


超星Diet Culture and Traditional Chinese Medicine课后答案(学习通2023完整答案)

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超星Diet Culture and Traditional Chinese Medicine课后答案(学习通2023完整答案)


1.Pandect Test

1、超星What marks the emergence of Chinese food culture?课后( )
B、答案Using tools
D、通完Using fire

2、整答When did wine become the drink of Chinese people?超星( )
A、Longshan Culture
B、课后Yangshao Culture
C、答案Hemudu Culture
D、学习Majiayao Culture

3、通完When did Chinese food culture really take shape?整答( )
A、the pre-Qin period
B、超星Qin Dynasty
C、课后Han Dynasty
D、答案the Three Kingdoms period

4、Which of the following is not a condiment?( )
C、sichuan pepper

5、Who put forward the "harmonizing the five flavors for dilicious"?( )
A、Yi Yin
B、Lv Buwei
C、Shi Bo
D、Yi Ya

6、Which book put forwad "five grains for raising, five fruits for helping, five livestock for benefit, five vegetables for matching"?( )
A、the Historical Records
B、Lv Shi Chun Qiu
C、Li Ji
D、Huangdi’s Canon of Medicine

7、According to the theory of "harmonizing four seasons with five flavors",( )in spring,( ) in summer,( ) in autumn,( ) in winter.
A、sour pungent sweet salty
B、sour bitter pungent salty
C、sour pungent bitter salty
D、sour pungent sweet bitter

8、Which of the following monograph on diet appeared in Wei,Jin,Northern and Southern Dynasties?( )
A、The Classic of Tea
B、Yin Shan Zheng Yao
C、Qi Min Yao Shu
D、The Analects of Confucius

9、When did "four divisions and six bureaus"appear?( )
A、Tang Dynasty
B、Song Dynasty
C、Yuan Dynasty
D、Qing Dynasty

10、Chinese diet culture was enriched when Manchu came into mainland, then what had made the most outstanding contribution to this matter?( )
A、Manchu Han Imperial Feast
B、distilling technology
C、fruit outside the pass
D、tea culture

11、When did "homology of medicine and food" start?( )
C、Sui and Tang
D、Song and Yuan

12、"The ginger of simplicity, the laurel of ostentation" is from?( )
A、Tang Ye Jing
B、Huangdi’s Canon of Medicine
C、Lv Shi Chun Qiu
D、Shan Hai Jing

13、Which of the following is not the contribution of Treatise on Exogenous Febrile And Miscellaneous Diseases to the theory of food therapy?( )
A、defines the principles of food therapy
B、provides many food therapy prescriptions
C、discusses the food prohibition problem in detail
D、discusses the cooking technology

14、According to the Treatise on Exogenous Febrile And Miscellaneous Diseases in the principle of food prohibition, hepatopathy fast what kind of food?( )

15、When did dietary monographs appear?( )
A、Pre-Qin period
B、Jin and Tang periods
C、Song and Yuan periods
D、Ming and Qing periods

16、What is the earliest dietary therapy monograph in China?( )
A、Zhou Hou Bei Ji Yao Fang
B、Shi Jing
C、Valuable Prescriptions For Emergencies
D、Shi Liao Ben Cao

17、Who is the originator of world diet therapy?( )
A、Zhang Zhongjing
B、Ge Hong
C、Sun Simiao
D、Meng Shen

18、What is the earliest monograph on dietary hygiene and nutrition in China or even in the world?( )
A、Yin Shan Zheng Yao
B、Sheng Ji Zong Lu
C、Tai Ping Sheng Hui Fang
D、Shi Liao Ben Cao

19、Which of the following is not the features of Compendium Of Materia Medica in food therapy.( )
A、Food records abound.
B、preserved lots of literature on food therapy.
C、included large number of food therapy methods.
D、introduced in detail the processing methods of poisonous plants.

20、Which of the following is a special treatise on health preservation and disease prevention of the elderly ( )
A、Compendium Of Materia Medica.
B、Tiao Ji Yin Shi Bian
C、Sheng Ji Zong Lu
D、Lao Lao Heng Yan

21、What were the methods of food preservation in the pre-Qin period?( )
A、Keep in cold storage
B、Use spices to prevent food from spoiling
C、Sterilize with vinegar

22、What were the criteria for judging delicacies in the pre-Qin period?( )

23、What does four divisions include?( )
A、account division
B、kitchen division
C、tea and wine division
D、Plate division

24、Which of the following books is a dietary treatise?( )
A、Qi Min Yao Shu
B、The Classic of Tea
C、Huangdi’s Canon of Medicine
D、Yin Shan Zheng Yao

25、What are the following differences reflected in the typical regional characteristics of Chinese culinary culture?( )
A、geographic location

26、Which ancient books is related to Chinese food culture. ( )
A、Tang Ye Jing
B、Shan Hai Jing
C、Huangdi’s Canon of Medicine
D、Prescriptions of Fifty-two Diseases

27、Which are both food and medicine belong to the Sheng Nong's Herbal Classic in the following Chinese medicines ( )
C、dried ginger
D、red beans

28、The features of Yin Shan Zheng Yao include ( ).
A、thinking about nutrition, advocating the use of medicated diet to prevent disease
B、paying attention to the health and medical effects of each kinds of food
C、national characteristics are very significant
D、summarizing the role of dietary health care as "healing when sick and keeping fit usually".

29、The main contents of Sun Simiao's Food Therapy chapter in Thousand Golden Prescriptions include: ( )
A、takes diet therapy as the first choice for treating diseases
B、introduce the effect of food in treating diseases in detail
C、puts forward the principle of supplementing five internal organs with haslet
D、regards the correct use of food to treat disease as one of the important criteria for judging a doctor.

30、What are the following dietary therapies summarized by Ye Tianshi and Wu Jutong, the Warm Disease specialists in the Ming and Qing Dynasties? ( )
A、Cow milk Decoction
B、Angelica ginger lamb Decoction
C、Five Juice Drink
D、Pig Skin Decoction

31、The Chinese diet is an omnivorous diet based on agricultural products and supplemented by meat.

32、In the primitive times, there were methods of broiling, steaming, boiling and stir-frying.

33、The rice culture in the south and the wheat and millet culture in the north appeared in The Pre-Qin period.

34、The Sui and Tang dynasties initially laid the foundation of Chinese food culture and established preliminary theories related to medical and food.

35、Chinese cuisine was finally formed in the qing dynasty

36、Diet Therapy is an ancient and emerging discipline, under the guidance of the theory of TCM, using food or drugs to treat certain diseases or physical recuperation to promote recovery or maintain physical and mental health.()

37、In the Zhou Dynasty, the use of five flavours and five cereals to treat diseases became the first choice. ( )

38、Sheng Nong's Herbal Classic classifies medicines according to their natural properties, which is jade, plants, insects and animal, fruits, vegetables, rice, and named but unused medicines. ( )

39、Dietetic Materia Medica doesn’t only pay attention to the nutritional value of food, but also pay more attention to the therapeutic effect of food. ( )

40、Yang Lao Feng Qin Shu explains the meaning of restrained diet from protecting the function of the digestive system. ( )

2.Food types and performance applications(1)

2.Food types and performance applications(1) Test

1、Which of the following is not rice's function?
A、Invigorating spleen-stomach and replenishing qi
B、Strengthening the spleen and stomach
C、Eliminating fidgety, thirst and the diarrhea
D、Warming and invigorating kidney yang

2、Which kind of patients is Yizhiren and rice porridge suitable for?
A、Deficiency of spleen and kidney, abdominal cold pain
B、Exogenous cold is restrainted and turns into hot
C、Irritability and hot in chest, thirst and facial redness
D、Abdominal distention and pain that is too painful to touch

3、Which of the following is not wheat's function?
A、Nourishing heart and spleen
B、Eliminating fidgety and thirst
C、Promoting blood circulation and disperse stasis
D、Promoting diuresis

4、Which of the following is the function of Ganmai Dazao Decoction?
A、Nourishing blood for tranquillization
B、Dissipating wind-cold
C、Clearing heat and cooling blood
D、Promoting diuresis and relieving stranguria

5、Which of the following ancient books first recorded corn?
A、Agricultural Administration book
B、Gongxian Zhi
C、Compendium of Materia Medica
D、Ben Cao Tui Chen

6、Which of the following is the function of yolk niblet?
A、Invigorating the spleen and stomach, supplementing qi and yin
B、Soothing the liver and regulating qi, nourishing blood for tranquillization
C、Promoting qi and blood circulation, regulating menstruation and relieving pain
D、Warming and nourishing kidney yang, expelling cold and dehumidification

7、Which of the following patients is not suitable to take Xiaomi Red Dates Porridge?
C、Blood deficiency
D、Disorder of liver qi

8、Which of the following is not glutinous rice wine's function?
A、Invigorating qi and refreshing spirit
B、Making you beauty and longevity
C、Clearing heat and cooling blood
D、Relaxing the muscles and stimulating the blood circulation

9、Which of the following is not black rice's function?
A、Invigorating spleen and nourishing blood
B、Promoting qi and blood circulation
C、Astringe urine and stopping diarrhea
D、Nourish yin and supplement kidney

10、Which of the following is not the function of oats?
A、Dehumidification and stopping diarrhea
B、Harmonizing the liver and spleen
C、smoothing the intestines and promoting labor
D、stopping sweating and hemostasis

11、Which of the following is not an indication for romaine lettuce?
A、Getting inflamed and constipation
B、Postpartum lack of milk or milk impassability
C、Dysuria or hematuria
D、Deficiency of Yang and cold limbs

12、Which of the following is not an indication for asparagus lettuce?
A、Breast tenderness
B、Cold limbs
D、Bite by poisonous insect or snake

13、Which of the following patients can eat more asparagus lettuce?
A、Deficiency of spleen and stomach, loose stool
B、Dysmenorrhea because of cold
C、Milk impassability
D、Parturient woman

14、Which of the following patients can eat more leeks?
A、Deficiency of stomach qi and having heat inside
B、Pyocutaneous disease
C、Deficiency of yin and hyperactivity of fire
D、Deficiency of Yang and cold limbs

15、Which of the following is not the function of water bamboo?
A、Heat-clearing and detoxicating
B、Quench thirst and eliminating fidgety
C、Nourishing yang
D、Neutralize the effect of alcohol

16、Which of the following patients can eat more water bamboo?
A、Dysphoria and feeling hot, dysuria and dyschezia
B、Deficiency cold of spleen and stomach
C、Impotence and spermatorrhea

17、Which of the following is not an indication for mung bean sprouts?
A、Excessive drinking
B、Damp-heat and Blood Stasis
C、Deficiency cold of spleen and stomach
D、Anorexia and tired

18、Which of the following is not an indication for yellow bean sprouts?
A、Clearing away heat and promoting diuresis
B、Warm and dredge meridians
C、Detumescence and relieving pain
D、Removing nevus and moisten the skin

19、Which of the following is not an indication for coriander?
B、Abdominal distention and anorexia
C、Spleen-Stomach Dampness-Heat
D、Nettle rash

20、Which of the following patients can eat more Bamboo shoots?
A、Gastric ulcer
C、Renal calculus
D、Abdominal distension because of indigestion

21、Which of the following are the descriptions of rice in Shi Jian Materia Medica?
A、Nourishing spleen
B、Nourishing five zang organ
C、Nourishing qi
D、Stopping diarrhea

22、Which of the following diseases are the main treatment of black rice?
A、Deficiency-cold of spleen and stomach
B、Frail because of illness
D、Spermatorrhea and enuresis

23、Which of the following are the descriptions of wheat in Mingyi Bielu?
A、Clearing heat and relieving thirst
B、Promoting diuresis
C、Nourishing liver qi
D、Stopping bleeding

24、Which of the following patients are suitable for corn?
A、Spleen and stomach are unhealthy
B、Loss of appetite

25、Which of the following are millet's functions?
A、Invigorating the spleen and removing dampness
B、Reconciling the stomach to sleep
C、Nourishing kidney yin, reinforcing deficiency
D、Soothing the liver and regulating qi

26、Which of the following are the functions of romaine lettuce?
A、Clearing away heat and defecation
B、Benefiting the five zang organs and channels
C、Strengthening muscles and bones, promoting urination
D、Improve eyesight

27、Which of the following are the functions of leeks?
A、Nourishing spleen, stomach and liver
B、Dispersing stagnation and stasis
C、Nourishing yang and essences
D、Nourishing spleen and refreshing

28、Which of the following are the functions of mung bean sprout?
A、Heat-clearing and detoxicating
B、Harmonizing five zang organs
C、Diuresis and dehumidification
D、Warming yang and benefiting qi

29、Which of the following are the functions of bamboo shoots?
A、Clearing away heat and resolving phlegm
B、Warming yang and benefiting qi
C、Promoting farting
D、Nourishing blood and activating blood circulation

30、Which of the following are the functions of coriander?
A、Heat-clearing and detoxicating
B、Invigorating the spleen and wheting the appetite
C、Cooling blood and hemostasis

31、Rice porridge always adds alkali to promote nutrition absorption.

32、Ganmai Dazao Decoction can not treat insomnia, feeling ill at ease, emotional instability, zangzao.

33、Millet is mainly used to treat weakness of the spleen and stomach, damage of blood essence, dysuria, etc.

34、People with diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and kidney disease should eat more glutinous rice.

35、Patients with diarrhea should eat more oats to stop diarrhea.

36、Those with deficiency cold of spleen and stomach, frequent urination and fear of cold should eat more lettuce.

37、After malaria, Sha and pox, you can eat more leeks to strengthen disease resistance.

38、Soybean sprouts can be used for damp-heat sleen and stomach, constipation, wart and other diseases.

39、Coriander should be as long as possible, if it's as long as the palm, it's immature.

40、Zan Ning`s Sun Pu recorded that bamboo shoots is delicious, but it`s function is catharsis, so it cannot nourish spleen. This sentence indicates that bamboo shoots is not a nourishing food.

2.Food types and performance applications(2)

2.Food types and performance applications(2) Test

1、When was eggplant introduced into China?()
A、The 2nd and 3rd centuries
B、The 3rd and 4th centuries
C、The 4rd and 5th centuries
D、The 5rd and 6th centuries

2、What is the main edible effect of eggplant in eggplant with garlic mud?()
A、Clearing Heat and Promoting Blood Circulation
B、Cold Blood and Hemostasis

3、Which of the following ingredients has the effect of curing cold?()
B、Green peppers
D、Day lily

4、What does green pepper contain to be able to increase appetite, help digestion, prevent constipation?()
A、Organic acids
C、Vitamin C

5、What should be noticed when burning green pepper mix to preserved egg?()
A、You can use cutlery .
B、Remove the pedicle after cleaning .
C、Cook over a dark fire .
D、The roasted green peppers need to be cool before they can be placed on the preserved eggs.

6、In what countries are tomatoes called "Wolf peaches"?()
A、Singapore, China
B、Peru, Mexico
C、Brazil, Argentina
D、United States, Canada

7、According to the modern pharmacology research, what’s the number of grams of fresh tomato per person per day can satisfy the human body's needs for several vitamins and minerals?()

8、The following people with which symptoms are not suitable to eat day lily?()
A、heart palpitations annoyed
B、dizziness tinnitus
C、hemorrhoids hematochezia

9、Which is the edible medicinal material that has embellish skin and hairdressing?()
C、day lily
D、wax gourd

10、Why wash spinach in boiling water before eating it?
A、Remove 80% of the oxalic acid from spinach .
B、Get rid of the chill .
C、The taste is softer and sweeter .
D、So that it contains rich carotene and other beneficial components better absorbed by the body.

11、What is the value of spinach fried pork liver ?()
A、Blood enrichment
B、Moistening dryness
C、boost qi
D、The operation of the water

12、What are the edible taboos of winter gourd?()
A、Using with caution if urinating uncontrollably
B、Using with caution if long illness and Yang deficiency and cold limbs
C、Using with caution if wanting to add weight
D、Using with caution in case of deficient cold of spleen and stomach

13、Which following descriptions of the porridge with yam and tomato are correct?()
A、Cook first the rice, yam and hawthorn
B、This porridge has a nourishing effect
C、This porridge is helpful to digestion
D、Tomatoes are added at the end of the porridge

14、What is true about the purchasing skills of green peppers?()
A、Look at the surface: full body, smooth surface without wrinkles.
B、Look at the handle: the ripe handle is bright green, the immature handle is light green.
C、Look at the form: a strange shape prominent bell pepper should not be selected.
D、Look at “the claws”: experience has shown that four-paw peppers taste better than three-paw peppers.

15、Eggplant is rich in nutrition. What nutrients dose the purple skin of eggplant contains?()
A、Vitamin B
B、Vitamin E
C、Vitamin A
D、Vitamin P

16、Old eggplant contains more solanine, harmful to human body, should not eat more.()

17、Tomatoes that are not red can also be eaten.()

18、Day lily can significantly lower cholesterol in middle-aged and elderly people.()

19、Cucumbers should not be eaten with chilies.()

20、White gourd corn lean meat soup has the function of warming stomach and eliminating conduction.()

2.Food types and performance applications(3)

2.Food types and performance applications(3)Test

1、Which of the following vegetable called "meat dish" in Buddhism?()
B、garden chrysanthemum
C、bitter melon

2、"Materia medica collection" records: "to clear drastic heat, benefit water channel" What value does fern have? ()
A、Lower Qi and smooth intestine
B、Resolving phlegm and diuresis
C、Promote gastrointestinal and curing dysentery
D、Clearing away heat and cooling blood

3、Modern pharmacology studies have found that which nutrients contained in ferns can promote intestinal peristalsis and reduce the absorption of fat in the gastrointestinal tract.()
B、Vitamin P
C、Vitamin B1

4、Which kind of people should not eat chrysanthemum? ()
C、Loss of appetite
D、Diarrhea due to deficiency of stomach

5、Which of the following is right? ()
A、First of all, scald the chrysanthemum in the pot and remove it.
B、Marinate chicken shreds with cooking wine
C、It has the function of clearing away heat and stopping dysentery
D、It has the function of strengthening the spleen, Qi and blood

6、What is the meridian entry of pea?()
A、spleen and stomach
B、liver and bile
C、lung and large intestine.
D、kidney and bladder

7、What kind of people eat peas most suitable?()
A、people with asthma
B、patients with hepatitis and cirrhosis
C、peptic ulcer and women who have just had a cesarean section
D、maternal with no milk

8、What is the taste and flavor of luffa?()

9、Pumpkin is rich in pectin, which kind of patient is the most suitable for eating it?
A、Alopecia patients
B、patients with vitiligo
C、gastric ulcer patients
D、Patients with hypertension

10、Which of the following is not the effect of white radish? ()
A、heat clearing and fluid generating
B、lower air width middle
C、promoting qi and promoting blood circulation
D、appetizer and spleen invigorating

11、Do the indications of carrot not include?()
B、liver-qi invasion
C、phlegm cough and losting voice.
D、vomiting blood、nosebleed

12、Do the indications of potato not include?()
A、qi deficiency and Physical weakness
D、menstruation to be not moved

13、Do the indications of sweet potato include?()
A、qi stagnation and blood stasis
B、edema due to spleen deficiency
D、ulcers swollen poison

14、Do the effects of cooked lotus root not include?()
A、dispersing blood stasis
B、digestion and muscle production
C、cool blood and stop bleeding
D、invigorating the spleen and relieving diarrhea

15、What is the effect of Lily? ()
A、moistening the lung, relieving cough, clearing the heart and calming the nerves
B、diuresis, clearing away heat and detoxification
C、tonifying the spleen and Qi, calming the middle and promoting diuresis
D、tonifying the kidney and helping Yang, consolidating essence and reducing urine

16、Which of the following is not the technique to buy lily?()
A、thin bark with uniform petal size
B、the pulp is big and the petals are big
C、hard and few tendons
D、colour and lustre is pure white

17、Do the indications of Chinese cabbage advocate not include?()
A、cough with lung heat
C、cold limbs due to yang deficiency

18、Do the indications of Chinese cabbage not include?()
A、Dredging gastrointestinal tract
B、warming yang and benefiting qi
C、nourishing stomach and promoting body fluid
D、diuresis and defecation

19、Which of the following patients should not eat more Chinese cabbage?()
A、Deficiency cold of spleen and stomach
B、cough due to lung heat
C、fever and thirsty

20、Which of the following does not belong to the effect of celery?()
A、clearing heat and pacifying liver
B、Detumescence and discharge carbuncle
C、Expelling wind and dampness
D、Clearing the mind and eliminating the troubles

21、What are the effects of carrots? ()
A、heat clearing and detoxification
B、removing dampness and blood stasis
C、invigorating the spleen and eliminating food
D、resolving phlegm and relieving cough

22、What are the functions of potatoes? ()
A、Harmonizing the spleen and stomach
B、invigorating qi and spleen
C、heat clearing and detoxification
D、Removing dampness and inflammation

23、What are the functions of sweet potato? ()
A、invigorating the spleen and stomach
B、strengthening kidney yin
C、tonifying qi and tonifying deficiency
D、promoting body fluid to quench thirst

24、Which of the following situations can not eat Chinese cabbage?()
A、weak due to qi deficiency
B、Deficiency cold of spleen and stomach
D、loose stools

25、Which of the following situations can not eat Chinese cabbage?()
A、weak due to qi deficiency
B、Deficiency cold of spleen and stomach
D、loose stools

26、Which of the following are the effects of celery?()
A、clearing heat and pacifying liver
B、removing the wind and dampness
C、promoting diuresis
D、eliminating carbuncle swollen

27、What are the food taboos of fern? ()
A、The patients with deficiency of spleen and stomach should eat with cautiong
B、Ordinary people can't eat more
C、Children should not eat more
D、Women should not eat more

28、What's true about scrambled eggs with peas and shrimp?()
A、Pea nourishes Qi; egg nourishes Qi, calms heart and five internal organs; shrimp appetizers, invigorates kidney and invigorates Yang
B、The three play the effect of invigorating Qi and calming nerves, tonifying kidney and warming Yang
C、Shrimp doesn't need to be salted
D、Stir fry shrimps and eggs at the same time

29、What are the selection techniques of balsam pear?()
A、The shape of a good balsam pear is straight, with sharp ends. It feels strong and hard
B、Good shape of balsam pear
C、The color from green to white, generally the more green balsam pear is more bitter
D、The tighter the texture on the surface of balsam pear, the more bitter it is

30、What's right about pumpkins? ()
A、Pumpkin has the functions of invigorating the middle and Supplementing Qi, relieving inflammation and pain, detoxifying and killing insects, reducing blood sugar and thirst, resolving phlegm and discharging pus
B、Pumpkin root has the effect of stillbirth
C、Soak the red bean for half a day in the pumpkin pot, put it in the pressure cooker and cook it for standby
D、Pumpkins that have been consumed for a long time and are poorly preserved may be poisoned

31、The pumpkin with a little white frost on the surface, deep melon edge, hard skin and deep color has a good taste ( )

32、Loofah juice is known as "beauty water" ( )

33、Peas were introduced into China during the golden yuan period()

34、Balsam pear has a preventive effect on measles and influenza()

35、Cold ferns have the function of resolving phlegm and diuresis()

36、Mutton and radish soup should not be used for people with deficiency of Yang Qi in spleen and stomach. ()

37、Taking ginseng and American ginseng, you can also eat carrots to enhance the curative effect.()

38、Potatoes that germinate, turn green and are immature cannot be eaten, because such potatoes contain too much solanine, which is easy to cause poisoning.()

39、Corn dregs and sweet potato porridge can nourish the spleen and stomach, Qi and Yin .

40、When choosing lotus root, you should choose a very white one, not a tawny one with a small amount of wet mud.()

2.Food types and performance applications(4)

2.Food types and performance applications(4)Test

1、What are the differences about taste and nature between yellow beef and buffalo beef?
A、Yellow beef is sweet and even; buffalo beef is pungent and cold
B、Yellow beef is sweet and warm; buffalo beef is pungent and cold
C、Yellow beef is sweet and warm; buffalo beef is sweet and cold
D、Yellow beef is sweet and warm; buffalo beef is pungent and cold

2、Which of the following meat can treat wound nonunion after operation?

3、Which of the following people should eat beef and yam congee?
A、People with pathogenic heat
B、People with pathogenic cold and dampness
C、People with deficiency of spleen and stomach
D、People with tidal fever and night sweating

4、Which of the following choice is correct about Niu Nai Yu Ye?
A、It is not suitble for the old with constipation
B、60g glutinous rice, 80g fried walnut, 45g raw walnut, 200g milk, 12g white sugar and 12g white sugar
C、Mix soaked glutinous rice with walnuts, milk and water and grind them well, filter the liquid, stir and boil them, then drink them in proper amount
D、It can treat cough due to lung deficiency, asthma and impotence due to kidney deficiency

5、To spend summer comfortablely, eat more WHAT?

6、Which of the following disease is suitble for eating oriental wormwood stew old duck?
B、Jaundice and hepatitis
D、Coronary heart disease

7、What time is the most suitble for drinking duck blood drinks?
A、One hour after breakfast and dinner
B、One hour before breakfast and dinner
C、Before bedtime
D、Empty stomach

8、Which of the following condition is not suitble for eating duck 's egg?
A、When you are eating turtle and plum
B、When you are eating garlic and carp
C、When you want to drink wine after eating duck 's egg
D、People with pathogenic heat

9、Which of the following meat is known as “the meat is a kind of vegetables” and “beauty meat”?

10、Which of the following disease is suitble for eating boiled rabbit with lotus leaf?
B、Vomiting water
C、Night sweat

11、Which of the following meridians does mutton enter ineto?
A、Spleen and liver
B、Heart and liver
C、Lung and kidney
D、Spleen and kidney

12、Which of the following ingredients makes up the young ginger mutton shreds?
A、Mutton, ginger and celery
B、Mutton, ginger and radish
C、Mutton, young ginger and celery
D、Mutton, young ginger and radish

13、Which of the following people is suitble for eating mutton?
B、Deficiency of yang and blood

14、Which of the following meat should patients with metrorrhagia, leucorrhea anomaly and postpartum hypogalactia eat?
A、Dog meat
D、Pigeon meat

15、Which of the following method about Steamed chicken with Astragalus is correct?
A、Cut the chicken into large pieces, add salt, astragalus, ginger and cooking wine, put them into a steamer together, steam for 15 minutes, then turn to a small heat and steam for another 10 minutes
B、Cut the chicken into large pieces, add salt, ginger and cooking wine, put them into a steamer together, steam for 15 minutes, then turn to a small fire, put in Astragalus and steam for 10 minutes.
C、Cut the chicken into large pieces, add salt, astragalus, ginger, cooking wine, and put them into a steamer together, steam for 30 minutes.
D、Cut the chicken into large pieces, add salt, ginger, cooking wine, and put them in the steamer together. After 30 minutes of steaming, turn to a small heat, put in Astragalus and steam for another 10 minutes.

16、Which of the following disease is suible for eating Vinegar egg liquid?
A、Patients with fever
B、Patients with coronary heart disease
C、Patients with kidney disease
D、Patients with neurodermatitis

17、Which of the following meat can remove all kinds of harmful substances or poisons from body?
A、Dog meat
B、Pigeon meat

18、Which of the following choice about stewed pigeons with mushrooms is correct?
A、It has the function of nourishing qi and blood.
B、It is suitble for women in the second term of pregnancy
C、Pour cold water into the casserole, then put pigeon, ginger, scallion, cooking wine in turn, boil for an hour and a half. Continue to boil mushrooms and pickled wolfberry for another half an hour
D、Pigeons are less digestible than chickens

19、Which of the following patients should not eat pork?
A、Patients with thirsty easily
B、Patients with constipation
C、Patients with anemia
D、Patients with coronary heart disease

20、What are the effects of Huangqi pork soup?
A、Clearing heat and resolving phlegm
B、Reducing lipid and turbidity
C、Removing blood stasis and stop bleeding
D、Lowering blood pressure

21、What kind of rich nutrients does pig's hoof contain?
C、Vitamin P

22、Which of the following ingredients is suitable for eating with pork?
B、Lotus root
D、Dark plum

23、What is the purpose of adding rice wine when you are stewing pork bone soup?
A、Make it easier for proteins to come out
B、Reduce stewing time
C、Remove pork smell and increase fragrance
D、Enhance the function of tonifying blood

24、Which of the following ingredients contains the most protein?
B、Pig skin
C、Pig blood
D、Pig bone

25、Which of the following is wrong about pig skin?
A、Protein and fat content are the same as pork
B、It is suitable for people with symptoms such as sore throat, chest pain and upset
C、Steamed pig skin can cure over fatigue, tinnitus and deafness
D、Patients with liver disease, arteriosclerosis and hypertension should eat less or not

26、What disease can be treated by eating pig blood crucian carp congee for a long time ?
D、Chronic gastritis

27、Which of the following meridian does pig liver enter into?

28、What nutrients in pig liver can maintain normal growth and reproductive function, maintain normal vision and prevent dry eyes?
A、Vitamin A
B、Vitamin B
C、Vitamin C
D、Vitamin D

29、Which of the following patients is suitable for eating beef?
A、the patient with weak spleen and stomach, chronic illness and weakness
B、the patient with weak spirit, weak waist and knees
C、the patient with sores, trauma after surgery
D、the patient with prolapsed anus and edema

30、What are the contraindications for milk diet? ()
A、Take it with caution for those with deficiency of spleen and stomach
B、Take it with caution for people who are weak
C、Take it with caution when phlegm wet and water is stopped
D、Take it with caution who accumulate stagnation

31、What are the skills when choosing duck meat? ()
A、After the fresh duck meat is squeezed, it can be quickly restored to its original state, and those that are not fresh cannot be restored
B、Fresh duck skin is smooth and clean, the color is milky white
C、Cut the duck meat with a knife, the color of the fresh duck meat is rosy, and the color of the stale duck is dark.
D、stale duck skin Duck skin has a layer of fat film, the color is light yellow or white

32、Who is not suitable for excessive consumption of duck blood? ()
A、The people with spleen and stomach deficiency
B、The people with loose stools
C、The people with stomach cold pain
D、Women with cold dysmenorrhea

33、Is the following statement about lotus leaf boiled rabbit meat correct? ()
A、Wash 500g of rabbit meat and 200g of lotus leaf and put in the pot, add the appropriate amount of seasoning, boil it with high heat, and then simmer for 1 hour.
B、lotus leaf has the functions of clearing away heat and dampness, and stopping bleeding
C、rabbit meat has the effect of cooling blood to stop bleeding
D、The combined use of the two can cure the symptoms of bloody stool and hematemesis

34、What are the edible effects of Shredded mutton with ginger? ()
A、Warming the innate yang
B、Clearing heat and removing phlegm
C、Supplementing qi and blood
D、Supplementing for the weakness

35、Is the following statements about chicken correct? ()
A、The protein content is nearly 3 times that of pork
B、Fat content is 5% of pork
C、Chicken buttocks is inedible
D、Those with sharp mouths are native chickens and those with blunt mouths are broilers

36、What is the correct method of vinegar egg liquid? ()
A、2 eggs, 250 g vinegar, soak for 5 days
B、Egg white and yolk need not be separated
C、It is suitable for external application of patients with neurodermatitis and psoriasis
D、Has the effect of nourishing yin and moisturizing

37、Which meridians does pigeon meat enter into? ()

38、What are the taboos of pork? ()
A、People with heavy dampness and heat, heavy phlegm, thick tongue , and those phlegmatic with heavy body and should use with caution
B、People suffering from arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, liver and stomach diseases and elderly people should eat less, especially fatty pork.
C、Should not eat fried meat, luncheon meat, bacon
D、Do not soak in hot water before eating

39、What is the edible value of trotters? ()
A、Supplementing blood
B、Lowering lipid
C、Promoting breastfeeding
D、Make waist and feet strong

40、Which of the following ingredients can treat iron deficiency anemia? ()
C、Pig liver
D、Pig blood

41、Which of the following groups of people is not suitable for consumption of pig blood? ()
A、Iron deficiency anemia
B、Very weak constitution
D、Malignant tumor

42、Which ingredients enter into the kidney meridian? ()
B、Pork bone
C、Pig skin
D、Pig blood

43、Duck blood can be added to supplement blood when stewing rabbit meat ()

44、Stewed duck soup with wormwood must be simmered slowly with slow fire, not with armed fire

45、It is not suitable to eat more beef for the people with excessive heat or heat syndrome.

46、Cow's milk is suitable for those who are tired, fidgety and constipated

47、Don't eat more duck soup in three ten-day periods of the hot season

48、Young ginger with shredded mutton has the function of warming to stop vomiting and eliminating mutton smell

49、Chicken soup and chicken are also used for people with cold attack and fever

50、Patients with scabies can eat pigeon meat

51、You cannot determine whether the pigeon is a sick pigeon according to its skin or meat surface

52、The surface layer of water-injected pork is swollen, and water droplets will ooze out when squeezed, and cannot be recovered ()

53、Pig's trotters are suitable for pregnant women with insufficient milk. ()

54、Pig bone soup is needed to supplement nutrition and promote healing at the early stage of fracture ()

55、All types of sore throat are suitable for eating pigskin ()

56、The iron in pig liver is not easy to be absorbed by the body ()

3.diet in different season

3.Diet in different season Test

1、"Huangdi Neijing" said: "heaven and earth are born, all things are prosperous" refers to which of the four solar terms? ()

2、What kind of food should not be eaten in spring?
B、Pine nut

3、Spring is the most prone to cold, rheumatism, pain and other diseases, which evil would cause most of these disease? ()
A、Wind evil
B、Dampness pathogen
C、Dryness pathogen
D、Cold pathogen

4、In spring, we should eat more tremella, agaric, tomato, lotus root, loofah, rape and other things. What's the main effects? ()
A、Clearing liver and reducing fire
B、Invigorating Qi
C、Moistening and nourishing
D、Invigorating yang

5、What food material does longan congee contain? ()
A、Rice, longan meat, pumpkin
B、Rice, longan meat, mung bean
C、Rice, longan meat, jujube
D、Rice, longan meat, spareribs

6、What are the ingredients of conditioning liver tea in spring? ()
A、Hawthorn, Panax notoginseng, Hangbaiju, Wumei and tangerine peel
B、Chinese wolfberry, Panax notoginseng, Hangbaiju, Wumei and tangerine peel
C、Lilies, Panax notoginseng, Hangbaiju, Wumei and tangerine peel
D、Kudzu root, Panax Notoginseng Flower, Hangbaiju, Wumei and tangerine peel

7、What is the main effect of spring tranquilizing tea? ()
A、Resolving phlegm and relieving cough
B、Assist digestion
C、Calming nerves and reducing blood pressure

8、What are the ingredients that can prolong life and resist fatigue in the spring tea? ()
A、Wolfberry fruit
B、American ginseng

9、What's wrong about "spring sleepiness"? ()
A、People often feel sleepy and powerless in spring, and often doze off. For example, it is not easy to wake up in the morning, and then wake up drowsy. This phenomenon is called "spring sleepiness"
B、"Spring sleepiness" is a disease that is hard to detect
C、The cause of "spring sleepiness" is often due to the changeable climate in spring, which makes the body unable to adapt to the external environment quickly
D、glutinous rice - coix seed red jujube porridge is suitable for those who suffer from "spring sleepiness" as a therapeutic recipe

10、What are the Ermi in "Ermi red date porridge"? ()
A、Rice and glutinous rice
B、Rice and job's tears
C、Black rice and rice
D、Glutinous rice and coix seed

11、“The Inner Canon Of Huangdi”said:“······This is called Fanxiu, where heaven and earth exchange Qi and everything is solid。” Which of the four solar terms does it refer to?()
A、In the spring
B、In the summer
C、In the autumn
D、In the winter

12、What food should not be eaten in summer?
A、Bitter melon

13、Summer appears malformed gastroenteritis, heat is cold and so on disease most easily, because of what evil spirit is majority pathogenic?()
A、The wind evil
B、The wet evil
C、The dry evil
D、The summer heat evil

14、Summer appropriate eats the thing such as bitter gourd, towel gourd, cucumber, vegetable gourd, tomato, eggplant more, what is main action?()
A、Removal of heat
B、Tonifying qi
C、Skin nourish
D、Tonifying yang

15、What ingredients does the whole duck wax gourd soup contain?()
A、White gourd, duck, ribs, Gordon uryale seed, lotus seed
B、White gourd, duck, sea cucumber, radish, Gordon euryale seed
C、White gourd, duck, sea cucumber, lean pork, Gordon euryale seed
D、White gourd, duck, lean pork, sea cucumber, angelica

16、What ingredients does summer heart tea contain?()
A、Honeysuckle American ginseng medlar rose jujube
B、White ginseng white chrysanthemum black plum green tea
C、Chinese wolfberry, American ginseng, Chinese ginseng, rose lily
D、Honeysuckle American ginseng chrysanthemum pueraria root orange peel

17、What is the main effect of summer clear heart tea?()
A、Phlegm cough
C、Clear heat stroke
D、Solution of drunk

18、What is the food material of the summer tea?()
A、Longan meat
B、American ginseng

19、What is not true about "heatstroke"?()
A、People in the high temperature and thermal radiation for a long time under the action of the body temperature disorders, water, electrolyte metabolism disorders and neurological impairment of the symptoms of the general term
B、"Heat stroke" can be divided into mild heat stroke and severe heat stroke, among which severe heat stroke can be divided into heat stroke, heat spasm and heat exhaustion type 3
C、Severe cases may result in loss of control of the temperature-regulating center, hypothermia, decreased cardiac function, decreased cardiac blood output, increased central venous pressure, and failure of sweat glands, resulting in a sudden increase in body temperature, which may threaten life in severe cases
D、Green bean soup is suitable for "sunstroke" as a dietary therapy

20、What is not true about "air-conditioning syndrome"?()
A、People who work and study in an air-conditioned environment for a long time tend to do so when the air is not circulated and the environment is not improved
B、Nasal congestion, dizziness, sneezing, tinnitus, fatigue, memory loss and other symptoms
C、But there is no skin allergy
D、Ginger sugar drink suitable for "air conditioning syndrome" as food therapy prescription

21、When the weather turns warm in spring, pathogenic bacteria and viruses will grow and reproduce. Which disease is most likely to occur? ()
B、Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis

22、What are the principles of feeding in spring? ()
A、It is suitable to eat warm yang products, such as longan, litchi, etc
B、The food should reduce sour and increase sweet, such as strawberries, cherries, etc
C、Do not use stimulating products in diet, such as shrimp, bamboo shoots, etc
D、It's better to eat more wind dispelling and evil dispelling things, such as celery, coriander, etc

23、What is the function of orange peel in conditioning liver tea in spring?
C、Soothing liver qi
D、Reducing blood fat

24、hat's right about "mung bean and pumpkin spareribs porridge"? ()
A、mungbean has the function of clearing liver and nourishing liver, pumpkin and spareribs have the effect of strengthening spleen and nourishing stomach
B、this porridge has the effect of strengthening the spleen and nourishing the liver
C、It is suitable for people with gastrointestinal discomfort and dyspepsia as diet therapy
D、stew the mung bean, spareribs and pumpkin until the spareribs are cooked and soft, then ABC

25、Mumps is an acute infectious respiratory disease caused by mumps virus, which occurs in school-age children and in winter and spring. It is characterized by fever and parotid gland enlargement. Which of the following foods is good for the treatment of this disease? ()
A、Mung bean
C、Platycodon grandiflorum

26、Hot summer weather, pathogenic bacteria, viruses and other growth and reproduction, which disease is the most likely to occur?()
A、Hot cold
B、Acute gastroenteritis
C、Heat stroke
D、Air-conditioning syndrome

27、What does principle of summer raise feed have?()
A、It is advisable to eat more products such as spinach, water bamboo shoots and so on
B、When food is done with gan han, delicate as appropriate, avoid heavy oil thick taste, such as bitter gourd, cucumber
C、On the diet can eat appropriately the thing of a few clear heat benefit wet, wait like soya bean, green bean
D、Food should be more xin, warm, less bitter cold, cold drink

28、What is the action of weak bamboo leaf in summer clear heart tea?()
A、Stop coughing
C、Clear down the heat
D、Calming and stable nerve

29、What is true about "summer appetizer tea"?()
A、Lotus leaves sweet fragrance, and clear heat, laxative
B、This porridge has the function of appetizer and laxative
C、Suitable for high blood fat, fat people as food therapy
D、Contains black plum, orange peel, lotus leaf, cassia seed

30、A hot cold is the common cold of summer.Usually there is internal heat in the body, and then feel the wind evil cold caused by.Which of the following foods can help treat the disease?()
B、Black tea
C、Green tea

31、Don't eat too many supplements in spring, otherwise it will lead to sweating and loss of appetite

32、In spring, due to rising Yang, we should eat more bamboo shoots, roosters, seafood and other foods ()

33、Ganoderma sanqi spareribs soup has certain auxiliary effect on hypertension and hyperlipidemia

34、Pueraria in spring nourishing liver and protecting kidney tea not only has a good protective effect on liver, but also can relieve alcohol

35、When suffer from the phenomenon of "spring sleepiness", burdock porridge can be used for food therapy ()

36、Summer should not eat too much tonic, otherwise it will lead to heatstroke, loss of appetite and other manifestations()

37、Due to the hot weather in summer, people should eat more spinach, lotus root, water bamboo, melon and other food()

38、Summer heart-nourishing tea has a certain auxiliary effect on preventing myocardial ischemia and stabilizing emotions()

39、The dark plum in the tea of appetizer and defecation in summer not only has good defecation function but also can diuretic defecation()

40、After the appearance of mild "heat stroke" phenomenon, food therapy can be used ginger sugar drink()

4.diet of different groups

4.diet of different groups Test

1、Children start to contact with complementary foods, learn how to eat early childhood and early childhood, specifically at what age?
A、The period from 1.5 years old to 6 years old
B、From 1 year old to 6.5 years old
C、From 1.5 years old to 6.5 years old
D、From 1 year old to 6 years old

2、What is not included in the general dietary principles for children?
A、disperse lung to consolidate the exterior
B、tonify spleen qi
C、warm kidney to benefit yang qi
D、promote digestion and relieve stagnation

3、In the childhood of 1-3 years old, what is the main change in diet?
A、diary diet
B、fluid diet
C、semi-fluid diet
D、ordinary diet

4、Which period is the best period for children to develop their behavior habits?
A、2-5 years old
B、2-6 years old
C、3-6 years old
D、3-5 years old

5、When the child has no appetite, what methods can parents use to cope?
A、provide snacks
B、Forced eating
C、Obedience reward
D、Hunger method

6、In the treatment and care before pregnancy, men should focus on ()
A、nourishing qi and blood
B、warming yang and benefiting qi
C、Soothing the liver and regulating qi
D、benefiting kidney and promoting essence

7、In terms of pre-pregnancy treatment and care, women focus on ()
A、warming yang and benefiting qi
B、soothing the liver and regulating qi
C、nourishing blood and qi
D、benefiting kidney and promoting essence

8、If a woman is deficiency in innate qi ,before pregnancy, it is better to ()
A、soothing liver and regulating qi
B、nourishing blood
C、tonifying qi and tonifying deficiency
D、nourishing kidney and filling essence

9、Which of the following is not a lack of female vitality ()
A、less volume and light color in the later period of menstruation
B、flushing complexion
C、weakness of limbs
D、cold hands and feet

10、Which of the following is not the common ingredients for tonifying qi and tonifying deficiency in life ()
D、pig liver

11、Which book is the source of ” The intercourse of man and the women happens, the fetus would form”?
A、Nan Jing, 24th Nan
B、Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor, Ling Shu, Jue Qi
C、Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor, Su Wen, Si Qi Tiao Shen Da Lun
D、Mai Jing

12、Which of the following effects does not the light bamboo leaf have?
A、Clear away heat
B、Promote diuresis
C、Induced abortion
D、Invigorate qi

13、Which of the following medicine has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis?
A、Light bamboo leaf
D、Coix seed

14、Pregnant women should not eat more coix seed, because it can______
A、Promote diuresis and induced abortion
B、Stop diarrhea
C、Nourish spleen
D、Clear away heat and relieve pain

15、Pregnant women with internal heat eat _____ would make her baby after birth feel hot.
B、Black fungus
C、Ewe’s milk

16、When people reach the middle and old age, the inorganic salts in the body will change. Which of the following inorganic salts does not change significantly ()

17、In the classic book of traditional Chinese medicine " Inner Canon of Huangdi, emphasize which organ has the greatest relationship with aging ()

18、Protein is a very important nutrient for the middle and old age In order to guarantee the protein supply, it is advisable to use () g / kg body weight per day.

19、Excessive fat intake of middle-aged and elderly people will cause hyperlipidemia, so the fat content in the food should be controlled at ()
A、20% - 25%
B、22% - 25%
C、20% - 30%

20、Middle aged and elderly people often sleep not well. In order to sleep well, diet should be ()
A、miscellaneous food, avoid partial food
B、thin and soft, avoid hard
C、less food, avoid over full
D、light, avoid greasy

21、Wu Jutong, famous doctor in Qing Dynasty, summarized children’s fragile organs and incomplete physiques and qi as” insubstantial infantile yang, incomplete infantile yin”. What are its main manifestation? ()
A、Children’s infantile lung and weak skin couldn’t resist evil pathogen, so it invades body from the exterior, then hurt lung, cause cough and asthma, etc.
B、Children’s infantile spleen don’t get strong transformation and transportation function, but rapid growth needs large amount of nutrition, which makes big appetite, food stagnation, finally cause abdominal distention, vomit and diarrhea, etc.
C、Children’s kidney is usually weak, represented as insufficient kidney essence and qi, girls no period, boys no spermatorrhea before puberty, infants no control or less control on excretion.
D、Children’s infantile heart and liver, with not enough function. Heart governs spirit, incomplete heart qi makes children frightened easily; liver governs free coursing, controls sinews, children’s insufficient liver blood and less nourished sinews, cause ADHD, frequent cramp.

22、What are physiology characters of children on the beginning period of food supplement?()
A、fragile zang-fu organs, incomplete physiques and qi
B、vigorous physiology, rapid development
C、agile reaction, sufficient physiques
D、transformative spleen qi, vigorous appetite

23、60% children will be picky or reject food since color, smell, and taste, which request parents to make effort on food’s color, shape and nutrients. Which followings are stimulating children’s appetite?()
A、five-colors collocation
B、vege-meat collocation
D、perfect shape

24、Pre pregnancy health care includes ()
B、external environment
C、taboo before pregnancy
D、daily living

25、The Yang qi, which is formed by the combination of the essence of water ,cereals and the natural qi, includes ()
A、ying qi and defensive qi
B、zong qi
C、qi of channels
D、visceral qi

26、Which of the following are the manifestations of women with insufficient vitality ()
B、shortness of breath
C、weakness of limbs
D、less menstruation and light color

27、The thoughts of nursing during pregnancy includes______
A、monthly nourishing the fetus
B、body differentiation and nourishing the fetus
C、nourish the fetus by music
D、meridian differentiation and nourishing the fetus

28、Which of the following Western medicines should be avoided in order to prevent medicine damage to the fetus or teratogenesis?
C、Antineoplastic drugs

29、The matching principle of the daily diet of the middle-aged and old people: ()
A、coarse and fine matching
B、meat and vegetable matching
C、dry and thin matching
D、medicine and food matching

30、The following foods can supplement vitamins ()
B、fresh fruit
C、pig liver
D、cod liver oil

31、Children should follow the principle of eating less and more frequent.

32、Children who are too dependent on milk are susceptible to "milk anemia."

33、Pre-pregnancy health care, also known as pregnancy preparation, refers to the maintenance measures taken by a couple in the aspects of diet, daily life, environment, psychology, etc. in order to have a smooth pregnancy, a healthy and high-quality pregnancy, and a safe delivery, so as to have high-quality offspring.

34、The ancients believed that pregnancy was the process of parents giving qi and fetus receiving qi

35、For pregnant women with qi deficiency, in addition to the general suggestions for nourishing the fetus, we should pay special attention to invigorating the spleen and Qi. In terms of diet, we can properly take some foods that are beneficial to Qi and spleen.

36、Old folium artemisiae argyi boiled goose egg and green olives stewed pork tripe are frequently-used clearing fetal heat therapeutic diet.

37、In 1-3 years old, food should be fine, soft, rotten, and small-pieced. The variety of food should be diversified, mainly based on high-quality proteins such as eggs, milk, fish, meat, and beans, and eat a variety of foods such as grains, vegetables, and fruits.()

38、The middle-aged and old people should pay attention to eating less oil sticks, pancakes, fat meat, cold drinks, frozen food, cold noodles, cold dishes, etc. in summer diet, such diet is to protect the spleen and stomach.

39、Middle aged and old people can eat lard and pig brain more, which can help to build brain.

40、Beans, vegetables, potatoes, nuts and other foods can be appropriately added to the diet of the middle-aged and old people to increase the intake of cellulose and prevent diseases such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, rectal cancer, hemorrhoids and constipation.

5.diet of different constitution

5.diet of different constitution Test

1、What is the constitution of the people with the main symptoms of fatigue, shortness of breath, self-perspiration, muscle weakness, plain voice weakness, shortness of breath and lazy speech, easy fatigue, low spirit, easy perspiration, light red tongue, tooth mark on the edge of tongue and weak pulse? ()
A、Yin deficiency constitution
B、Yang deficiency constitution
C、Qi deficiency constitution
D、Blood deficiency constitution

2、What is the main characteristic of the people with deficiency of qi? ()
A、Lively and actively

3、What are the characteristics of people with Yang deficiency constitution? ()
A、The disease is rapid
B、Fast recovery
C、Tolerance to dampness
D、Slow recovery

4、If the qi of spleen and stomach in the middle energizer is deficient and the transport and transformation is weakened, the appetite will become poor, and even cause the distention of stomach with a little food. What food should I eat? ()
A、Nutritious and digestible food
B、Cold and dampness
D、Strong taste food

5、Which kind of fruits and vegetables are not suitable for people with deficiency of qi? ()
C、Hazelnut kernel

6、please choose the following performance that is not characteristic of phlegm and dampness constitution: ()
A、chest stiffness
C、skin oil
D、sweaty and sticky

7、Which organs we should pay more attention in the diet care for sputum-dampness constitution? ()

8、which of the following eating habits should be avoided by people with phlegm and dampness ()
B、less salt
D、low fat

9、which of the following fats should not choose for the people with phlegm and dampness ()
B、peanut oil
C、olive oil
D、sunflower oil

10、because the spleen likes warmth and dryness, what can be added appropriately in the diet such food ()
A、warm and dry
B、removing dampness
C、Dredging dampness

11、Which of the following clinical manifestations is yin deficiency?
A、The facial skin is rich in grease, sweat, chest tightness and phlegm
B、Short breath and lazy speech, easy to be tired, depressed and sweaty
C、Chilly, cool hands and feet, fond of hot food and low spirits
D、Hot hands and feet, night sweats, dry mouth and hroat, thin

12、Which of the following disease is prone to be suffered by people with Yin deficiency constitution?
A、Cold, sagging internal organs
B、Phlegm dampness, edema, diarrhea
C、Fatigue, spermatorrhea, insomnia
D、Diabetes, stroke, coronary heart disease

13、Which season is intolerant to people with Yin deficiency constitution?

14、Which of the following choice is not the principle of food health care for people with yin deficiency constitution?
A、Nourishing by food with light quality
B、Nourishing yin deficiency of five zang organs
C、Nourishing qi
D、Nourishing essence and blood

15、Which of the following is right about daily food for yin deficiency constitution?
A、Can eat greasy and tasty food
B、Can eat ginger, cinnamon, fennel and other ingredients
C、Can eat more watermelon, fresh lotus root and sugarcane
D、Can eat more mutton and beef

16、What kind of constitution does the people with the symptoms: feeling cold, pale face, not thirst, cold limbs, fatigue, diarrhea, more urination, light red and fat tongue with teeth mark, deep thready and weak pulse?
A、Constitution of yin deficiency
B、Constitution of yang deficiency
C、Constitution of qi deficiency
D、Constitution of blood deficiency

17、What kind of character belongs to people with the consititution of yang deficiency?

18、What kind of exterior pathogenic factor is people with the consititution of yang deficiency susceptible to?
B、Summer heat

19、Which season is people with the consititution of yang deficiency intolerate?

20、Which of the following choice is true about the commen food for people with the constitution of yang deficiency?
A、They should eat more fruits like watermelon, grapefruit