



51 min read


Week 1

Unit 2 Writing Process随堂测验

1、大学答案答案Checking your essay for grammatical and spelling errors is 英文often called....

2、课后This 作业step in the writing process involves making an outline or plan for your essay.

3、期末This 慕课part of the writing process involves choosing a topic to write on and brainstorming ideas for your essay.

4、This part of the writing process involves actually writing your essay. During this stage, you should not worry about writing the “perfect paper.” Your goal during this step is to get your ideas down on paper.

5、This step in the writing process involves checking for ways to improve your essay in content and organization. It is one of the last steps.

Unit 2 Writing Process随堂测验

C、Other (Strategic Questions)
D、None of the above

C、Other (Strategic Questions)
D、None of the above

C、Other (Strategic Questions)
D、None of the above

Week 1 作业

1、Please choose one of the three topics below to practice prewriting and planning techniques. 1) Try free-writing about an unforgettable person/event/object for 5~10 minutes. 2) Develop a list or a cluster of the ideas related to Chinese folk songs. 3) Generate a detailed outline including three important points in favor of or against the criticism from Zhouzi Fang(方舟子)on Chinese medicine (The Economic Observer Online on Feb. 7, 2007).

Week 2

Unit 3 Brainstorming随堂测验

1、Brainstorming does NOT include ___________.
A、careful revision and editing of the essay

2、“Brainstorming” means __________.
A、writing grammatically correct sentnences
B、thinking carefully about word choices
C、collecting ideas and details that relate to your topic
D、jotting down every word that occurs to your mind

3、In doing a brainstorming activity, your primary purpose is ___________.
A、revising the thesis statement
B、discovering ideas for the essay
C、eliminating less important ideas
D、making fun

4、Brainstorming activities help you __________.
A、generate ideas for an essay topic
B、decide on the central idea
C、develop solid support for the thesis
D、do all of the above

Unit 3 Brainstorming随堂测验

1、“Listing” is ___________.
A、a paper editing technique
B、a brainstorming technique
C、a drafting technique
D、a revising technique

2、While you are expanding your list, ___________.
A、one idea will lead to another
B、ideas seldom come first in order of importance
C、it will be easier to choose a topic
D、all of the above are likely to occur

3、To make a “list,” you ___________.
A、pile up ideas and details relevant to your topic
B、should first sort out major details from minor ones
C、should first try to put the details in an appropriate order
D、do none of the above

Unit 3 Brainstorming随堂测验

1、While creating a “cluster”, you will often ___________.
A、use lines, boxes, arrows, and circles
B、start at the top of a blank page
C、begin from supporting ideas and details
D、do all of the above

2、“Clustering,” a brainstorming technique, is often used to ___________.
A、edit the final draft of an essay
B、delete minor ideas
C、organize ideas and details
D、do none of the above

3、Working through a “cluster” helps you ___________.
A、generate relevant ideas and details
B、discover how ideas relate to one another discover how ideas relate to one another
C、differentiate major and minor ideas
D、achieve all of the above

Unit 4 Planning and Outlines随堂测验

1、An outline will __________.
A、make your essay better organized
B、help you stay focused while drafting
C、save much of your time
D、do all of the above

Week 2 测试

1、Outlines can be derived most easily from __________.
D、any brainstorming activity

2、To begin an outline, you need to start with a thesis statement. Which sentence is NOT true about the thesis statement?
A、It can never be adjusted even if it does not match the topic sentences.
B、It helps developing the topic sentennces for the body paragraphs.
C、It serves as a guide throughout the process of writing the essay.
D、It indicates the controlling idea that covers the whole essay.

3、For a formal essay outline, you may ___________.
A、use Roman numerials to stand for paragraphs
B、capitalize every word in the outline
C、write only complete sentnences
D、delete important ideas in body paragraphs

4、Building an outline may NOT include ___________ at first.
A、writing complete sentences
B、writing a thesis statement
C、developing topic sentences for body paragraphs
D、adding supporting ideas and examples

5、In a detailed outline, one usually adds ___________ for each paragraph.
A、supporting ideas and examples
B、topic sentences
C、a thesis statement
D、nothing important

Week 2 作业

1、Please make an outline to explore "Sex Education in China." You may first try to generate ideas through brainstorming with a list or cluster, and then develop it into a detailed outline. A detailed outline consists of a thesis statement (the central idea), three topic sentences (for the body paragraphs), and supporting details and facts.

Week 3

Unit 5 The 5-Paragraph Essay Structure随堂测验

1、What is a thesis statement?
A、It is the central idea, or point, developed in any essay.
B、It is the main idea, or point, developed in a paragraph.
C、It is a supporting idea, or subtopic, to illustrate a main point.
D、It is none of the above.

2、Where should we place a thesis statement?
A、It usually appears as one paragraph by itself.
B、It is usually put in the end of the introductory paragraph.
C、It is usually the opening sentence of the Essay.
D、It usually appears in the concluding paragraph.

3、Which sentence is NOT true about a standard supporting paragraph?
A、It often falls below 150 words.
B、It often develops in 150~250 words.
C、It consists of a topic sentence.
D、It consists of supporting details.

4、Which of the statements below is most suitable to describe the structure of standard short essays in college English?
A、It is a composition of over five hundred words.
B、It consists of two to four body paragraphs.
C、It has a one-paragraph introduction and a one-paragraph conclusion.
D、It has all of the three features above.

5、Specific support for the thesis appears in the body paragraphs. How many body paragraphs usually appear in a short essay of about 700 words?
A、Only one.
B、Only two.
C、Two to four.
D、More than four.

Unit 5 The 5-Paragraph Essay Structure随堂测验

1、The keyhole diagram __________.
A、includes the introduction, the body, and the concludion
B、serves as an outline for paragraph development
C、limits the brainstorming activities for ideas
D、does none of the above

2、In the keyhole diagram, the concluding paragraph is presented ___________.
A、with a circle to stand for a circlar movement
B、with a funnel to show a movement to the more specific
C、with an upside-down funnel moving to the more general
D、with a smaller keyhole

3、We use the keyhole diagram __________.
A、to show the internal relationship among the parts
B、to demonstrate the trend of essay development
C、to help our organization of ideas while drafting
D、to do all of the above

4、The keyhole diagram presents the introductory paragraph with ______________.
A、a circle to stand for a circlar movement
B、a funnel to show a movement to the more specific
C、an upside-down funnel moving to the more general
D、a smaller keyhole

5、In the keyhole diagram, the body paragraphs ___________.
A、are generally arranged from the strongest to the weakest
B、are generally arranged from the weakest to the strongest
C、are commonly ended with topic sentences
D、are rarely connected to each other

Unit 6 Introductions, Conclusions, and Titles随堂测验

A、The first sentence.
B、The first and second sentences.
C、The first three sentences.
D、The last sentence.

2、In which sentence is the thesis statement presented?
A、In the first sentence.
B、In the second sentence.
C、In the third sentence.
D、In the last sentence.

3、Does the thesis statement include subtopics for the development of body paragraphs?
A、No, it doesn't.
B、Yes, such as "the guidance to truths," "resources of inspiration," and even "precious gifts."
C、Yes, it does, but not clearly.
D、No. Those are not supporting ideas.

Unit 6 Introductions, Conclusions, and Titles随堂测验

1、Please read the conclusion of the sample essay “Why We Need Mistakes,” and answer the following questions. ①Since mistakes will eventually benefit us, we should not be afraid of making mistakes. ②If we treat them properly and intelligently, we will learn from them and make progress. ③John Powell, a well-known British musician, once points out, “The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.” 1. In the concluding paragraph of “Why We Need Mistakes,” which sentences reinforce the thesis and supporting points of the essay?
A、The first sentence
B、The second sentence
C、The first and the second sentences
D、The last sentence

2、Which sentence in the concluding paragraph contains the final thought of the essay?
A、The first sentence.
B、The second sentence.
C、The first and second sentences.
D、The last sentence.

3、Does the quotation from John Powell in the final sentence address the same issue and then successfully wrap up the essay?
C、No. It's hard to tell.
D、No. It's just a way to wrap up.

Unit 6 Introductions, Conclusions, and Titles随堂测验

1、While writing a title, you should __________.
A、all of the following
B、capitalize all the nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs
C、demonstrate the trend of essay development
D、emphasize the central idea of the essay

2、Choose an appropriate title for the following introductory paragraph. For my birthday this month, my roommates have offered to treat me with a dinner party at the restaurant of my choice. I think they expect me to ask for at a classic and expensive restaurant. However, I’m going to eat my birthday dinner at the KFC near the campus. When I compare the two types of restaurants, the advantages of fastfood restaurants are clear.
A、"My Birthday Dinner Party"
B、"A Comparison of Restaurants"
C、"Classic and Expensive Restaurants"
D、"Fastfood Restaurants"

3、Choose an appropriate title for the following introductory paragraph. If you see rock-concert audiences only on television or in newspaper photos, the people at these events may all seem to be excited teenagers. However, if you attended a few rock shows, you would see that several kinds of people make up the crowd. At any concert, you would find the typical fan, the out-of-place person, and the troublemaker (from J. Langan, College Writing Skills with Reading, 6th ed., p. 92).
A、"Rock Concerts"
B、"Rock Fans Presented by Media"
C、"Regular Rock-Concert Goers"
D、"None of the above"

Week 3 测试

1、Most native speakers of English will ___________ in a regular college essay of about 700 words.
A、arrange the body paragraphs from the weakest to the strongest
B、arrange the body paragraphs from the strongest to the weakest
C、usually end the paragraph with a topic sentence
D、develop a paragraph in a circular fashion

2、Which suggestion below will help you draft a concluding paragraph?
A、You may start by summarizing the presented ideas or rephrasing the thesis statement.
B、You may repeat the thesis statement and topic sentences.
C、The closing paragraph should go between 150 to 250 words.
D、You may introduce new ideas.

3、Which statements below correctly describe the structure of standard short essays in college English?
A、It has a one-paragraph introduction and a one-paragraph conclusion.
B、It contains two to four body paragraphs.
C、It prevides a thesis stateemnt to present the main point of the essay.
D、It has five paragraphs in no more than 500 words.

4、Which suggestion(s) below will help you draft and revise the introduction for an essay assignment?
A、The introduction should arouse the reader’s interest in the topic.
B、The introduction should provide necessary background information.
C、The introduction should present a thesis statement as the focus of the essay.
D、The introduction should be written in 150 to 250 words.

5、The title of an essay ___________.
A、should reflect its main idea or major ideas
B、is often concise with no more than a few words
C、may vary with different genres
D、is a statement or a question

Week 3 作业

1、1) Rewrite the essay "Chinese or Western, It's Time to Relax" into a five-paragraph essay about 700 words; 2) Do not change its major points, but revise the thesis statement and create new topic sentences to suit your rewrite; 3) Feel free to use the original words and sentences and the other materials from the text, but add supporting details to your rewrite if necessary. The essay "Chinese or Western, It's Time to Relax" is attached below. Chinese or Western, It’s a Time to Relax 1 It’s that time of the year when the world seems to be caught in a trance — the trance of end-of-year celebrations. End-of-year, I said. 2 The problem seems to be exactly that. Why should we in China refer to the week between December 24 and 31 as the end of the year when ours (according to the lunar calendar) is at least a month away? 3 We do so apparently because Christmas and New Year have become global festivals, not because they (especially Christmas) are essentially Western in nature and spirit, but because we can relax during those few days. 4 Nevertheless, some scholars and students have expressed concern over the increasing influence of Christmas on oriental, particularly Chinese, culture. Their fears may be justified to a certain extent. In fact, we Chinese do seem to attach a lot more time and attention to Christmas today than we did even a couple of decades ago. 5 For good or bad, the world has possibly undergone more changes in the past two decades than it did in the past two centuries. We have used more resources, burnt more fuel, caused more pollution and killed off more animals and plants as we have come closer to each other to form a truly global village. Television, we thought, was the last uniting factor till we got a feel for the Internet. 6 All these changes have made us take a different look at the world beyond and our home within. Nothing comes without a rider in this global market. If we want to be part of the dazzle and comfort that the West is known for, we had better accept some of its anomalies, too. This is not to say that festivals mean something else to the West. 7 Be it on the mainland or in the highly developed West or in the poorest of societies, a festival carries the same meaning. People across the world celebrate them with their family and friends. The basic concept is the same too, sharing a feast or a humble meal (with a few drinks in some societies like ours and the West). 8 We celebrate an occasion to vent our feelings, to relax and enjoy a break from the everyday skulduggery that life in these times has become. It’s apparently no different from the break our ancestors enjoyed from the mundane affairs of their daily lives. 9 Most of the world follows the Gregorian calendar, including us, in their day-to-day lives. So the festivals and special events in that calendar are bound to influence us. That we, like many South, Southeast Asian, Middle East and perhaps some indigenous American people, follow the lunar calendar for our festivals is a different matter altogether. 10 We cannot afford to be left untouched by the festive spirit of the West, which doesn’t mean we follow the West blindly. Not everything about their culture may be good, but decadence is not the sole preserve of the West. No culture in the world is free of decadence and that includes Chinese culture. 11 So the problem is not Western culture, or what we generally associate with it. The problem is those who are blinded by everything Western. We have to find out why more and more Chinese, especially the youngsters, feel at one with Western festivals as much as they do with the Chinese ones. But thankfully our festivals have lost none of their charm. And here is where the alarm bells sounded by scholars and students come in. 12 I can understand the zeal of these people. They want to conserve our culture, and that definitely doesn’t make them what we generally refer to as conservatives. They have a point. But they, or for that matter anybody else, cannot save any society from the influence of a world getting smaller by the day. 13 So instead of trying to shut our eyes and ears to Western festivals, we should accept the goodness they offer and practice what they stand for. And let’s not forget that Jesus was not born in the West but the East (the Middle East, to be precise), and he preached love for mankind and help for the poor. Unit 8: Active Reading (2), 《新标准大学英语》New Standard College English, III pp. 119-120

Week 4

Unit 7 The Thesis Statement随堂测验

1、A clear and workable thesis statement ________. (Multiple answers are possible.)
A、copes with a topic that is not too broad or too specific
B、appears as a complete sentence that presents one main idea
C、uses subtopics to help readers predict how the essay is organized
D、is the opening sentence of the essay

2、While you are drafting, the thesis statement often ________. (Multiple answers are possible.)
A、stops your writing process
B、makes it easy to get off the topic
C、makes it easier for you to start
D、helps you stay focused on the central topic

3、While you are revising an essay, the thesis statement ________. (Multiple answers are possible.)
A、helps you revise the content
B、helps you find and delete irrelevant details
C、replaces topic sentences
D、replaces the conclusion

Unit 7 The Thesis Statement随堂测验

1、A thesis statement is usually presented ________.
A、separately from the introduction
B、in the beginning of the introduction
C、in the middle of the introduction
D、in the end of the introduction

Unit 7 The Thesis Statement随堂测验

1、Thesis statements should _________. (Multiple answers are possible.)
A、appear as questions
B、give announcements
C、state the main idea of the essay
D、contain a main topic and some subtopics

Unit 8 Paragraph Unity and Paragraph Development随堂测验

1、Which statement below is NOT correct about standard paragraphs in college essays?
A、There are no paragragh writing conventions.
B、“Body paragraph” is another name for them.
C、“Middle paragraph” is another name for them.
D、They tend to go between 150~250 words.

2、Which statement correctly describes writing conventions for standard paragraphs?
A、A standard paragraph consists of a group of sentences.
B、A standard paragraph develops one main idea.
C、Standard paragraphs serve as primary building blocks of an essay.
D、All of the above.

Unit 8 Paragraph Unity and Paragraph Development随堂测验

1、How is a topic sentence related to the other parts of the essay?
A、It is not related to the thesis statement.
B、It provides details in the paragraph.
C、It derives from the thesis statement.
D、It is not related to the other part of the paragraph.

2、Where does a topic sentence mostly appear in the paragraph?
A、In the middle of the paragraph.
B、At the beginning of the paragraph.
C、By the end of the paragraph.
D、In a separate paragraph.

3、Which statement below correctly defines topic sentences?
A、A topic sentence is a sentence on the top of a paragraph.
B、A topic sentence states the point to be detailed in the paragraph.
C、A topic sentence gives topics not to be discussed in the paragraph.
D、A topic sentence covers all the details in the essay.

Unit 8 Paragraph Unity and Paragraph Development随堂测验

1、The treatment of relativity in science fiction film is even more confusing. Take Star Trek: The Voyage Home (1987) for example. As the spaceship revolves round the sun, it gathers so much speed that it moves backwards into history. But this is nonsense, not relativity. As Jones puts it, “Einstein said that nothing travesl at more than the speed of light, not that the clocks will run the other way if you go fast enough.” Even Superman (1978) is baffled by the concept. It takes him a split second to fly round the earth anticlockwise to save Lois Lane, who has fallen victim to an earthquake. Jones: “Time is not like a car. It has no reverse gear” (Greenall & Wen, eds. New Standard English Book II, p. 133). Which pattern, deductive or inductive, does the paragraph follow?

2、More than half a million Canadians fought in Europe during the Great War, and 65,000 of them lost their lives. Many of them died in Flanders (Belgium) where some of the fiercest fighting took place. In May 1915, one of them, an army doctor called John MacRae, tried to express his feelings when a close friend was killed in battle. In just a few minutes he wrote a poem about the poppies growing by the side of his friend’s grave and across the whole battefield. The poem became popular when it was published in December 1915. Today, the poppy has become a symbol of the Great War. People wear poppies on their coats when they attend Remembrance Day ceremonies, and place wreaths made of poppies on war memorials. For some people, the poppy represents blood and death; for others, release from pain; and for still more, a sign of rebirth and life. But they all believe it is an appropriate way of showing respect to millions of soldiers who gave their lives for others (Greenall & Wen, eds. New Standard English Book II, p. 68). Which pattern, deductive or inductive, does the paragraph follow?

Week 4 测试(一) Read the following thesis statements and evaluate each of them.

1、The recent crime wave in the country has several apparent causes.

2、A rainstorm hit the city last summer.

3、The city hall officials made a number of mistakes in their response to the rainstorm last summer.

4、On their way to work, at work, and on the way home, residents of big cities must cope with a continuing barrage of noises.

5、Making public speeches gave me self-confidence socially, emotionally, and professionally.

6、This essay tells about the crime wave in the country.

7、Insects are fascinating creatures.

8、Ants are one of nature’s most successful insects.

9、Strength, organization, and communication make ants one of nature’s most successful insects.

10、Television can be harmful because it creates passivity, discourages communication, and presents a false picture of reality.

Week4 测试(二) Read the following topic sentence, and decide whether they are effectively "focused."

1、Read the passage below and answer the question after it. But men have an almost completely opposite approach when it comes to dealing with a problem. Everything in their mental makeup tells them to focus narrowly on the issue, solve it, and get it out of the way. The ability to fix a problem quickly and efficiently is, to them, a demonstration of their power and competence. When a man hears his female partner begin to describe a problem, his strongest impulse is to listen briefly and then tell her what to do about it. From his perspective, he has made a helpful and loving gesture; from hers, he’s short-circuited a conversation that could have deepened and strengthened their relationship. (J. Langan, College writing skills with readings, 6th ed., p. 275) Which statement below would best serve as the topic sentence of the paragraph above?
A、Men’s approach to problem solving is the opposite of women’s.
B、Men solve problems quickly to demonstrate power and competence.
C、Women's approach to solving problems usually involves giving instructions.
D、Women differ from men in their typical responses to problem-solving.

2、Bubble gum comes in different shapes.

3、Some people start smoking due to peer pressure

4、What we call “flu” is a virus.

5、If one feels comfortable composing directly on the computer screen, he or she will benefit from the computer’s special features.

6、The Internet is said to be the most significant event of the last one hundred years.

7、Computers are the wave of the future.

8、Organized sports teach kids about discipline.

9、Spelling and grammar checkers will catch comma splices.

10、On this day of reflection and celebration of the Internet’s 20th anniversary, we also recognize the contrary view that the web has hindered and stripped us by what it has become—the inherent nature of re-using information.

Week 5

Unit 9 Coherence in Paragraphs随堂测验

1、 Which of the following sentences works best as the topic sentence for the list of sentences above?
A、Food, art dance, clothing, music, and holidays offer windows into the cultural values, patterns, and expectations of the local people.
B、Many study-abroad students find that navigating the transportation of another country can be among the most frustrating yet rewarding aspects of studying abroad.
C、After living in such a city for a semester, however, such students develop a certain pride in being able to travel with confidence across a large city, picking the right bus or train line, and leading visitors to destinations across town.
D、Other students study in a rural community or less developed location, where buses or public transit may be limited or even primitive. Finding a safe bus or van for intercity travel can take hours in many parts of the world.

2、Which of the following sentences does not relate to the focus of the paragraph?
A、For example, a student from a suburb who has never ridden a bus or subway and then goes to London, Paris, Berlin, Toronto, or any other large city may feel overwhelmed at first in learning how to get from Point A to Point B.
B、Learning how the local transportation systems work can feel like a daunting task at first, and many travelers rely on small charts or maps o navigate the different bus, subway, tram, and train lines and figure out how the price structure works.
C、Food, art dance, clothing, music, and holidays offer windows into the cultural values, patterns, and expectations of the local people.
D、Regardless of the program location, many students find that learning how to overcome the frustrations and fears of transportation to be among their most rewarding accomplishments while abroad.

3、Arrange the sentence a to sentence f (See Question 1) into a paragraph. Which arrangement works best with the internal logic of the paragraph?
A、a, b, c, d, e, f
B、d, c, f, b, a, e
C、f, e, b, a, e, d
D、b, a, e, d, c, f

Unit 9 Coherence in Paragraphs随堂测验

1、It is impossible to predict what type of holidays people will be taking in 100 years’ time. It is possible, __________, that space travel will be a realistic option in the future. _________, it would completely transform our traditional view of holiday.
A、for example ... If so
B、in fact ... If so
C、as a result ... Of course
D、for example ... Firstly

2、I would argue that supermarkets are a good thing. _________, in some countries they can offer so many products that it’s hardly necessary to shop anywhere else. _________, there are sometimes opposing voices, but few of them are lasting.
A、Moreover ... Nevertheless
B、In fact ... Therefore
C、In fact ... Of course
D、Moreover ... As a result

3、Statistics show that the worst drivers in the world are young men. _________, at anytime that I look closerly at any car that is going too fast, overtaking in the wrong place or driving too close to the car in front, there will be a young man in the driver’s seat.
A、For instance
C、In addition
D、In my personal experience

Unit 9 Coherence in Paragraphs随堂测验

1、Air travel has come down in price over the past five years. __________ reduction has been the result of airlines offering a “no-frills” service, _________ passengers pay for refreshments.
A、Its ... when
B、This ... when
C、Its ... where
D、Their ... where

2、Just under 40% of people in the UK and 50% of Americans say that work is the most important part of their lives. _________ figures increase further when you include retired people looking back on their working lives. _________ attitudes may be changing, however.
A、These ... This
B、These ... Such
C、They ... That
D、They ... Such

Unit 10 Patterns of Paragraph Development: An Introduction随堂测验

1、Children gain valuable insights into such things as teamwork, determination and winning through games and sport. These are more likely to help develop their understanding of the world and prepare them for it than a mundane part-time job.
D、Comparison and contrast

2、The www (World Wide Web) indeed gives every idea and thought 15 minutes of fame, but shrinks the truly great humanly relevant ideas and experiences to iconic status.
B、Cause and effect

3、Associative learning is a scientific approach. For instance, showing the child images while learning the alphabet (apple for ‘a’, boy for ‘b’) makes him or her remember the letters faster and easier.
B、Personal narrative
D、Comparison and contrast

4、Not every parent is capable of teaching his or her child at home because the blind cannot lead the blind. For example, parents cannot teach children algebra if they don’t know themselves.

5、What exactly is news? The objective importance and the historical, international significance of an event is not enough. It is the odd, unexpected and human nature that made news like 9/11 memorable and newsworthy. So is immediacy which refers to the nearness of the event in time.
B、Comparison and contrast

Unit 10 Patterns of Paragraph Development: An Introduction随堂测验

1、“You ask me: what is poverty? Listen to me. Here I am, dirty, smelly, and with no ‘proper’ underwear on and with the stench of my rotting teeth near you. I will tell you. Listen to me. Listen without pity. I cannot use your pity. Listen with understanding. Put yourself in my dirty, worn out, ill-fitting shoes, and hear me. "… Poverty is looking into a black future. Your children won’t play with my boys. They will turn to other boys who steal to get what they want. I can already see them behind the bars of their prison instead of behind the bars of my poverty. Or they will turn to the freedom of alcohol or drugs, and find themselves enslaved. And my daughter? At best, there is for her a life like mine…” (From "What Is Poverty?" by Jo Goodwin Parker in J. Chaffee, ed., Critical Thinking, Thoughtful Writing, 2nd ed., 347-350) What perspective does the writer use to define poverty?
A、First-person narrator
B、Second-person narrator
C、Third-person narrator
D、None of the above

2、“While the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the main effect of global warming, there are other effects as well. For example, there is a marked increase in infectious diseases that have changed their range in the past few years. Cases of malaria and dengue fever have occurred as far north as New York, New Jersey and Michigan in recent years, and diseases such as encephalitis and becoming more common. The sea level has changed, affecting low-lying areas and destroying beaches and wetlands around the world. Glaciers and snow cover are gradually disappearing on all five continents. And finally, plant and animal populations are shifting and migration patterns are changing as species try to adapt to changing climates. Some species that are unable to adapt successfully have begun to decline. More severe weather events, such as droughts and flooding, are also a consequence of global warming, and a warning that action must be taken to preserve the environment now.” (From “The Sierra Club Global Warming Campaign” in J. Buckley, ed., The Harbrace Reader for Canadians, p. 273) From what perspective does the passage discuss global warming?
A、First-person narrator
B、Second-person narrator
C、Third-personal narrator
D、None of the above

Week 5 测验(一) Paragraph Coherence

1、When a group of schoolchildren was interviewed, the majority said they preferred their teachers to be humorous but also kind. However, _________ qualities are not as highly rated by teachers themselves. _________ suggested that commitment to their subject was more important.
A、Such ... One
B、They ... He
C、They ... She
D、This ... You

2、I strongly approve of the preservation of historic buildings. ____________, they are part of our heritage and secondly, they are often very beautiful. Too many have already been destroyed. ___________ my home town, where whole streets of lovely houses were knocked down in order to build high-rise flats.
A、For one thing ... A good example of this is
B、Instead of ... For example
C、In fact ... For example
D、For instance ... For instance

3、Most world cities were designed long before the motor car and so, naturally, they were not meant to handle the large volumes of traffic so common today. __________, the streets in the center of Toronto are narrow and the traffic moves very slowly, particularly at rush hour. Cities such as Jakarta and Bangkok are famous for their traffic jams and, _________, a 10 km journey can take up to two hours.
A、For instance ... in fact
B、As a result ... in all
C、Meanwhile ... in case
D、For one thing ... for the other thing

4、The cost of gas has risen steeply in the last few years. ____________ rise is due to a combination of things, such as shortages of oil and higher government taxes. Unfortunately, it looks unlikely that ___________ trend will be reversed.
A、This ... this
B、Those ... its
C、These ... it
D、This ... its

5、People’s views vary on the subject of recycling waste. __________ who live near recycling centers usually support it, while_________ who have to travel long distances to recycle their rubbish often just don’t bother.
A、Those ... others
B、They ... such
C、They ... those
D、These ... they

Week 5 测验(二)Organization Patterns

1、These days, it seems that an increasing number of people are leaving rural areas to live in the city. Discuss some of the effects of rural depopulation (migration from the country to the city) and suggest some ways in which this trend could be reversed.
A、Cause and effect

2、Even if some people believe that there are some disadvantages brought by the Internet, they cannot deny the fact that it brings more advantages.
C、Comparison and contrast
D、Personal narrative

3、Even though globalization affects the world’s economics in a very positive way, its negative side should not be overlooked.
A、Cause and effect

4、Home schooling belongs to the past and is unacceptable in modern society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Use your own knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.
B、Personal narrative

5、Many people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. However, this essay argues that children who are taught to co-operate rather than compete will become more successful in their future career.
B、Cause and effect
D、Personal narrative

Week 6

Unit 11 Description in Essay Writing随堂测验

A、A place.
B、A scene.
C、A person.
D、An object.

2、Which sentence in this paragraph contains the controlling idea of the description?
A、Josh Lester turned into 46th Street.
B、He was not yet enjoying the Christmas spirit, because he was still at work, albeit a working dinner at Joanne’s.
C、He was from a hard-working family in upstate Virginia, and was probably happiest back home in his parents’ house.
D、Josh was very smart.

Unit 11 Description in Essay Writing随堂测验

1、Passage 2: The Annie F. Warren Grammar School was a red-brick building, set back from the main highway on a black tar street, surrounded by barren gravel playgrounds. The dingy back entrance to the school was deep-set in a long passageway which was an excellent place for surprise captures and sudden rescues. (From Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams by Sylvia Plath) Passage 2 is an example of subjective description.

2、Passage 3: They didn't look anything alike. Of the three boys, one was big — muscled like a serious weight lifter, with dark, curly hair. Another was taller, leaner, but still muscular, and honey blond. The last was lanky, less bulky, with untidy, bronze-colored hair. (From Twilight by Stephenie Meyer) Passage 3 is an example of objective description.

3、Passage 1: The cat sat down. Still looking at us in that disconcerting way, she tilted her head first to one side and then the other, inquiringly and cogitatively, the way a cat does when she has struck the unexpected and can’t quite make out what she had better do about it. Next she washed one side of her face, making such an awkward and unscientific job of it that almost anybody would have seen that she was either out of practice or didn't know how. (From The Mysterious Stranger by Mark Twain) Passage 1 is an example of subjective description.

Unit 12 Narration in Essay Writing随堂测验

A、above all
B、at first
C、first of all
D、at last

2、Blank 2
A、at last
D、At first

3、Blank 3
C、For a few seconds

4、Blank 4
A、Even so
B、As a result

Unit 12 Narration in Essay Writing随堂测验

1、How does the writer of Passage One inform the reader?
A、By following a chronological order.
B、By following a spatial order.
C、By using flashbacks.
D、By using flash-forwards.

2、From whose perspective does the writer of Passage Two tell the story?
A、1st person singular
B、2nd person narrator
C、3rd person singular
D、1st person plural

3、Passage One Philip Freneau has always been regarded as “the Father of American Poetry.” His first collection of poems, entitled The American Village was published in 1772. When the independence Revolution broke out, Freneau took great advantage of his poetic inspiration to devote all his patriotic talents to the revolutionary cause. Born on January 12, 1752 in New York City, Freneau was brought to New Jersey at 10 by his father, a ship builder and plantation owner. When he was studying law at the College of New Jersey(later Princeton University), he became a roommate of James Madison, later the fourth president of the United States, and his career as a poet also began during this period. As a result, a lot of poems were written for exposing the brutality of British colonialism and for encouraging the revolution. (《美国诗歌研究》p. 12) Which will be the correct logical order of the sentences in Passage One?
A、2, 1, 3, 4
B、1, 3, 2, 4
C、2, 3, 1, 4
D、4, 3, 2, 1

4、Passage Two The bar was set at nine inches higher than his personal best. That's only one inch off the National record, he thought. He became more tense. Why was this happening to him now, he thought. He began to get nervous. “Afraid” would be a more accurate description. What was he going to do? He had never experienced these feelings. The intensity of the moment filled his mind with anxiety. He began shaking the tension from his body. It wasn't working. It was simple. His mother always used to tell him when you felt tense, anxious or even scared, take deep breaths. So he did. Then out of nowhere, and from the deepest depths of his soul, he envisioned (saw) his mother. Why now? What was his mother doing in his thoughts at a time like this? 《全新版大学英语综合教程第二册》Unit 5 Which will be the correct logical order of the sentences in Passage Two?
A、2, 1, 4, 3
B、1, 2, 3, 4
C、3, 1, 2, 4
D、1, 2, 4, 3

Week 6 测验:Identify the type(s) of sense the description in the sentences below by choosing from the senses. Multiple answers are possible.

1、The local snacks are hot, spicy and salty.
A、sense of taste
B、sense of hearing
C、sense of touch
D、sense of smell
E、sense of sight

2、The buns are feathery soft but heavy in the hand and soggy inside.
A、sense of touch
B、sense of hearing
C、sense of smell
D、sense of taste
E、sense of sight

3、Her hair was a deep black, cropped short and pointing in every direction.
A、sense of sight
B、sense of hearing
C、sense of touch
D、sense of smell
E、sense of taste

4、The wind began to blow fiercely, and the rain was getting harder with each passing second. Palm fronds were blowing across the road like leaves. The rain was now coming at me horizontally instead of vertically, blowing from left to right. Within a few minutes, I couldn’t see the road directly in front of my car. The force of the rain felt and sounded like a hundred fire hoses aimed directly at the left side of my car. I slowed down to a literal crawl and tried to continue without driving into the lake or a ditch.
A、sense of sight
B、sense of hearing
C、sense of touch
D、sense of taste
E、sense of smell

5、I chew noisily and happily like a puppy at a food bowl.
A、sense of hearing
B、sense of sight
C、sense of touch
D、sense of smell
E、sense of taste

Week 6 作业

1、Description and narration are the basic skills in communication. This assignment asks you to choose ONE from the following two topics to write a paragraph (> 150 words) or a short essay (<350 words) to: 1. Tell about your frustrating experience with some high-tech product(s) or a hazard you've heard from others, using details to support a main point or to create a humorous tone; 2. Describe the cartoon below by artist Li Min published in China Daily (2010).

Week 7

Unit 13 Process Analysis in Essay Writing随堂测验

1、Processes are ____________.
A、some steps carried out in writing
B、series of steps carried out in a definite order
C、something people put into a system to deal with
D、none of the above

2、The similarity between narration analysis and process analysis is that they both ______.
A、tell mainly what happens
B、involve a series of events
C、examine or analyzes the various stages leading to the final result of final product
D、All of the above.

Unit 13 Process Analysis in Essay Writing随堂测验

1、Which element of a process answers the question: “Why is it crucial to understand this process?”
B、Materials and steps
D、People and impact

2、Which of the following is NOT an Element of a process?
B、Materials and steps
D、People and emotions

Unit 13 Process Analysis in Essay Writing随堂测验

1、What is NOT true about the writing of directional process?
A、It provides instructions on how to do something.
B、The reader is expected to perform the same action accordingly.
C、The writer often uses the 1st person approach.
D、The reader is not expected to perform the same action.

2、The keys in writing process analysis include___________.
A、the reader’s background and knowledge
B、chronological order or in order of importance
C、use as many technical terms as possible
D、details and examples

3、Process thinking involves steps. These can be organized__________.
B、in order of importance
C、according to spaces
D、in none of the ways above

4、What is true about the writing of informational process?
A、It tells how something works.
B、It tells how something is done or made.
C、You do not expect the reader to do the same action
D、The writer often uses the 1st person approach.

Unit 14 Comparison and Contrast随堂测验

1、What is NOT true about comparison and contrast?
A、All details are equally important.
B、Key details are often a matter of personal preference.
C、It is essential to identify and elaborate on a key detail to create an emphasis.
D、In comparison or contrast, we focus on the most important point.

2、A comparison ______________.
A、organizes and develops points of difference
B、organizes and develops points of similarity
C、focuses on both similarities and differences
D、is none of the above

Unit 14 Comparison and Contrast随堂测验

1、The main purpose of an analogy is to _______________.
A、make a statement more vivid
B、make a statement more humorous
C、use familiar or concrete things to illuminate new abstract concepts
D、classify or illuminate a concrete concept with an abstract concept

Week 7 测验 (Comparison and Contrast)

1、Which pattern of comparison do you find in the following outline? Person A 1) family background 2) educational background 3) working experience Person B 1) family background 2) educational background 3) working experience
A、the block pattern
D、the point-to-point pattern

2、What is NOT true about the Block Pattern of organization?
A、It’s the best approach to develop long and complicated comparison-and-contrast essays.
B、It presents all the information about Item A and then all that about Item B.
C、It fully discusses Item A at first and then turns to Item B.
D、It’s useful for short and relatively simple comparison-and-contrast essays.

3、Which is a FALSE statement about methods of comparison and contrast?
A、Different patterns cannot be combined in use.
B、The subject-by-subject pattern (or the block pattern) tends to work better for short essays.
C、The point-by-point pattern works better with many aspects.
D、Many people like to write literature review in the point-by-point pattern.

4、Which quotation below is an analogy?
A、Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting. (—Edmund Burke)
B、Potential is like a diamond in the rough. You know there is value, but it just needs to be polished first.
C、Life is like a coin. You can spend it anyway you wish, but you can only spend it once.
D、He has many mouths to feed in his family.
E、Nature’s first green is gold / Her hardest hue to hold / Her early leaf’s a flower / But only so an hour. (—Robert Frost)
F、We must all hang together , or we shall all hang separately.(—Benjamin Franklin)

5、What is true about the point-to-point comparison?
A、We move back and forth between Item A and Item B at each point.
B、We should discuss items in the same order throughout the essay.
C、Shifting between Item A and Item B makes the comparison easy to follow.
D、It fully discusses Item A at first and then turns to Item B.
E、It presents all the information about Item A and then all that about Item B.

Week 7 测验(Process Analysis)

1、"How to do in-text citation in a research paper" refers to an informational process.

2、"A method for reducing anxiety" is an informational process.

3、"How to first-aid people in heat stroke" can be defined as informational process.

4、"How to register online" will guide students through the steps registration for courses on the Internet. It is an informational process.

5、"How an advertisement works" is a typical example of directional process.

6、"How credit card companies make money" calls for an informational process.

7、"The life cycle of frogs" is a typical example of informational processes.

8、"How to install a computer software" can be analyzed as a directional process.

9、"How to prepare for IELTS writing tasks" is a directional process.

10、"Ways to reduce energy and water consumption" can be understood as an informational process.

Week 8

Unit 15 Cause and Effect随堂测验

1、Which of the following factor is NOT an element of a cause-and-effect relationship?

2、Which of the following statements are true about the relationship of causes, problems and effects?
A、Most often causes exist before the problem.
B、Effects tend to occur after the problem has arisen.
C、Effects of an event can be the causes of another event.
D、Causes of an event cannot be the effects of another event.

Unit 15 Cause and Effect随堂测验

1、What are the proper ways of writing a cause-and-effect essay?
A、It is necessary to formulating a thesis statement.
B、Listing is one of the methods of organizing possibles causes and effects.
C、It is proper to use transitional words showing causes where necessary.
D、Transitional words indicating effects can be used in the essay.

Unit 16 Examples in Essay Writing随堂测验

1、What is the point made by the example in the following paragraph? Thirty-four years ago, the man whose life we celebrate today spoke to us down there, at the other end of this Mall, in words that moved the conscience of a nation. Like a prophet of old, he told of his dream that one day America would rise up and treat all its citizens as equals before the law and in the heart. Martin Luther King’s dream was the American Dream. His quest is our quest: the ceaseless striving to live out our true creed. Our history has been built on such dreams and labors. And by our dreams and labors we will redeem the promise of America in the 21st century. (The Journey of Our America Must Go On)
A、Martin Luther King was like a prophet of old times.
B、Martin Luther King’s words moved the conscience of a nation.
C、We will redeem the promise of America in the 21st century by our dreams.
D、All citizens should be treated as equals before the law and in the heart.

2、What are the purposes to use examples in essay writing?
A、To make abstract ideas concrete.
B、To make general opinions more specific.
C、To provide a summary.
D、To clarify vague statements.

3、The elements of examples include________.
C、Fact or detail

Unit 16 Examples in Essay Writing随堂测验

1、Which type of example is the one employed in the following paragraph? The most important thing to becoming rich is for you to have a mindset to want to become rich. The reason I say that is this, is because I wanted to become rich when I played Monopoly, that was, I was nine years old. The greatest formula for wealth is found on that board game. When I was nine years old my poor dad, the schoolteacher says, “Ah, put the game away. Study, study, study! You’re wasting your time playing Monopoly.” And my rich dad said, “The formula, you must open your mind and see the formula right on Monopoly.” He said, “It’s right in front of you.” And I went, “What’s the formula?” And finally I learned the formula is: four green houses, red hotel, four green houses, red hotel. Today I’m a rich man because all I ever did since the time I was 24 years old was buy four green houses, sell them all, buy a red hotel. Four green houses, red hotel. It is not, you do not have to go to school to become rich. Just play Monopoly; four green houses, red hotel. That is it. Rich Dad’s Money Making Secrets
A、The public
B、The personal
C、Similar example(s)
D、Contrasting examples

2、Which of the following is NOT true about public information?
A、It is general.
B、It is widely accepted.
C、It is typical.
D、It is officially established.

3、What is/are true about extended examples?
A、Six basic questions will help to elaborate and extend examples.
B、One extended example is not sufficient to support a claim.
C、A single extended example can support a claim.
D、An extended example cannot be personal experience.

4、Related examples are ___________.
A、multiple examples
B、similar examples
C、contrasting examples
D、none of the above

Week 8 测验 (Cause and Effect)

1、Increased air pollution __________ respiratory illness.
A、results in
B、results from
C、causes by
D、attributes to

2、We couldn’t make it to the party on time ___________ the heavy traffic jam.
A、because of
B、regardless of
C、in spite of
D、instead of

3、He is the only child and ___________ heir to the property.

4、He made a serious mistake and, __________, he lost his job.

5、“Why don’t you get a car?” “Well, ___________, I don’t have a driving licence… ”
A、for one thing
B、as a consequnce
C、because of
D、for another

Week 8 作业 (Examples)

1、Identify and list specific parts or examples for the topic "Language and Culture," and then make a point you might support with your examples. You need to 1) make a point with the given topic and 2) generate some ideas of good examples to support your main idea. Here is one example to show you how to complete the task: Topic: Memory and history classes 1) Main Idea: A good memory is the key to succeeding in history classes. 2) Examples: College classes --> history --> capitals of states --> famous rulers and inventors --> causes, dates, and locations of wars

Week 9

Unit 17 Definition随堂测验

1、Which of the following is an Element of a definition?

Unit 17 Definition随堂测验

1、What are the basic ways of defining?
A、Showing details.
B、Giving synonyms.
C、Renaming the subject.
D、Using the negative.

Unit 18 Classification and Division随堂测验

1、Classification emphasizes differences while division focuses on similarities.

2、Classification is an organizational pattern that groups items according to what they have in common.

3、Division is an organizational pattern that separates items from one another.

Week 9 测验 (一): Definition

1、“Psychology is the study of the mind and mental activities” is a(n) ___________ definition.

2、Which way is used to make the definition “Love is not like a rummage sale, in which everyone tries to grab what he wants. It is more like a Christmas, in which gifts and thoughtfulness come just a little unexpectedly”?
A、Defining with a negative.
B、Giving synonyms.
C、Giving antonyms.
D、Renaming the subject.

3、Which of the following techniques is similar to the math equation, "x = y"?
A、Renaming the subject.
B、Giving antonyms.
C、Giving synonyms.
D、Defining with a negative.

4、Where should we place the definition in a paragraph?
A、It usually appears in the topic sentence.
B、It usually appears in the ending sentence.
C、It is usually put in the middle of the paragraph.
D、It usually appears amongst supporting details.

5、What common errors should we avoid while making a definition?
A、Circular definition
B、A long list of synonyms
C、Loaded definition
E、Defining with a negative
F、Using synonyms or antonyms

Week 9 测验(二): Classification and Division

1、The topic "criteria to evaluate for an extracurricular activity" suggests classification.

2、The topic "means of transportation in the city" suggests division.

3、The topic "parts of a smartphone" suggests division.

4、The topic "components of a computer" suggests classification.

5、The topic "charaterisitics of a good language learner" suggests classification.

6、The topic "a typical day in your life" suggests classification.

7、The topic "jobs requiring English writing skills" suggests division.

Week 10

Unit 19 Introduction to Argumentation随堂测验

1、What is the central claim in an argument?
A、It is an important subject that people are arguing about.
B、It is a statement that expresses the writer’s view about the topic.
C、It is the topic sentence of a paragraph in the essay.
D、It is a particular subject matter the writer considers.

2、Which of the following is true about evidence?
A、Evidence should be relevant to the claim.
B、Evidence should be sufficient.
C、Evidence should be trustworty.
D、Evidence may include an experiment we can replicate ourselves.

Unit 19 Introduction to Argumentation随堂测验

1、Which is the correct arrangement of steps in argumentation?
A、1) persuading the audience 2) arguing the point 3) making a case
B、1) making a case 2) arguing the point 3) persuading the audience
C、a) arguing the point b) persuading the audience c) making a case
D、1) making a case 2) persuading the audience 3) arguing the point

2、What strategy is generally used at first in argumentation?
A、Clarifying problems and articulating a coherent perspective.
B、Acknowledging different viewpoints.
C、Pointing out a common ground to settle matters.
D、Appealing to your readers and motivate them to act.

Unit 19 Introduction to Argumentation随堂测验

1、What is true about FACTS?
A、They are open for debating.
B、They are statements that can be verified.
C、They are statements of personal beliefs.
D、They can be verified by observation or experimentation.

2、Which of the following statements are OPINIONS?
A、Girls tend to drop out of math classes sooner than boys.
B、Hiroshima was the primary target of the first atomic bomb mission.
C、The gift of time is the gift of life, forever, if we know how to receive it.
D、The Chinese population represents about one fifth of the world’s population.

Unit 20 Elements of an Argument随堂测验

1、Science fiction is more interesting than romance.
A、Claim of fact.
B、Claim of value.
C、Claim of definition.
D、Claim of policy.

2、The ozone layer is becoming depleted.
A、Claim of fact.
B、Claim of definition.
C、Claim of value.
D、Claim of policy.

3、Everyone in China should have access to health care.
A、Claim of fac











