



57 min read


第2单元 中学英语教学的中学总体描述 Unit 2 English Language Teaching in Chinese Middle Schools

Test (单元测试题)

1、An English learning activity usually consists of three parts:

2、课课In order to improve thinking quality,后作 students need to think

3、法答Which aspects are included in English Subject Key Competency?案慕案
A、language competence
B、课课cultural character
C、后作thinking quality
D、中学learning competence

4、The new curriculum standard has raised the concept of “Core Competence of English Language Subject”.

5、In the different phases of a lesson, a teacher's role may change.

6、A leaner has only one learning style.

7、If we focus on learners’ preference for the time they respond, we can classify cognitive styles into reflective and impulsive.

8、Coursebooks are often regarded as the core materials for classroom language learning.

9、Coursebooks must cover the development of all language skills.

10、Teachers can adapt teaching materials according to the needs of particular students.

第2单元 讨论题

1、As English language teachers, how can we realize the educational values of English language teaching and learning? You may use an example to illustrate your points of view.

2、What roles are expected of English language teachers according to the new curriculum standard released in 2017?

3、When having a large-size class with over 40 students, how can an English teacher practice “differentiated teaching” according to learner characteristics?

4、Do we need more than one English textbook in teaching? Why or why not?

第3单元 英语教学法流派 Unit 3 History of English Language Teaching

Test (单元测试题)

1、Which of the following statement is false?
A、The three basic behaviorist ideas about learning are Conditioning, Habit formation and The Importance of the “environment”.
B、According to Norma Chomsky, there are a finite number of grammatical rules in the rule-based language system and with a knowledge of these an infinite number of sentences can be produced.
C、Cognitivists believed that teaching should be built based on what learner already knew and engage learners in learning activities, teachers need to design environments and interact with learners to foster inventive, creative, critical learners.
D、Socio-constructivist theory emphasizes interaction and engagement with the target language in a social context based on the concept of “Zone of Proximal Development”(ZPD) and scaffolding.

2、Which of the following statement is not true?
A、In a grammar-translation classroom, speaking and listening are the major focus; little or no systematic attention is paid to reading or writing.
B、In a direct method classroom, classroom instruction is conducted exclusively in the target language.
C、A typical audio-lingual lesson starts with a controlled audio dialogue as a model of language to introduce targeted new words and structures.

3、According to Johnson and Johnson (1998), which one is not the core characteristic of communicative methods?
B、Message focus
C、Free practice

4、According to Clark, Scarino and Brownell, Which of the following is not the main components of a task?
A、A purpose
B、A context
C、Linguistic correctness
D、A product

5、Which of the following are not the focus of Methodology?
A、What exercises, tasks, and activities should we use in the classroom?
B、How should we sequence and integrate classroom exercises, tasks, and activities?
C、What contents should we teach?
D、How well has our program served our students’ needs?

6、Which of the following statement is true?
A、The structural view sees language as a system of structurally related elements for the coding of meaning.
B、The functional view sees that language is a vehicle for the expression of functional meaning.
C、The interactive view sees language as a communicative tool for the creation and maintenance of social relations.

7、Which of the following statement are true?
A、In the classic form of Community Language Learning, teacher as a “Knower” stands outside a circle of students and translates, suggests or amends the students’ utterances.
B、Suggestopedia can help students be comfortable and relaxed so that their affective filter is lowered.
C、Total Physical Response (TPR) attempts to teach language through physical activity.
D、Compared with Suggestopedia, the Silent Way rested on more cognitive than affective arguments.

8、Technique is an overall plan for systematic presentation of language based on a selected approach.

9、Communicative Language Teaching does not aim for high standard of linguistic correctness.

10、Teachers should develop their own preferred classroom practices based on what works best for them in their own particular teaching situations and learners.

第3单元 讨论题

1、Many teachers use metaphors to separate out these different levels of abstraction. For example, the trainer David Valente turns to the art of cooking. The approach is our belief about cooking, the method is the recipe book, and the strategies are how we mix and chop. Do you think that's a good metaphor? And what metaphor would you use?

2、We had a brief overview of the major trends in the 20th century, which include the Grammar-translation Method, the Direct method, and Audio-lingualism. Please compare their differences and similarities.

3、What are the strengths and limitations of the alternative approaches and methods such as Community language learning, Suggestopedia, and Total Physical Response?

4、What roles do teachers and students play in Communicative Language Teaching Approach and Task-based Teaching Method?

第4单元 词汇教学 Unit 4 Teaching Vocabulary

Test (单元测试题)

1、Vocabulary teaching and learning must fit into
A、the broader framework of a language course
B、the teaching ability of teachers
C、principal's arrangement
D、student's performance

2、The one unknown word in fifty is something that can be learned through
A、guessing from context and which does not stop comprehension of the text
B、consulting the dictionary
C、asking teachers for help
D、asking classmates for help

3、Which of the following fluency activities for less advanced learners is not appropriate?
A、The learners write down the numbers as the teacher quickly says them in an unpredictable order.
B、Each student speaks to one partner about the given topic within three minutes; then they will repeat what they say to another partner, but within two minutes.
C、Students write about an unfamiliar topic under time pressure.
D、Learners are asked to do speed reading on a very easy graded reader.

4、Which statement is not true according to the principles of teaching vocabulary?
A、Vocabulary teaching should focus on the most frequently and widely used vocabulary first.
B、Low frequency words deserve more classroom time than high frequency words.
C、Remembering words using word cards is a good way to learn low frequency word.
D、Students should get their chances to choose what vocabulary to learn.

5、To memorize the largest number of common and useful word-groups, learners can .
A、deliberately learning them as units
B、searching for them in texts
C、learning the patterns they are based on
D、picking them up through large quantities of language input

6、Which of the following is appropriate for learning through meaning-focus input?
A、Students doing regular silent extensive reading of graded readers.
B、Teacher explaining new words in details during classroom reading.
C、Students choosing words to focus on during previewing classroom materials.
D、Teacher choosing readers that have a low density of new vocabulary for classroom reading.

7、Which of the following cases correctly follow the principles we have learned in this unit?
A、A university student spends much time after class learning academic vocabulary;
B、A high school student made a weekend plan to memorize words that are associated with sports as many as possible with the help of word cards;
C、A middle school teacher is introducing new vocabulary by adding and switching word parts of the new words;
D、To help students understand the text better, a primary school teacher spent much time explaining difficult words like “wrath” in the story she read;

8、Some scholar argues that academic vocabulary needs to be learned both receptively and productively because being able to produce it is one way of showing that you are part of a particular discourse community.

9、It is useful to see vocabulary as also including group of words, which should be learned as multiword units.

10、Using word cards, doing cloze practice and reading graded readers are ways of deliberate learning.

第4单元 讨论题

1、Do you think people’s names such as Elizabeth, Philip and Charles are vocabulary? Why or why not?

2、What deliberate methods are often used in teaching and learning vocabulary? How do you think of their effectiveness?

3、Should teachers avoid teaching low-frequency words when teaching less advanced English learners? Why or why not?

4、What methods can be used to teach high frequency words? Describe them and give examples.

第5单元 语法教学 Unit 5 Teaching Grammar

Test (单元测试题)

1、Which is the heart of the audiolingual lesson?
B、Substitution drills

2、Which of the following is NOT the principle of teaching grammar?
A、Integrating both inductive and deductive methods into your teaching,
B、Using tasks that make clear the relationship between grammatical form and communicative function.
C、Focusing on the development of procedural rather than declarative knowledge.
D、Using more inductive teaching because inductive teaching is better than deductive teaching.

3、Which of the following statements about the order in which learners acquired the grammar of the language are TRUE?
A、Acquisition orders were determined through a contrast between the first language and the target language, rather than by the nature of the language to be learned.
B、Individual grammar items appeared not to be affected by instruction.
C、Many learners could state rules, but then violate those very rules in communication.
D、Learners from very different language backgrounds appeared to acquire grammatical items in the same order.

4、Which of the following activities belong to deductive grammar teaching?
A、Giving a grammatical explanation or rule followed by a set of exercises designed to clarify the grammatical point.
B、Presenting the learners with samples of language for guided discovery.
C、Clarifing the grammatical point and help the learners master the point.
D、Getting them to work out the principle or rule for themselves.

5、Which of the following describes a learner who has declarative but not procedural knowledge?
A、Learner who knows it’s a must to put an s on the end of the verb when making third person singular declarative statements but leaves off the s when making such statements.
B、Learner who can state or declare the rule, but can't or doesn't use the rule when using the language to communicate.
C、Learner who can’t state the rule for the third person but does add s in statements unconsciously.
D、Learner who is able to use the knowledge of language rules for communication.

6、Which of the following are the implementation of input enhancement?
A、Providing plentiful exemplars in a variety of different contexts
B、Highlighting, underlining, or coloring the target items
C、Doing substitutional drills
D、Letting students repeat the examples of target item

7、Which of the following are techniques of teaching grammar?
A、Doing consciousness-raising activities
B、Giving metalingual comments or advice
C、Asking for clarification or recast
D、Giving feedbacks and corrections

8、A prescriptive grammar sets out to describe the way that people actually use language.

9、While declarative knowledge can facilitate the development of procedural knowledge, it is not a necessary and sufficient condition for the development of such knowledge.

10、Consciousness-raising activities are designed to get learners to notice a particular grammatical feature or principle while learners are not required to use or practice the target item.

第5单元 讨论题

1、How do you think of the advantages and disadvantages of prescriptive grammars and descriptive grammars in terms of EFL teaching?

2、Stephen Krashen maintained that grammar instruction was unnecessary for the acquisition of a second language because grammar teaching led to conscious learning, whereas what we wanted was subconscious acquisition. Do you agree with Stephen Krashen? Why or why not?

3、How do you think of the relationship between declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge?

4、We have learnt that teachers need to develop their own teaching methods. Please share grammar teaching techniques of your own.

第6单元 语音教学 Unit 6 Teaching Pronunciation

Test (单元测试题)

1、In the 1980s and beyond, communicative and task-based language teaching has been gaining increasing popularity. As a result, pronunciation teaching emphasizes .
A、careful analysis of sounds and systematic learning of IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet)
B、imitation and repetition
C、interactive and increasingly extemporaneous activities
D、separation of sentences into individual words

2、In order to reduce learners’ anxiety, when teaching pronunciation teachers may .
A、let students’ talk about their frustrations and problems
B、let students practice in small groups first before in front of the whole class
C、provide feedbacks on their progress
D、point out each error and mistake whenever they make one

3、What does a pronunciation teacher do?
A、Supplying information
B、Giving models and set standards
C、Providing a wide variety of practice opportunities
D、Supporting and encouraging the learner

4、Pronunciation refers to the way sounds are perceived by the hearer.

5、There are few legitimate varieties of English in English-dominant countries around the world.

6、The goal of teaching pronunciation is to teach learners to achieve standard British or American pronunciation.

7、The practice of listening carefully and then repeating the heard sounds and speeches is grounded in theories of behaviorism.

8、A minimal pair consists of two words with the same meaning which differ from each other by only one distinctive sound.

9、Perfect pronunciation is more important than communicating meaningfully in pronunciation teaching.

10、Changes in pronunciation eventually happen through the learner.

第6单元 讨论题

1、As English teachers, shall we require students to acquire native-like pronunciation? What are the goals of teaching pronunciation?

2、What could be the possible problems with the assumption that learners with a “good ear” will be able to figure out how to pronounce English well on their own?

3、How do you learn English pronunciation? Are you familiar with the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet)? If yes, do you think it is effective to learn English pronunciation by learning and practicing the sounds in the IPA?

4、When practicing pronunciation, students may be afraid of making mistakes and losing face. How would you address the affective considerations of your students when teaching pronunciation?

第7单元 听力教学 Unit 7 Teaching Listening

第7单元 单元测验

1、Which method first emphasized the role of listening in the history of language teaching?
A、Audiolingual method
B、Direct method
D、Communicative Language Teaching Approach

2、“Input authenticity” means
A、Genuine: The input is created only for the realm of real life.
B、Altered: There is no meaning change but the original one is no longer as it was for the absence of glossing, visual resetting, pictures etc.
C、Adapted: The input is created for real life though with words and grammatical structures changed to simplify the text.
D、Simulated: The input is written by the author as if the material is genuine with many genuine characteristics.

3、Which of the following are effective listening strategies?
D、Listening word by word

4、People may have different understandings when hearing a sentence. This indicates that listening is not passive.

5、The more difficult the listening text is, the better it can enhance students’ listening competence.

6、To help students better understand what they hear, teachers need to insert a pause after each word.

7、A listening material which is slightly beyond learners’ present linguistic competence contributes to their language development.

8、Post-listening stage is mainly for comprehension and language consolidation.

9、Global listening is better than specific listening.

10、When conducting listening classes, teachers shall not simply check answers but encourage learners to speak out the words or expressions that help them get the answers.

第7单元 讨论题

1、What is listening? Is listening a receptive language skill? Why or why not?

2、What methods have been used to teach listening? How do you think of their strengths and limits?

3、What is “authenticity” in teaching listening?

4、What makes an effective listening task?

第8单元 口语教学 Unit 8 Teaching Speaking

第8单元 单元测验

1、7. Which kind of speech is much more unpredictable?
A、A. Interactional speech
B、B. Meaningful speech
C、C. Transactional speech

2、8. Which activity involves sending students out of the classroom with a stated purpose to talk to people in the target language?
A、A. Jigsaw activities
B、B. Information gap
C、C. Contact assignments

3、9.In order to force students to speak spontaneously, teacher should ask the actors to come to the front of the class ——the teacher tells them the situation.
A、A. before
B、B. during
C、C. after

4、8. When both of your friend and you are thinking about what to eat, you may say:
A、A. “Could we have some hamburgers?”
B、B. “Hamburgers?”
C、C. “What a lovely day!”

5、1.Speaking is considered as a productive skill and only involves producing information.

6、2. The more communicative an activity is, the more control it needs.

7、3. The process of trying to understand and making oneself understood is called negotiating for meaning.

8、4. Transactional speech is for social purposes. It includes both establishing and maintaining social relationships.

9、5. The activities which have information gap cannot be done at the very beginning of foreign language learning.

10、6. Role-plays give learners the opportunities to practice speaking in the target language before they must do so in the real world.

第8单元 讨论题

1、What are the differences and similarities between spoken language and written language?

2、What methods have been used in teaching speaking? What are their merits and demerits?

3、How do you think about the importance of accuracy and fluency in teaching listening?

4、How negotiation for meaning can be realized in interactional and transactional practices?

第9单元阅读教学Unit 9Teaching Reading

第9单元 单元测验

1、4. Which of the following statement is false?
A、A. Reading is a fluent process of readers combining information from a text and their own background knowledge to build meaning.
B、B. Fluent reading is slow, purposeful, interactive, comprehending, flexible, and quickly developing.
C、C. We believe that silent reading should be the goal in our classroom instead of using oral reading.
D、D. Strategic reading refers to the ability of the reader to use a wide variety of reading strategies to accomplish a purpose for reading.

2、5. Which of the following statement is false?
A、A. Interactive models are accepted as the most comprehensive description of the reading process.
B、B. Bottom-up models typically consists of lower-level reading processes, so students start with the fundamental basics of letter and sound recognition, which in turn allows for morpheme recognition.
C、C. Top-down model begins with the idea that comprehension resides in the reader. The reader uses background knowledge, makes predictions, and searches the text to confirm or reject the predictions that are made.
D、D. For teaching reading with bottom-up approach, teachers should focus on meaning generating activities rather than on mastery of word recognition.

3、6. Which of the following statement is false?
A、A. Within a bottom-up approach to reading, the most typical classroom focus is on what we call extensive reading.
B、B. Extensive reading is a reading strategy corresponding to top-down models.
C、C. An interactive approach to reading includes aspects of both intensive and extensive reading.
D、D. Extensive reading is contrasted with intensive reading.

4、7. Which one of the following is not included in the “ACTIVE” teaching system?
A、A. Verify reading rate
B、B. Activate prior knowledge
C、C. Cultivate vocabulary
D、D. Evaluate progress

5、8. What are the key features of a meaning-based or whole language approach to teaching reading? .
A、A. Literature-based
B、B. Student-centered
C、C. Integrated with writing
D、D. Emphasis is on constructing meaning

6、9. Which of the following are the examples of bottom-up models? .
A、A. Phonics approach
B、B. A graded reader approach
C、C. Wondering about a part of speech of a particular word
D、D. Anticipating what is coming next in the text

7、10. Which of the following statements are the drawbacks of the bottom-up model?
A、A. The bottom-up process is to break the whole (natural) language into bite-sized, abstract little pieces, and this would make learning to read difficult.
B、B. The readers will simply become “word callers” who can read the words on the page but do not understand what they have read.
C、C. If using bottom-up model, readers can read classical Chinese essays and pronounce all of the words that they are reading, but they may have no comprehension of what they have read.
D、D. The readers will get the details of the reading materials.

8、1. Teaching reading refers to teaching learners who are learning to read for the first time and teaching learners who already have reading skills in their first language.

9、2. The primary focus in the reading class should be on getting meaning from print rather than distracting attention to each word.

10、3. Reading consists of three elements: the text, the reader, and strategies.

第9单元 讨论题

1、We have talked about the four elements of reading. Are there any other elements of reading that may have been overlooked? What are they?

2、Why is an interactive approach to reading the best description of what happens when we read?

3、How can an English teacher decide what vocabulary students need to know for reading a passage?

4、Among the principles we have learned, which one(s) do you think could be particularly useful for your own reading? Why?

第10单元 写作教学 Unit 10 Teaching Writing

第10单元 单元测验

1、4. Which of the following statements is false?
A、Teachers need to understand their students’ reasons for writing.
B、Teachers need to provide many opportunities for students to write.
C、Teachers must write feedback in the margins.
D、Teachers cannot make students misunderstand feedback as “correcting” their writing.

2、5. Which of the following statements is false?
A、A. Writing is both a process and a product.
B、B. For centuries writing instruction has included the entire process of writing—invention, drafting, feedback, and revision.
C、C. The purpose of writing is both to express and impress.
D、D. Writing is often a cyclical process.

3、6. What should students do when they write their first draft?
A、Focus on the development of ideas and the organization of those ideas
B、Focus on the development of perfect grammar
C、Focus on punctuation
D、Focus on the spelling

4、7. What should teachers do when they give feedback to students’ writing?
A、Correct students’ grammar mistakes.
B、Give detailed feedback.
C、Only rely on the written form.
D、Encourage them and foster their confidence in writing and a positive attitude towards writing.

5、8. What are the three types of rubrics?
A、Non-weighted rubric.
B、Weighted rubric
C、General rubric
D、Holistic rubric

6、9. According to the process approaches to writing, what are the steps of writing?
B、Giving feedback

7、In the steps of invention, what techniques are recommended?
C、Word mapping
D、Quick writing.

8、1. English writing instruction follows a fixed sequence.

9、2. Writing is not a physical act, but it is a mental act.

10、3. When students are doing quick writing, they just let the ideas and words come out without concern for spelling, grammar, or punctuation.

第10单元 讨论题

1、Based on your own learning and teaching experiences, how do you understand writing and teaching writing?

2、Who are you teaching or going to teach? How would you select writing activities for your learners?

3、How would you conduct quick writing activity in your writing class?

4、How were your writing evaluated in the past? How do you think of the evaluation methods used by your former English teachers?


Observation of an English Listening Class

1、(Watch the video 00:00-05:45) What did the teacher write on the blackboard before class?
A、Common expressions for suggestions
B、Text title
C、A map

2、(Watch the video 00:00-05:45) In the lead-in stage, which of the following did the teacher do exactly?
A、She set up a real situation and asked students to help solve the difficulties.
B、She set up a scenario and asked students to look for answers on the map.
C、She set the task and asked the students to complete it independently.
D、She asked several questions for the students to answer independently.

3、(Watch the video 00:00-05:45) In the introduction, the teacher wrote several phrases on the blackboard. What could be the possible reasons for the teacher to do so?
A、She may want to help students solve problems.
B、She may want to introduce language.
C、She may want to do brainstorming with students.
D、She may want to help students better understand the problem.

4、(Watch the video 00:00-05:45) Before listening what tasks did the teacher ask the students to complete?
A、Watching the video to understand the background of the characters.
B、Watching the video to learn about the characters.
C、Watching the video to understand the difficulties of the characters.
D、Watching the video to understand the relationship between the characters

5、(Watch the video 5:46-9:45) In the first listening task, what did the students complete?
A、Listening to the tape and answering the questions.
B、Listening to the tape and doing true or false questions.
C、Listening to the tape and discussing in groups.
D、Listening to the tape and completing multiple choice questions.

6、(Watch the video 5:46-9:45) The teacher presented the task with slides and key words in different colors. What could be the possible reasons for the teacher to do such integration?
A、She may want to draw students' attention.
B、She may want to arouse students' interest.
C、She may want to increase the difficulty level of the task.
D、She may want to reduce the difficulty level of the task.

7、(Watch the video 5:46-9:45) The teacher wrote several key words on the blackboard while the students finished the task. How may students benefit from these words?
A、These words may help students better answer questions.
B、These words may help students better solve problems.
C、These words may help students better understand the story.
D、These words may help students better understand their task.

8、11. (Watch the video 9:46-14:47) Did the teacher gave feedback after the students finished the task?

9、(Watch the video 14:50-22:03) How did the teacher connect the student group report task with the next listening task?
A、There is little connection because the teacher moved on straight to the next task.
B、The teacher set up a context of preparing to rescue the astronauts.
C、The teacher let students do exercises.
D、The teacher let the students read the text.

10、(Watch the video 14:50-22:03) What did the teacher do before assigning the second task in listening?
A、She marked the map.
B、She guided students to do predictions.
C、She explained words.
D、She introduced listening content.

11、(Watch the video 14:50-22:03) How many exercises did the students do in the second listening task?

12、(Watch the video 25:28-30:16) What task did the teacher assign after listening?
A、Group activities.
B、Answering questions.
D、Designing rescue plan.

13、(Watch the video 25:28-30:16) What did the teacher do before the students started the post-listening task?
A、She explained the task using the blackboard.
B、She presented common sentence patterns through PowerPoint.
C、She presented keywords through PowerPoint.
D、She explained the task through PowerPoint.

14、(Watch the video 00:00-05:45) In the introduction stage, the teacher set up a real situation to guide students to solve problems by depicting the route from the school to the provincial museum. What are the values of doing so?
A、It can arouse students' curiosity to solve problems.
B、It can stimulate students' content schema.
C、It can pave the way for the later tasks, i.e., marking the map and talking about the route after listening。
D、It can pave way for sharing ideas in groups and later presenting ideas in class.

15、(Watch the video 5:46-9:45) Before listening to the text in Book A, the teacher asked the students to complete the listening task in the Workbook of Book B. What could be the possible reasons for the teacher to do such integration?
A、She may think the two materials are of the same topic.
B、She may think the two materials have close connections.
C、She may want to Increase difficulty level according to students' abilities.
D、She may think the text content is not sufficient.

16、(Watch the video 9:46-14:47) The teacher asks the students to do role play. How may students benefit from this task?
A、This task may help students better understand the story
B、This task may help students improve their oral English by reporting what they had heard.
C、This task may help students carry out cooperative learning and improve oral English.
D、This task may help students realize the transformation from "getting" information to "reporting" information. In other words listening is practiced to improve speaking.

17、(Watch the video 14:50-22:03) During listening, why did the teacher ask the students to grasp the information of the landing position of the rescue boat and the captain's instructions.
A、She may want students to get information through listening.
B、She may want to improve students’ listening skill of recording key information while listening.
C、She may want to achieve teaching objectives.
D、She may want to use this to pave way for later tasks.

18、(Watch the video 25:28-30:16) Why did the teacher ask the students to read the listening material again after the listening task?
A、She may want students to consolidate the listening content.
B、She may want students to better understand the structure of the listening materials.
C、She may want students to improve their reading comprehension.
D、She may want students to improve their listening comprehension.

19、(Watch the video 25:28-30:16) In order to complete the listening and speaking task, what students need to do?
A、To design a route.
B、To make a point.
C、To explain reason.
D、To work as a group and present an oral report.

20、(Watch the video 25:28-30:16) How can students benefit from doing the homework?
A、It can help students consolidate their listening skills.
B、It can help students improve their writing skills.
C、It can help students consolidate what they have learned.
D、It can cultivate students' innovative thinking.


C.我国的根本制度是( )。


B.以下不属于管理信息系统特点的是( )。
D.关于游走性舌炎临床表现以下错误的是( )。




D.蛋白质涉及N-连接寡糖的糖基化作用发生在( )。




A.如果用户想保存一个正在编辑的文档,但希望以不同文件名存储,可用( )命令。


B.下列各项因素降低时,会导致盈亏临界点上升的是( )


D.9、下列关于java.util.Date类的描述中,错误的是( )


A.5.仅具核算功能的会计软件也能满足企业日益发展的需要。( )
B.我国的现金流量表将现金流量分为( ) 我国的现金流量表将现金流量分为( )
D.注册后的品牌有利于保护( )。

具有n(n>0)个结点的完全二叉树的深度为 。

D.已知点A的投影,下面的说法中不正确的是( )。


A.云南省“学费代偿”中规定的“三个藏区县”不包括( )。
D.内底边板的结构形式可以分为水平式、下倾式和上倾式 。


B.地震作用的大小与下列哪些因素无关( )。
C.抗震设计规范对砌体房屋作了以下限制( )
D.魏晋时期吴歌和西曲的总称是( ) 。

短期借款的特点是( )。


电喷车出来后,使得化油器车发生贬值,这种贬值是( )。

B.签发一张转账支票,小写金额为¥7036.05,则大写金额正确的是( )。
D.创建曲线结束时,应执行的操作( )