



89 min read


第一周:你真的尔雅了解英语演讲吗?What is English Public Speaking?

Quiz 1: What Is English Public Speaking?

1、How to adjust your speech if you receive negative audience responses?英语演讲艺术业答
A、Starting to raise your voice drastically
B、答案Adding another vivid example
C、学习Speaking very fast to speed up
D、通课Criticize the audience for not listening

2、后作Public speaking is 尔雅just a monologue, a personal show of the speaker.

3、Communication is 英语演讲艺术业答not an one-way process.

4、Among the basic elements in public speaking,答案 which one is the most important one?

第二周:控制紧张,自信演讲 Controlling Nervousness and Improving Confidence

Quiz 2: Controlling Nervousness and Improving Confidence

1、学习Which of the following statement about controlling nervousness is 通课incorrect?
A、Establishing a right perception of yourself
B、后作Acquiring more speaking experiences
C、尔雅Making enough preparations
D、英语演讲艺术业答Staying up late before you give a speech

2、答案What should we do when we practice our speech?
A、Recite silently
B、Simulate the real practice environment
C、Sit while rehearsing
D、Never record yourself or watch your video

3、Fear is a biological process by which animals, including humans, secure the necessary energy to do a job that really matters.

4、If we get nervous when speaking, it means we are poor speakers.

5、It is estimated that careful preparation can reduce anxiety by as much as 75 percent.

6、Recording ourselves is very important, and we should watch our videos at least 3 times.

7、If you get nervous, there is no need to look at the audience.

8、What causes nervousness is a chemical called ( ).

第三周: 改善倾听恶习,做高效倾听者 How to Be an Effective Listener

Quiz 3: How to Be an Effective Listener

1、How can good listening benefit us?
A、Good listening provides us with right language input.
B、Good listening can help us establish healthy relationships.
C、Good listening can advance our careers.
D、Good listening can take the place of speaking.

2、Listening is only an automatic reaction of the sense and nervous system while hearing is the “receiving” part of the communication process.

3、You can help your audience remember your speech by making your speech as difficult as possible.

4、As a speaker, you should show your audience that you are an “expert” by adding a lot difficult information in your speech.

5、As a speaker, we should speak fast to show our fluency.

6、Listening is the basis of language learning. If we can’t listen well, we can’t speak well.

7、A good speaker is the speaker who can keep on talking.

8、What are the six stages for listening?(请大写每个单词首字母,每个单词之间以空格区分)

第四周:设计以听众为中心的演讲 Preparing for Audience-Centered Presentation

Quiz 4: Preparing for Audience-Centered Speeches

1、If a speaker says something like “leftover women” or “bald ”, you might experience a strong emotional reaction that can block out your ability to listen, what should you do?
A、Get extremely angry
B、Criticize the speaker for saying something “stupid”
C、Stay calm and remain objective
D、Shut your ears immediately

2、If you see the following negative feedbacks from audiences, like dozing, daydreaming and even strong impatience, how to “wake up your audience”?
A、Adjusting your tone
B、Showing a catchy visual
C、Telling a joke
D、Raising your voice and shouting to the audience

3、If you want to listen well, you should listen to lots of new materials, and never stick on to one piece of material.

4、Effective listeners play an active role by guiding the speaker toward common interests.

5、As a listener, we can just shut our ears when the speaker is not talking about things we are interested in to save more time.

6、If you are nervous on the stage, just regard the audience as carrots, cabbage or a piece of wood.

7、The key of public speaking is all about remembering the speaker him/herself.

8、What is the fifth stage among the 6 stages of listening?

第五周:如何在舞台上闪闪发光(声音篇) Improving Your Voice on the Stage

Quiz 5: Improving Your Voice

1、What can you do if you want to speak with a proper volume?
A、Stand up straight.
B、Open your mouth and drop your lower jaw.
C、Breathe with your diaphragm.
D、Find your loudest voice.

2、Which of the following statements is/are true?
A、Inflections are the changes in your pitch
B、You can replace pauses in your speech with filler words
C、The reason you will stammer in the speaking contest is that you are not sure what you are going to say
D、You can make your speech fluent by speaking nonsense

3、Public speaking is a combination of “performing” and “speaking”.

4、To make the most of our voice to deliver an effective speech, you should pay attention to your volume, pace, rhythm and tone.

5、As a speaker, you can shout or scream at your audience to show your strong emotion changes.

6、Speaking fast shows that we have a good command of English, thus is a good thing.

7、In a sentence, emphasize nouns, verbs, adjectives, and some adverbs, pronouns and conjunctions.

8、Accent does not mark language ability, but only marks the speaker’s identity, past experience and culture.

第六周:如何在舞台上闪闪发光(肢体语言篇) Improving Your Body Language on the Stage

Quiz 6: Improving Your Body Language on the Stage

1、When we are introducing objects, presenting options and facts, and distinguishing between points, ideas, and facts, what gesture can we use?
A、The “Chop”
B、The “Give”
C、The “Show”
D、"T-rex" arms

2、Which of the following statements is true?
A、You can wear sexy clothes when giving a speech to attract your audience
B、When giving a speech, you should stand like you are singing an opera to show formality
C、You should hold the microphone when giving a speech
D、You shouldn’t stand rigidly when giving a speech

3、What should you do to make a sincere eye contact?
A、Sweep eyes naturally
B、Look at each person for a number of seconds
C、Make eye contact with people at the far sides of the audience and people in the corner
D、Make “eye contact” with walls when you are nervous

4、If you are nervous on the stage, you can just look at the top of the heads or imaging your audience are vegetables.

5、There are two types of communication: verbal communication and non-verbal communication.

6、You should always keep smiling while giving a speech.

7、We can point at our audience to catch their attention.

8、Slight gestures like twisting hair, playing with pens, or swinging show that we are really casual on the stage, thus can cover up our nervousness.

第七周:为演讲稿做准备(选题篇) Preparing for Writing Speech Script (I)

Quiz: 7 Preparing for Writing Speech Draft(I)

1、What kind of topics are good topics?
A、Topic that is meaningful to not only yourself, but more people- people of different ages, genders, majors and cultures.
B、Topic related to people’s well beings.
C、Topic that the audience don't know much about.
D、Topic that may interest your audience.

2、Which are the ways to organize and analyse the materials effectively?
A、Read efficiently.
B、Keep a speech material file.
C、Know when to stop.
D、Synthesize the information you have found in multiple sources.

3、How can we speak effectively in a group discussion?
A、Ask questions like “Was I clear?” to encourage members to react to your ideas.
B、Speak with vitality and enthusiasm.
C、Offer reasons for what you say.
D、Reinforce what you say with looks and gestures.

4、Good speeches always have a clear sense of purpose.

5、Reading efficiently when researching on your topic means that you need to read from cover to cover just like reading a novel.

6、We should think extremely clearly and cautiously about our ideas to avoid mistakes before we speak in a discussion, and if we cannot think it clearly, it would better to keep silent.

7、Not everyone needs to be the group leader, but everyone does have an important role in discussion

8、What is the soul of a good speech?(请全部用小写)

第八周:为演讲稿做准备(写作篇) Preparing for Writing Speech Script (II)

Quiz 8: Preparing for Writing Speech Script (II)

1、Which of the following choice of designing PPT for presentation is incorrect?
A、Using at least 24 so that your audience can see clearly
B、Remembering the 6 x 7 rule
C、Never using irrelevant pictures
D、Using too many visual effects

2、Which of the following choice of designing PPT for presentation is correct?
A、Using all capital letters
B、Using old-style handwriting fonts
C、Using contrasting colors like light on dark or dark on light
D、Using italics or underlines everywhere

3、Which are the two key concepts for effectiveness?

4、Longer sentences and GRE words can show the audience our good command of English, so it should be encouraged.

5、We should avoid using jargons, Internet buzzwords, and shocking or obscene language.

6、When preparing for a speech, writing an outline is just a waste of time. We should start to write the beginning immediately.

7、A outline only needs to include our mainpoints. Subpoints, transitions, examples can all be omitted.

8、In our PPT, instead of showing all the pictures, charts, and texts in one single slide all at once, we should be ____________ (one of the five principles) when showing our PPT.

第九周:布局谋篇——开头、主体、结尾设计 Designing Your Speech Script

Quiz 9: Designing Your Speech Script

1、“In Africa, every five seconds, a child dies of starvation” , which type of opening does it belong to?
B、Vivid stories
C、Startling facts, numbers and data

2、If the topic is “The Evolution along with History of Batman as a Heroic Figure”, which pattern would be the most suitable one?
A、Climactic pattern
B、Chronological pattern
C、Spatial pattern
D、Cause-effect pattern

3、Which of the following statement about using quotation is incorrect?
A、Paying attention to the credibility of the one you quote from
B、Using long quotations, as long as possible to show your knowledge
C、To make quotes interesting, introduce the experts with their background information
D、Keeping the expert's words brief, and read them in a lively and convincing manner

4、If we want to use questions to begin our speech, we can use yes/no questions, rhetorical questions and survey.

5、There is no need for us to write a good concluding part. We just simply need to say “That’s all, thank you” as a concluding part.

6、Because common knowledge are common, so they are always right and can be supportive.

7、Conclusion is simply the repetition of main points in the body part.

8、A good conclusion can refocus audience attention with a memorable thought or a final clincher.

期末考试 Final Exam

Final Exam

1、Which one of the following topic is not an appropriate speech topic?
A、9 Good Habits for a Good Reader
B、Why should we care about breast cancer?
C、On History
D、When Online Shamming Goes Too Far

2、How to adjust your speech if you receive negative audience responses?
A、Starting to raise your voice drastically
B、Adding another vivid example
C、Speaking very fast to speed up
D、Criticize the audience for not listening

3、Which of the following statement about controlling nervousness is incorrect?
A、Establishing a right perception of yourself
B、Acquiring more speaking experiences
C、Making enough preparations
D、Staying up late before you give a speech

4、How can good listening benefit us?
A、Good listening provides us with right language input.
B、Good listening can help us establish healthy relationships.
C、Good listening can advance our careers.
D、A, B and C.

5、What is the second stage of the six stages of listening?

6、When we are introducing objects, presenting options and facts, and distinguishing between points, ideas, and facts, what gesture can we use?
A、The “Chop”.
B、The “Give”.
C、The “Show”.
D、None of the above.

7、Which of the following choice of designing PPT for presentation is incorrect?
A、Using at least 24 so that your audience can see clearly
B、Remembering the 6 x 7 rule
C、Never use irrelevant pictures
D、Using too many visual effects

8、Which of the following choice of designing PPT for presentation is correct?
A、Using all capital letters
B、Using old-style handwriting fonts
C、Using contrasting colors like light on dark or dark on light
D、Using italics or underlines everywhere

9、“In Africa, every five seconds, a child dies of starvation” , which type of opening does it belong to?
B、Vivid stories
C、Startling facts, numbers and data

10、If the topic is “The Evolution along with History of Batman as a Heroic Figure”, what pattern should we use?
A、Climactic pattern
B、Chronological pattern
C、Spatial pattern
D、Cause-effect pattern

11、Which of the following choice about using quotation is incorrect?
A、Paying attention to the credibility of the one you quote from
B、Using long quotations, as long as possible to show your knowledge
C、To make quotes interesting, introduce the experts with their background information
D、Keeping the expert's words brief, and read them in a lively and convincing manner

12、Which of the following statements is true?
A、You can wear sexy clothes when giving a speech to attract your audience
B、When giving a speech, you should stand like you are singing an opera to show formality
C、You should hold the microphone when giving a speech
D、You shouldn’t stand rigidly when giving a speech

13、If a speaker says something like “leftover women” or “bald ” , you might experience a strong emotional reaction that can block out your ability to listen, what should you NOT do?
A、Get extremely angry
B、Criticize the speaker for saying something “stupid”
C、Stay calm and remain objective
D、Shut your ears immediately

14、If you see the following negative feedbacks from audiences, like dozing, daydreaming and even strong impatience, how to “wake up your audience” ?
A、Adjusting your tone
B、Showing a catchy visual
C、Telling a joke
D、Raising your voice and shouting to the audience

15、Which of the following statements is true?
A、Inflections are the changes in your pitch.
B、You can replace pauses in your speech with filler words.
C、The reason you will stammer in the speaking contest is that you are not sure what you are going to say.
D、You can make your speech fluent by speaking nonsense.

16、What kind of topics are good topics?
A、Topic that is meaningful to not only yourself, but more people- people of different ages, genders, majors and cultures.
B、Topic related to people’s well beings.
C、Topic that the audience don’t know much about.
D、Topic that may interest your audience.

17、How can we speak effectively in a group discussion?
A、Ask questions like “Was I clear?” to encourage members to react to your ideas.
B、Speak with vitality and enthusiasm.
C、Offer reasons for what you say.
D、Reinforce what you say with looks and gestures.

18、Public speaking is just a monologue, a personal show of the speaker.

19、Communication is not an one-way process.

20、Just because audience members are looking at us doesn’t mean they are paying attention. They need to be motivated to keep on listening.

21、If we get nervous when speaking, it means we are poor speakers.

22、Recording ourselves is very important, and we should watch our videos at least 3 times.

23、If you get nervous, there is no need to look at the audience.

24、Listening is only an automatic reaction of the sense and nervous system while hearing is the “receiving” part of the communication process.

25、In a sentence, emphasize nouns, verbs, adjectives, and some adverbs, pronouns and conjunctions.

26、Accent does not mark language ability, but only marks the speaker’s identity, past experience and culture.












传入长安的西域乐舞中,被称为唐代西域三大乐舞的是( )。

A.湖笔与( )并称为“文房四宝”。
B.数据库在磁盘上的基本组织形式是( )。
C.修眉毛时应该注意什么( )


A.int *p 的含义是定义指针变量p。
B.继承权是指继承人依法取得被继承人遗产的资格。( )
C.商务礼仪的首要问题是:( )。


C.工作中,我们要及时处理对方的函件,以保证公务活动的正常进行,以体现函的( )。





马克思主义认为,哲学是 ()。



A.数据可分为两种: ()数据和()数据
C.( )指在学习达到刚好成诵以后的附加学习。


A.物料需求计划的特点包括( )。

( )的功能是定义SPSS数据的结构、录入编辑和管理待分析的数据。

A.通常二维连续型随机变量函数的期望就算需要借助( )。
C.处处与铅垂线垂直的是(   )。


C.外源DNA导人原核细胞可以采用转染法,即( )。


B.能与蛋白质或其它植物多聚体结合生成稳定化合物并被称为葡萄酒骨架的是( )。
C.直接分销渠道与间接分销渠道的区别是( )

在文件菜单下选择关闭窗口项可以关闭当前模型,但是不能将模型从内存中删除。( )

B.定测是初步设计与( )中间进行的测量工作,因此定测阶段要为( )准备必要的资料。
D.Diane is ____

小儿患病虽然起病急、来势猛、变化多,但只要诊治及时、措施得当,其预后( )


