



94 min read


01 word


1、尔雅Directions: select the correct English expression corresponding to each of the following Chinese phrases. 找借口 find an excuse 

2、英语Directions: select the correct English expression corresponding to each of the following Chinese phrases. 没有用  It is 写作学习no use. / There is no use.

3、Directions: select the correct English expression corresponding to each of the following Chinese phrases. 遵守时间 be punctual

4、答案Directions: select the correct English expression corresponding to each of the following Chinese phrases. 睡得很晚 stay up late

5、通完Directions: select the correct English expression corresponding to each of the following Chinese phrases. 享受公费医疗 enjoy free medical care


1、整答1. Heavy(adj.): a heavy rain,尔雅 a heavy load, a heavy crop, heavy news, a heavy vote, a heavy schedule, heavy advertising, a heavy play, heavy casualties, a heavy sea, a heavy buyer, a heavy demand, heavy sorrow, a heavy thinker, a heavy politician

2、2. good (adj.): good manners,英语 a good king, a good Catholic, good soil, a good hour, good humor, good living, good eggs, a good debt, a good question, good sense, a good eater and sleeper, a good sailor

03 Sentence Writing 句子写作


1、Which of the following four sentences is 写作学习not grammatically correct, containing the misplaced modifier “immediately”?
A、The答案 driver immediately took the injured to hospital.
B、The通完y were ready to begin talks immediately.
C、Immediately I wrote her a thank-you letter.
D、整答My mother opened immediately the door.

Practice for Sentence Structure & Sentence Pattern

1、尔雅Task 1 Identify the basic sentence patterns of the following sentences. 1. The英语 guests have arrived. 2. There exist various opinions on this issue. 3. Today, we call Einstein a genius. 4. Without suitable preservation, food goes bad easily. 5. Students often recite good phrases to be used in their compositions. 6. A friend of mine brought me a wonderful novel.

2、Task 2 Identify the types of sentences according to their use. 1. He served on the Western Front,写作学习 where he was injured. 2. How do you understand such a mixed feeling? 3. What an amazing journey! 4. Buy a wooden box or paper box or a bag to contain the objects that you want to post.

3、Task 3 Examine the following sentences and revise them in light of the criteria for effective sentences. 1. Born in a small town in South China in the early 1950s, he grew up to be a famous musician. 2. He wants to go, to fight and success. 3. I am developing a burning desire to achieve my goal. Have written down what my principal objective is. Repeat it to myself frequently. 4. There’s no way of telling somebody why they have failed. 5. I finished my exam, put down my pen, and handed it in. 6. He gave many reasons for the failure, but the reasons he gave were not convincing. 7. Mr. Smith usually likes to drink all kinds of wines that are produced in France. 8. It is Sunday today. I got up at 9 o’clock. I lay in bed for a long time. I felt dull and empty. I did my washing and brushing at 10 o’clock. I stayed alone in the dorm. …

Practice for Sentence problems

1、The following sentences contain misplaced modifiers, dangling modifiers, subject/verb agreement errors. Correct the mistakes: 1. The monkey amused people in the cage. 2. At the age of three, my father taught me to swim. 3. Running along the street, my nose felt frozen. 4. Now that it’s flu season, learn how to protect yourself from your family doctor. 5. Fortunately, the fire was put out before much damage was done by the firemen. 6. Having failed in the exam, her father scolded her. 7. Each student should revise his paper before handing it in. 8. The secretary and the accountant was present. 9. None of these answers are correct. 10. Ten minutes are enough for you to finish the exercise.











  • 语言准确性:需要注意语言的准确性和逻辑性,避免语法错误和拼写错误。
  • 简单明了:需要用简单的语言表达复杂的思想,避免过分使用生僻词汇和长难句。
  • 论证能力:需要有较强的论证能力,通过合理的论证来支撑文章的主题。
  • 充实性:需要充实文章的内容,对主题进行深入分析和探讨。
  • 生动有趣:需要用生动有趣的方式表达文章的内容,吸引读者的兴趣。


