Explain Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development.
A、Trust VS Mistrust
B、Autonomy VS Doubt
C、Initiative VS Guilt
D、Industry VS Inferiority
E、Identiry VS Role Confusion
F、Intimacy VS Isolation
G、Generativity VS Self-absorption
H、Integrity VS Despair

6、Operant conditioning is the use of pleasant and unpleasant consequences to control the occurrence of behavior.

7、[ ] is an apparatus developed by Skinner for observing animal behavior.

8、Unpleasant consequences used to weaken behavior is call [ ]

第六周 信息加工与认知学习理论/Information Processing and Cognitive Theories of Learning


1、[ ] receive large amount of information from each of the senses and hold it for no more than a couple of seconds
A、Sensory registers
B、Short-term memory
C、Long-term memory
D、Work memory

2、[ ] is a part of long-term memory that stores images of past personal experience.
A、Episodic memory
B、Procedural memory
C、Semantic memory
D、Work memory

3、PQ4R method is [ ]

4、Retroactive inhibition means decreased ability to recall previous learned information, caused by learning of new information

5、Work memory capacity is [ ] to [ ] bits of information

终期考核/Final Test

Final Test of Educational Psychology

1、According to research on expertise development, what characteristic seperates novice teachers from expert teachers?
A、Novice teacher tend to rely on their pedagogical skills because their content knowlege is less complex than that of experts.
B、Expert teachers do more short-term memory processing than novices because their thinking is more complex.
C、Novice teachers have to constantly upgrade and examine their own teaching practices, whereas experts use a "best practices" approach.
D、Expert teachers are critical thinkers.

2、In Pavlov’s classical conditioning, if a previously neutral stimulus (the ringing of a bell) is paired with an unconditional stimulus (meat), the neutral stimulus becomes a [ ]
A、unconditional stimulus
B、conditional stimulus
C、unconditional response
D、conditional response

3、According to Kohlberg's stages of moral reasoning, in [ ], rules are set down by others.
A、preconventional stage
B、conventional stage
C、postconventional stage
D、autonomous moral stage

4、"Your scratch my back, I will scratch yours" is a stage of [ ]
A、Punishment and obedience
B、Instrumental relativist orientation
C、"Good boy-Good girl" orientation
D、law and order orientation

5、Food, water that satisfies a basic need, is a kind of [ ]
A、Primary reinforcer
B、Secondary reinforcer
C、Positive reinforcer
D、Negative reinforcer

6、Vygotsky called an ability to think and solve problems wothout the help of others.
C、private speech
D、the zone of proximal development

7、refers to a cognitive leval that a child cannot yet accomplish alone but could with the assistance of more competent peers or adults.
B、Zone of proximal development
C、Cooperative learning
D、Sign system

8、In following strategies reflect cooperative learning except [ ].
A、give recognition to the groups when they solve the problem
B、assure that each group contains members who have similar abilities.
C、make certain that each group member learns.
D、mixes students in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, and special needs.

9、In which of the following example is Vygotsky's "zone of proximal development"
A、The teacher says, "Today we are going to have a chance to discover how to compute the volume of a cylinder /圆柱体"
B、The teacher, as he is passing by the group, says, "You are right, Miguel, but what are you going to do with that information?"
C、The teacher assigns his students to sit around the lab tables in groups of four.
D、The teacher praises the Master Minds group for figureing out the answer on its own.

10、A teacher asks his students to figure out how to measure volume through experimentation. What type of learning strategy is he using?
A、Direct instruction
B、Classical conditioning
C、Discovery learning
D、Teacher-mediated discussion

11、Why doesn't a teacher directly tell his students the results of the lesson ?
A、The lesson would take less time of the students could figure it out.
B、Discovery learning is superior to direct instruction
C、It is a behaviorism strategy.
D、Students will gain deeper understanding if they work it out for themselves.

12、Scaffolding, based on ( ) views, calls for teacher assistance to students at critical points in their learning.
B、Brunner /布鲁纳
D、Maslow /马斯洛

13、[ ] receive large amount of information from each of the senses and hold it for no more than a couple of seconds
A、Sensory registers
B、Short-term memory
C、Long-term memory
D、Work memory

14、If you give infants small objects that they have never seen before but that resemble familior objects, they are likely to grasp them, bite them, and bang them. This is process of

15、Babies use patters of behavior called to learn about their world.

16、[ ] belives that development is predetermined at birth, by heredity and biological factors, while [ ] believes that development is affected by experience and other environment.
A、Opinion of Nature, Opinion of Nurture
B、Opinion of Nurture,Opinion of Nature
C、Opinion of Nurture,Opinion of Nurture
D、Opinion of Nature,Opinion of Nature

17、Children in have ability to deal with potential or hypothetical situation.
C、concrete operational
D、formal operational

18、theories of development based on the belief that human development progresses smoothly and gradually from infancy to adulthood.

19、According to Piaget's stages of cognitive development theory, object permanence belongs to [ ]
C、Concrete operational
D、Formal operational

20、What makes a good teacher?
A、Knowing the subject matters and knowledgeable
B、Mastering teaching skills
C、A intentional teacher
D、Critical thinking
E、A tough teacher

21、Explain Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development.
A、Trust VS Mistrust
B、Autonomy VS Doubt
C、Initiative VS Guilt
D、Industry VS Inferiority
E、Identity VS Role Confusion
F、Intimacy VS Isolation
G、Generativity VS Self-absorption
H、Integrity VS Despair

22、You can use information about Vygotsky's zone of proximal development in organizing classroom activities in the following way:
A、Using hints and prompts that helped children during preassessment.
B、Using scaffolding that provides hints and prompts at different levels.
C、Cooperative learning activities can be planned with groups of children at levels.
D、Physical or mental punishment can be planned with some children.

23、Top-down processing means
A、beginning with complex problems or tasks and discover the basic knowledge and skills needed to solve the problems.
B、from a general plan to specific approaches.
C、from specific approaches to a general plan.
D、driven by senses and perceptions.

24、Creative problem solving requires:
A、incubation /孵化
B、suspension of judgement
C、relax and playful climate
D、problem analysis

25、PQ4R method means [ ]

26、The methods that enhance intrinsic motivation have [ ]
A、arousing interest
B、maintaining curiosity
C、using a variety of interesting presentation modes
D、helping students make choices and set their own goals.

27、The following principles can provide extrinsic incentives/motivation to learn:
A、Expressing clear expectations
B、Providing clear feedback
C、Providing immediate feedback
D、Providing frequent feedback
E、Increasing the value and availability of extrinsic motivators

28、A intentioanl teacher tends to believe her students will be productive and imaginative.

29、Operant conditioning is the use of pleasant and unpleasant consequences to control the occurrence of behavior.

30、Scaffolding is all types of clues that allow the students to grow independently.

31、Private speech refers to children's self-talk that guides their thinking and action and internalized as silent inner speech.

32、Cooperative learning means children work together to help one another learn.

33、Contructivists believe that knowing is a results and that learners must passively accept information.

34、Retroactive inhibition means decreased ability to recall previous learned information, caused by learning of new information

35、Preoperational children are egocentric in their thinking.

36、Children in preoperational stage are lack of conservation in Piaget's theory.

37、[ ] is an apparatus developed by Skinner for observing animal behavior.

38、Unpleasant consequences used to weaken behavior is call [ ]

39、Vygotsky believs that the development depends on the , the symbols that cultures create them.

40、In [ ] learning, small groups of students work together to help one another learn.

41、Work memory capacity is 5 to [ ] bits of information

42、All infants have inborn behaior called for which responses automatically.

43、When old ways of dealing with the world simply don't work, a child modify an existing scheme in light of new information or a new experience, a process called

44、refers to an object exists even if it is out of sight.












