



47 min read


Lesson 2 Description (1)

Test for Description (1)

1銆丷ead the following 6 statements and decide whether they are true or false. Description can be a verbal account telling something in detail or conveying a particular impression or attitudes towards the target object.

2銆丏escription can be completely separated from other genres like expository and narrative.

3銆丏escription is 中国章节a linear process.

4銆乂arious details even different terms for the same details can be employed to convey different impressions when engaging in descriptive writing.

5銆乀he act of selecting particular details to communicate given impressions or feelings should also take into consideration your target audience and communication purpose.

6銆丅efore descriptive writing, it is imperative to catch your intended impression after looking into the details of the target.

7銆丳lease judge whether the following 4 phrases follow the rule of sequenced modifiers for describing nouns correctly. three little red old cloth bags

8銆乤 gorgeous young Italian lady

9銆乻even strong young basketball American players

10銆乤 short new beautiful red Chinese woolen coat

Lesson 3 Description (2)

Test for Description (2)

1銆丣ason ____ into the kitchen and over to the fridge.

2銆乢____ is cleaning the rusty metal table.
A銆丄 girl
B銆丄 freckle-faced blonde
C銆丄 good-looking dog

3銆丄 thief____ my purse from my hand and quickly run away.
C銆乸icked up

4銆丼he crossed her legs and _____ her high heels.
A銆乸ut on
B銆乼ook off

5銆丆omfortable ________ are important for this journey because we have to travel a long distance to get to the destination.
A銆乭igh heels

6銆乄hen describing an object, exact names, generic verbs and descriptive words should be used as many as possible.

7銆丄ll the details of the target object should be focused when approaching description.

8銆乄hen readers are not familiar with what you are describing, connections between your target object and other more common symbols of your intended description should be established.

9銆丼ome of descriptive words of sounds are culture/language-specific.

10銆丏escription can only be arranged in the spatial order.

Lesson 4 Description (3)

Test for Description (3)

1銆丼imile is very helpful for describing objects. Please select one from the following sentences, where simile is employed.
A銆丼he walks elegantly.
B銆丼he walks like a swan.
C銆丼he is a swan.

2銆丄nimals tend to carry special characteristics related to human, leading to a multitude of culturally specific similes associated with animals. Please select one animal from the following choices so that a complete and appropriate meaning can be conveyed. I am sure that he can solve the problem. He is as wise as a/an _____.

3銆丏on鈥檛 try to change her mind. She is as stubborn as a/an ______.

4銆丳ersonification is particularly useful for animating lifeless objects. Please select one from the following sentences, where personification is utilized.
A銆乀he tea kettle is making unpleasant noises.
B銆乀he tea kettle is screaming at me in the kitchen.
C銆乀he tea kettle is boiling, sound very strange.

5銆丳lease select one word from the following so that the subject can be personified. My cat is always________ me whenever I see her.
A銆亀alking towards
B銆乻miling at
C銆乬azing at

6銆丼imile and metaphor are ways to compare shared qualities between things that are same.

7銆丮etaphor refers to one kind of figures of speech to compare things with similar characteristics by using 鈥渓ike鈥?or 鈥渁s鈥s鈥?

8銆丯ot every animal in simile or metaphor carries the same characteristics assumed to be symbolic of your intended theme. This is partially language/culture-specific issue.

9銆丳ersonification is used only for animating inanimate objects.

10銆丼imile, metaphor and personification are three most commonly used figures of speech in description but a good description can be achieved without utilizing any of them.

Lesson 5 Description (4)

Test for Description (4)

1銆丱nomatopoeia is a frequently used technique for describing. Please select one onomatopoeic word from the following choices.

2銆丄lliteration is one of figures of speech related to the pronunciation of words. Please select one representative use of alliteration from the following sentences.
A銆丠e is walking down the street.
B銆丼he sat by the babbling brook to read the book.
C銆丼ally waited for her father by the ladder.

3銆丠yperbole refers to the exaggeration used to put emphasis on certain effects. Please select one representative use of hyperbole from the following sentences.
A銆丠is wife is expecting.
B銆丠e had a bit too much to drink last night.
C銆両 was so hungry that I could even eat a horse.

4銆乀he way to attribute the characteristics of objects or animals to human beings is called _____.

5銆丄 good description requires sufficient details to show the dominant impression. Please select one sentence from the following choices, which vividly shows the theme of 鈥渘ervous鈥?
A銆丼he is uneasy.
B銆丼he seems to be uneasy.
C銆丼he is constantly fidgeting, fingering her necklace and looking around.

6銆丱nomatopoeia refers to the use of words that sound what they mean.

7銆丄lliteration means the repetition of consonant sounds at the end of words that are close to one another.

8銆丠yperbole refers to the deliberate exaggeration in order to create humors or emphasis.

9銆乄hen describing a person, all the details of the person should be described.

10銆乀o achieve a nice descriptive effect, more efforts should be put to demonstrate the selected details to communicate a dominant impression rather than telling the impression directly.

Lesson 6 Description (5)

Test for Description (5)

1銆丱ne way to create a specific effect or momentum in describing things is to vary sentence structures.

2銆乀here is no other way to deal with clich茅s in writing except deleting them.

3銆乀he sentence 鈥淗e stopped in the middle of the path, frozen in place in front of the coiled rattlesnake鈥?is not different from its revised version 鈥淚n the middle of the path, he stopped, frozen. There it lay, a coiled rattlesnake鈥?in terms of the created effect and momentum.

4銆丱ne effective way to make the description of abstract things concrete is to use metaphor or personification to present features of abstract in an acceptable way.

5銆両t is advisable to talk about the impact of or the body response to an emotion in describing instead of directly saying 鈥淚 feel鈥︹€︹€?

Assignment 1: Descriptive writing

1銆丳lease choose one of the following topic and write a descriptive essay: 1) Your favorite vacattioon destination; 2) A person who you love or admire greatly or who had a lasting impact on you.

Lesson 7 Narration (1)

Test for Narration (1)

1銆丳lease select from the following choices the wrong factor to consider in narration when facing different audience.

2銆丳lease select from the following choices the wrong categorization of narration.
A銆丼torytelling and commentary
B銆丯onfictional (journalistic/biographical)
C銆丗ictional (historical)

3銆丳lease select from the following choices the one functioning as 鈥渢heme鈥?instead of 鈥渟ubject鈥?
A銆乄ar causes untold suffering to human.

4銆丳lease select from the following choices the one that represents the correct order of prewriting activities.
A銆丅rainstorming-freewriting-listing ideas
B銆丗reewriting-brainstorming-listing ideas
C銆丩isting ideas-brainstorming-freewriting

5銆丳lease select from the following choices the one that does not constitute the typical structure of narrative writing.
A銆両ntroduction Problem setting Problem development Problem resolution Conclusion
B銆丄rgument 1 with supporting ideas Argument 2 with supporting ideas Conclusion
C銆両ntroduction Beginning of story Middle of story End of story

6銆丯arration refers to 鈥渢he process where events or incidents are presented to the reader in a particular order鈥?

7銆乀he principle of unity in narration requires that all the supporting elements must surround closely the thesis or the main idea.

8銆乀he thesis statement in narration should be explicitly stated.

9銆乀o think of the 鈥?W鈥?and 鈥?H鈥?questions is one of effective prewriting exercise for narration.

10銆丄s long as we formulate a sound narrative thesis, there is no need to select specific words to help to lead the readers in the same direction.

Lesson 8 Narration (2)

Test for Narration (2)

1銆丳lease select from the following choices the one that doesn鈥檛 belong to the external conflict.
A銆丄 husband and wife during a divorce
B銆丄 woman dealing with sadness after breaking up with her lover
C銆丄n unpopular student struggling to be accepted by her peers

2銆丳lease select from the following choices the one that differs from others in terms of the category of logical transition.
A銆丄s a result

3銆丳lease select from the following choices the one whose category of conflict theme does not match its examples.
A銆丮an VS Man: two armies at war
B銆丮an VS Nature: a thief trying to avoid a guard dog
C銆丮an VS Fate: a student struggling to overcome laziness

4銆丳lease select from the following choices the one whose component of framework in narration does not match its examples.
A銆丼etting: The author is on vacation in Colorado with his friends.
B銆丯ature: He fears for his life as he looks down during the climb.
C銆丷esolution: He is climbing for the first time.

5銆丳lease select from the following choices the one whose component of framework in narration does not match its examples.
A銆丆ontext: One night, after perhaps a week into the trip, we were on our last legs getting to a campsite and going down a large hill.
B銆丯ature: There was no way I would watch my brother die under the wheels of a truck.
C銆丷esolution: My brother was saved from being crushed by the truck.

6銆両n a composition, coherence refers to a literary technique of logical connection which readers or listeners perceive in a written or oral text.

7銆両ntra-paragraph transitions are used to realize the logical connections from one paragraph to the next.

8銆丆ommonly used time order signal words include after, before, finally, first, meanwhile, because and so on.

9銆丆onflict in narration involves pitting one force, a force that may be represented by a person or a physical object or abstract concept, against another.

10銆丆onflict between man and nature belongs to internal conflict.

Lesson 9 Narration (3)

Test for Narration (3)

1銆丳lease select from the following choices the one that does not belong to the category of specific details.
A銆両t was a beautiful day.
B銆乄hite clouds towered above the mountains.
C銆丄 flock of crows rode the air currents up past my window.

2銆丳lease select from the following disturbing choices the right framework for a "Upside-Down Pyramid" introduction paragraph.
A銆丟eneral Some details Greater details Narrowed focus
B銆丟eneral Narrowed focus Some details Greater details
C銆丟eneral Some details Narrowed focus Greater details

3銆丳lease select from the following choices the one that does not represent effective technique for creating narrative distance.
A銆乁se of vocabulary and grammar
B銆丳rovision of facts as part of the scene
C銆乁sing personal imagination

4銆丳lease select from the following choices the one whose general category of details mismatch its examples.
A銆乂isual details: "He had a big mouth and a great smile"
B銆丯umerical details: "He was at least fifty pounds overweight"
C銆丄ction details: "One summer afternoon in 1988"

5銆丳lease select from the following choices the one that dose not belong to the benefits of using dialogue in narration.
A銆乀o allow the reader to more fully experience the event
B銆乀o bring out the conflict of the encounter
C銆乀o strengthen the author鈥檚 argument

6銆丄 support paragraph is a group of sentences that work together to explain, illustrate, or provide evidence for a single supporting assertion (topic sentence).

7銆両n support paragraphs for narration, details like 鈥渂eautiful day鈥?and 鈥渞ead books鈥?belong to specific details while 鈥渃rystal blue sky鈥?and 鈥渇irst volume鈥?belong to general detail.

8銆丯arrative distance refers to the space between the reader and the narrator or character in a story.

9銆乀he sentence 鈥淭he trees were a resplendent green鈥?increases the distance between the reader and the narrator or character in a narrative.

10銆乀he use of dialogue in narration can achieve multiple effect such as revealing tensions and creating atmosphere.

Lesson 10 Narration (4)

Test for Narration (4)

1銆丳lease select from the following choices the one that is typical of brevity.
A銆乀he door was opened by the man.
B銆乀he man opened the door.
C銆乀he door turned out to be opened by the man.

2銆丳lease select from the following choices one context where first person is suitable to be used.
A銆丄cademic writing for the writer鈥檚 address.
B銆両nstructions for the reader鈥檚 address.
C銆丄utobiography for the writer鈥檚 address.

3銆丳lease select from the following choices the one that is not proper to use for addressing larger academic community in narration.
A銆丆onformity to the conventions of the particular field.
B銆丳ersonal anecdote.
C銆丆itations from known experts in that field.

4銆丳lease select from the following choices the one that is not proper to use for addressing professionals in your field in narration.
A銆丅ackground information.
B銆乀erminology for your field.
C銆丼pecific writing style and vocabulary.

5銆丳lease select from the following choices the one that belongs to the potential consequences of using second person.
A銆丳ossibility of impersonal distance with audience.
B銆丳ossibility of repetition.
C銆丳ossibility of confusion.

6銆丩inear narratives present stories in a logical manner by telling what happens from one point in time to the next.

7銆丅revity means wordiness, using more words than necessary.

8銆両n terms of narrative perspective, the third person should be used with caution since the audience might feel removed from the events in the narrative, but that may be your desired result depending on the piece.

9銆丗or generalized group of readers, terminology for your field, specific writing style and vocabulary should be used in narrative writing.

10銆両n writing, variety is often better than repetition, so the blend of direct and indirect speech adds to the quality of the essay.

Assignment 2: Narrative writing

1銆丳lease choose one of the following topics and write a narrative essay. 1) The most embarrassing experience of your life 2) A frightening experience you鈥檝e had

Lesson 11 Practical writing (1)

Test for Practical writing (1)

1銆丳lease select from the following choices the one whose purpose and audience fail to match with each other.
A銆乄riting an instruction to your babysitter to entertain.
B銆乄riting a letter to a community leader to persuade him to address your community鈥檚 needs
C銆乄riting a play to entertain a packed theater

2銆丳lease select from the following choices the one that suits the audience of teenagers with an interest in pop music.
A銆丄 KS4 Biology Textbook
B銆丄 Nightmare on Elm Street
C銆丄n Advertisement for a Taylor Swift Album

3銆丳lease select from following choices the one that represents the denotation of winter.
B銆乀he season between autumn and spring.

4銆丳lease select from the following choices the one that is typical of academic writing features.
A銆丼o what should we do?
B銆両t鈥檚 important to consider what should be done.
C銆両 am wondering what we should do

5銆丒xaggeration or hyperbole is frequently used in informal writing, which violated the objectivity principle of academic principle. Please select from following choices the one that suffers this violation.
A銆両t is not easy to 鈥︹€?br>B銆両t is difficult to 鈥︹€?br>C銆両t鈥檚 incredibly difficult to 鈥︹€?br>D銆?--

6銆両n academic settings, the reasons for writing fulfil four main purposes: to summarize, to analyze, to synthesize and to evaluate.

7銆丏enotation refers to associated meanings of words/emotions and attitudes aroused by words.

8銆乀one is a literary technique that is a part of composition, which encompasses the attitudes toward the subject and the attitudes toward the audience implied in a literary work.

9銆乀exts which share the same genre share the same purpose.

10銆丗eatures like the use of contraction, personalization, repetition and exaggeration are very common in academic writing.

Lesson 12 Practical writing (2)

Test for Practical writing (2)

1銆丗inding main idea is an essential pre-summarizing activity where many crucial elements are helpful for identifying the main idea. Please select from following choices the one that does not help to identify the main idea.
A銆乀he type of essay.
B銆丯otions which seem to be repeated throughout.
C銆乀he selection of sentence structure.

2銆丳lease select from following statements the one that wrongly describes the principles for summarizing.
A銆丯ot using the same words, phrases, or sentence structure of the original.
B銆並eeping the summary as long as possible.
C銆丩eaving out some of the unimportant details.

3銆丳lease select from following examples mentioning certain authors the one that shows they are an authoritative source.
A銆両n "Global Warming isn't Real," Steven Collins, a professor at the University of Michigan, claims that 鈥︹€?br>B銆丣ohann Bachman argues in "Global Warming is the Next Best Thing for the Earth" that 鈥︹€?br>C銆両n "My Favorite Shoe", Treyvon Jones explains that鈥︹€?br>D銆?--

4銆乀here is also a convention about how to refer to the author after the first time. Please select the correct one from following examples.
A銆丄ccording to Mary Johnson in her essay, "Cats Make Good Pets," 鈥︹€?br>B銆両n conclusion, Kessler elaborates about鈥?br>C銆丆ollin Lee discussed this issue in the conference鈥︹€?br>D銆?--

5銆丳lease select from following examples the one that represents a good paraphrase of the sentence 鈥淭he student was unable to express the author鈥檚 main point, despite having read the article several times.鈥?br>A銆乀he student was incapable of expressing the author鈥檚 main idea, despite having read the article several times.
B銆乀he schoolchild was unable to verbalise the wordsmith鈥檚 main hypothesis.
C銆丒ven after multiple readings, the student was incapable of expressing the author鈥檚 main idea.

6銆丄 good summary Is clear to someone who has never seen the source material, only consists of the main points that are important, does not contain any superfluous 鈥渇iller鈥?

7銆乄hen summarizing, it not necessary to follow the author鈥檚 original order either temporarily or logically.

8銆乀he only purpose for summarizing is to condense a lot of information in a short space.

9銆乀he sentence 鈥淚n a book written by a famous writer, 鈥︹€︹€?is acceptable in writing summary.

10銆丄 conclusion would contain summaries and a restatement of the thesis.

Lesson 13 Practical writing (3)

Test for Practical writing (3)

1銆丳lease select from the following choices the one that is not a suitable purpose for writing a report.
A銆乀o let other people know about the developments of a project, so other people can be encouraged to do their own projects.
B銆乀o use for evaluation.
C銆乀o present an argument.

2銆丳lease select from the following statements that describe report writing the incorrect one.
A銆丷eports are a highly structured form of writing.
B銆丷eport writing is an essential skill for ordinary writers.
C銆丳resents information as clearly and succinctly as possible.

3銆丷eports can be divided into various types according to different standards. Please select from the following professional standards the improper one.
A銆丳eriod: routine/special.
B銆乁se: external/internal.
C銆丩ength: long/short.

4銆丳lease select from the following choices the one that is not a common component of report structure.
A銆丳ersonal introduction.
B銆乀itle page.
C銆丒xecutive summary/abstract.

5銆丗or different audiences, different focuses on the parts of report can be seen. Please select from the following choices the one that casual readers need most.
A銆丮ain message.
B銆丮ain message with more details.
C銆乀he whole story.

6銆丄 report is a statement of the results of an investigation or any matter on which definite information is required.

7銆丄 formal report can be written from an author's personal point of view to present an argument.

8銆丄 good report should meet the needs of the readers, answers the questions, be at the right level of readers and have clear logical structure.

9銆丏escriptive abstracts are like a condensed version of your paper, giving an overview of everything in your research including the results.

10銆乄hen finishing the report, jargon and clich茅 should be avoided to achieve simplicity.

Lesson 14 Practical writing (4)

Test for Practical writing (4)

1銆両n business writing, a good planning plays an indispensable role. Please select from the following choices the one that does not belong to the effective planning steps.
A銆丒stablish the objective.
B銆丅rainstorm the content.

2銆丆omplex sentences have ideas linked with relative pronouns or a subordinating conjunction. Please select from the following choices a subordinating conjunction.

3銆乄hen writing for business purpose, it is crucial to decide the tone of writing. please select from the following examples the one with a 鈥減ulling鈥?tone.
A銆乄e strongly recommend you鈥︹€?br>B銆乀he report you sent is totally inadequate鈥︹€?br>C銆丏o me a favor and get it to me ASAP. If you send it, we can try to salvage what鈥檚 left of the deal鈥︹€?br>D銆?--

4銆両n business writing, it is highly recommended that some negative words should be replaced with positive words. Please select from the following choices the positive one.
C銆乄aste of time.

5銆丳lease select from the following descriptors the one that violates the principle of formal writing.
A銆丩ess structure.
B銆両mpersonal and direct.
C銆丮ore use of the past voice.

6銆乀he completeness principle in business writing requires the use of correct grammar.

7銆両n business writing, simple sentences usually convey a light, straightforward and precise tone while complex sentences convey a more serious and professional tone.

8銆丆ompound sentences are sentences which have two or more clauses.

9銆丣argons should always be avoided in business writing.

10銆乀he basic business writing process include planning, orienting the readers, structuring the information, selecting appropriate language, drafting, revising and finalizing.

Lesson 15 Practical writing (5)

Test for Practical writing (5)

1銆丳lease select from the following choices the one that is not typical of CV features.
A銆丮ore Details about Educational History.
B銆丮ore job description, less accomplishments.
C銆丼howcases qualifications in teaching, research, and service.

2銆丆V contents may include much information such as the contact information, education and research information. Please select from the following choices the one that does not belong to the education part.
A銆両nstitution, Degree and Major, Year Obtained.
B銆乀itle of Thesis/Dissertation.
C銆乄ebsite and Social Networking Profile.

3銆乀o prepare a satisfactory CV, close attention should be paid to all issues ranging from format to content. Please select from the following choices the one where the convey information about the applicant鈥檚 character fail to match the specific writing feature.
A銆丳resentation of awards: excellent.
B銆丆onsistency: Considerate, well-organized, trustworthy.
C銆丄ction verbs and specific examples: Genuine, reliable, exceptional.

4銆丳ersonal statements may serve many purposes. Please select from the following choices the unsuitable one.
A銆丄ccounting for gaps in education, poor grades or test scores.
B銆丳racticing self-reflection and discovery.
C銆丮aking a good greeting with the institution you are applying for.

5銆乄hen writing personal statement, it is highly recommended that some word should be given to analyze the research and institutional strengths of your target institutions. Please select from the following choices the unsuitable one.

6銆丳ersonal statements tell a story of facts while CVs tell a story about the significance of the contexts that led to these facts.

7銆乄hen writing personal statement, it is also recommended to present your notable skills, abilities, or character traits.

8銆乄hen writing CVs, the idea conveyed is the most important. Format issues do not matter.

9銆丄n acceptable personal statement is expected to answer three 鈥淲鈥?questions: where have you been? where are you now? where are you going? The information about the events that led you to become interested/involved in the field answers the second 鈥淲鈥?question.

10銆乂arious transitions with more precise markers of time and scope produces better writing than the commonplace transitions such as first and second.

Final exam: writing a complaint letter


1銆乊ou have the habit of going to bed early and getting up early. However, your roommate have the opposite habit. Thus, you always can't have a sound sleep, which seriously affect both your study and life. You are going to write a complaint letter and ask for transferring to another dormitory.

Writing a complaint letter


1銆乊ou have the habit of going to bed early and getting up early. However, your roommate have the opposite habit. Thus, you always can't have a sound sleep, which seriously affect both your study and life. You are going to write a complaint letter and ask for transferring to another dormitory.







