



57 min read


第一章:课程导言 (Introduction)

1.6 单元测验 (Unit test)

1、中国作业According to Edward T.Hall,大学答案答案 the _____depicts a culture with the visible part above water representing the behavior or results of culture.
A、The美国 icebox.
B、The文化 waterfall.
C、The期末 iceberg.
D、The课后 competence model.

2、The中国作业 United States is located in the _________.
A、Northern Hemisphere
B、大学答案答案Southern Hemisphere
D、文化The期末 Arctic Ocean

3、The课后 United States is bordered on the west by the _______.
B、中国作业Atlantic Ocean
D、美国Pacific Ocean

4、America is the world's ______-largest country by total area and ______ most populous.
A、third; fourth
B、fourth; third
C、fourth; fourth
D、third; third

5、Which is the Corn Belt of United States?

6、Which is the largest state of the United States?

7、America was discovered by ________ in 1492.
A、Christopher Columbus
C、Vasco da Gama
D、Bartholmeu Dias

8、From the 1600s to the birth of the United States in 1776, the majority of the immigrants were from______.

9、The ________concept suggests that the integration of many different cultures like salad ingredients, which do not merge together into a single homogeneous culture.
A、melting pot
B、salad bowl
D、quota system

10、Zangwill first used the term ________ to describe the United States.
A、salad bowl
B、melting pot
D、quota system

11、What does culture include?
A、Food and music.
B、Beliefs, values, and thinking pattens.
C、Language and holiday costumes.
D、Attitude and emotions.

12、According to Harry Triandis, culture can be divided into...
A、Material culture.
B、Spiritual culture.
C、Objective culture.
D、Subjective culture.

13、In decoding the American culture, we will have to bear two things in mind:
A、The culture of gentry.
B、The immense size of the United States and the diverse geographical conditions.
C、The tradition of seeking the value of classic humanities and the culturing value of education.
D、It's great ethnic and racial diversity.

14、We know that “diversity” is a salient feature to describe the American culture. What do you think are the manifestations of “diversity”?
A、Americans practice different religions.
B、Important differences exist between geographical regions
C、The presence of millions of immigrants who came to the United States.
D、The differences exist between social classes.

15、The American culture has successfully absorbed vast diverse cultures from immigrants and has been stable and harmonious in history.

16、A quota system severely limited immigrants from all countries, including northern and western Europe.

17、There haven't been any Asian immigrants until the 20th century.

18、America is a nation of immigrants, so all Americans came from foreign countries.

19、Culture is a broad term that includes every aspect of human life and interaction.

20、In “cultural iceberg”, the much larger part under water such as beliefs, values, and thinking patterns are invisible, learned implicitly, and difficult to change.

第二章:美国的传统价值观 (Traditinal American Values and Beliefs)

2.7 单元测验 (Unit test)

1、Scholars around the world are convinced that more than 20,000 years ago,the first American settlers arrived in the continent from Asia to America, across a narrow land strip where the _________ is today.
A、Malacca Strait
B、Bering Strait
C、English Channel
D、Mozambique Channel

2、Christopher Columbus mistakenly thought he had arrived in _________.
A、American continent

3、_______is the first European country that successfully founded the first colony in America.

4、About 400 years ago, the Puritans came to America on the Mayflower and brought with them their _________, which has greatly influenced the thoughts of people in America.
A、literature and art
B、philosophy and social science
C、advanced technology
D、religions, values and beliefs

5、In 1763,the Britain imposed new taxes on the colonies in America in part to share the cost of fighting a war against France, the colonists resented the taxes, and their slogen was _________
A、"Oppose separation."
B、"Against the colonial."
C、"Fight for freedom."
D、"No taxation without representation.”

6、The US is a country with great diversity in race, ethnicity, religion and culture. This is one of the facts about America--___________, which also helped their values to come into being.
B、cultural pluralism
D、equality of opportunity

7、________ is probably the most basic of all American values.
D、hard work

8、Which of the following statements is true of American people?
A、Some of them like games, such as Walkman Dance.
B、They like to follow traditions.
C、They adimire someone who is tied to his/her mother's apron strings.
D、They usually strongly feeling part of a group or an organization.

9、What does equality mean in the American context?
A、Everyone is safeguarded the same amount of wealth and status.
B、Everyone should have an equal chance to succeed.
C、What people have gained has nothing to do with their efforts.
D、People only enjoy equality within the same religion, ethnicity and family backgroud.

10、What is the foundation of the American dream and power that motives the Americans for their economic prosperity today?
A、The pursuit of material wealth.
B、Favourable geographical location.
C、Emphasis on science and technology.
D、The abolition of slavery.

11、Early settlers came to the North American continent and established colonies mainly because they wanted to be free from_______
A、the power of kings, priests, and noblemen.
B、the influence of their families.
C、the problems of poverty and hunger.
D、the religious persecution.

12、There are no titles of nobility in the United States today because_______
A、no one likes aristocrats.
B、the church does not allow it.
C、they are forbidden by the Constitution.
D、they are forbidden by the king.

13、The price that the Americans pay for their individual freedom is ________.
C、hard work

14、The American belief in equality of opportunity means that_______
A、all Americans are rich.
B、Americans believe that everyone should be equal.
C、everyone should have an equal chance to succeed.
D、Everyone is equal in America.

15、In the united states, learning to compete successfully is ________.
A、part of growing up
B、not seen as healthy by most people
C、not necessary, because Americans believe in equality
D、necessary for everyone in America.

16、Americans see their material possessions as________.
A、having nothing to do with social status
B、the natural reward for their hard work
C、showing no evidence of a person’s abilities
D、something dispensable

17、In reality, such American ideals as equality of opportunity and self-reliance________.
A、do not exist because there is no equality in United States
B、are always put into practice in the united states and truly describe American life
C、are only partly carried out in real life, but are still important because people believe in them
D、are only in the ideal life of the American people

18、Americans believe that _______
A、everyone gets a chance to be successful by their own efforts and talents.
B、everyone has the right of all individuals to control their own destiny.
C、everyone is the members of a close-knit, interdependent collectivity.
D、everyone is responsible for their own situations in life.

19、People from collectivistic cultures may find that_______
A、Americans pay relatively little attention to groups.
B、Americans are more involved with people who are more senior.
C、Americans define their status in terms of what they have achieved.
D、Americans are relatively unconcerned about interpersonal relations.

20、Self-reliance means that________.
A、relying on the support of government
B、taking care of themselves and solving their own problems
C、achieving both financial and emotional independence
D、standing on their own two feet

21、Which facts reflect the Ameirican value of equality?
A、Formal class system is not developed in the United States.
B、Declaration of Independence states that "all men are created equal."
C、Titles of nobility like those in Europe were forbidden in the Constitution.
D、The law states that "separation of powers."

22、What efforts have Americans made to safeguard equality in American people's lives?
A、Americans usually follow the rule of "one person, one vote".
B、Americans always pay attention to any other person's opinion.
C、Americans make good rules that allow everyone chances to win.
D、Americans are accustomed to bowing to the higher-status person.

23、Which facts show the American spirit of competition?
A、People who like to compete are appreciated.
B、There are a lot of expressions of "doing" rather than "being"in their language.
C、Americans believe that "friendship first, compitition second".
D、Americans learn competition skills since young.

24、Which of the statements are the evidences of American materialism?
A、They lived a simple life to avoid falling into the trap of consumerism.
B、Americans will buy more new things driven by the pursuit of comfort, cleanliness and novelty.
C、Americans like to keep and use the old stuffs that still work.
D、Americans may use credit card to buy things that they can't afford at present.

25、Why has American Dream begun to seem less attainable than before?
A、A few people own a great deal of wealth in the US.
B、Education becomes very expensive at the college level, and it plays an important in realizing the American dream,
C、Ameirica has shifted to a service- or information- based emonomy.
D、In America, people no longer believe in the American dream.

26、Christopher Columbus acted on behalf of the Spanish crown to explore the new continent in 1492.

27、The culture of the United States is one of the most individualistic in the world.

28、Traditionally, America was regarded as a “land of opportunity”.

29、Americans may change their tone of voice or order of speaking to show respect to their boss.

30、Anyone who does not compete successfully can't fit into the mainstream of American life.

31、Older people in the United States are different from young people. They hardly compete.

32、American religious leaders never encouraged the idea of gaining wealth without hard work and self-discipline.

第三章:美国的政治制度与(The Political System and Government)

3.7 单元测验 (Unit test)

1、_________serves as the legal basis of the political system of America.
A、The Constitution
B、The Articles of Confederation
C、The Declaration of Independence
D、The Bill of Rights

2、American constitution is a formal document defining the rules and the rights of citizens and governments in a ________form.
D、partly unwritten and partly written

3、In 1787, the delegates from 12 of 13 states gathered in Philadelphia to attend the Constitutional Convention. Their purpose is _________.
A、to abolish the system of slavery
B、to establish a sovereign and independent state
C、to expand the powers of the central government
D、to create a federation to replace the confederation

4、Which of the statements is not the purpose of creating the Constitution?
A、Securing the individual freedom.
B、National union and justice.
C、Domestic tranquility.
D、Abolishing slavery system.

5、The Congress has two houses: the Senate with two senators from each state, regardless of the size of its population, and the House of Representatives. The representatives are elected in proportion to the population. This is to reconcile the contradictions between_______.
A、south and north
B、central government and state governments
C、large states and small states
D、justice and legislation

6、Which of the statement is true about the American president?
A、The president heads the executive branch which takes the responsibility of carrying out the laws.
B、The President has legislative power and is responsible for the foreign affairs of the country.
C、The President has the power to appoint and dismiss supreme judges and members of congress.
D、American national government always speak the same voices that of the president and that of Congress.

7、The American way of election is different from the parliament system in that________.
A、President and both houses of Congress are all chosen in separate elections.
B、The election of the Congress determines who will be elected president.
C、The president appoints the members of Congress.
D、They adopt first-past-the-post election system in election.

8、The focal point of American political life is the presidential election. Which of the statement is false about the presidential election?
A、Presidential elections are held every four years on the first Tuesday in November.
B、The president technically is directly elected by the people.
C、The president is elected by a procedure recognized by the constitution .
D、Citizens participate in the process of electing the president indirectly.

9、Why do many presidential candidates put much emphasis on big states like New York, Texas and Florida?
A、Because they adopt the "first-past-the-post election system".
B、Because it is easier to get votes in big states.
C、Because the winner of the plurality gets all of that state electoral votes.
D、Because the citizens in big states can vote the president directly.

10、Two parties of the US alternate in governing. The two main parties are_________.
A、the Republican Party and the Liberal Party
B、The Democratic Party and the Liberal Party
C、The Liberal Party and the Labour Party
D、The Democratic Party and the Republican Party

11、The American political system is based on a two-party system. In America, to be the party in power, the party has to________.
A、represent the interests of the majority
B、win the congressional election and become the majority in congress
C、win the presidential election
D、outnumber the rival party members

12、Generally speaking, the Democratic Party is considered more ________while the Republican Party more ___________.
A、liberal; conservative
B、conservative; progressive
C、liberal; strict
D、strict; liberal

13、Americans do not want to have a strong national government because__________.
A、they are afraid of their political leaders
B、they are afraid it will put limits on their individual freedom
C、they are much more concerned with the national glory
D、Americans are not satisfied with the government's policies

14、The constitution of the United States________.
A、gives by far the most power to Congress
B、gives by far the most power to the president
C、tries to give each branch enough power to balance the others
D、It was drafted by the king

15、The President of the United States________.
A、has the power to make official treaties with foreign governments without the approval of Congress
B、can veto a law that has been passed by Congress
C、is elected if his political party wins most of the seats in Congress
D、has a unique supreme power

16、Which statement about the traditional stance of the political parties is false?
A、The Democrats believe that government should play a role in solving social problems.
B、The Republicans believe that the free market shouldn't be intervened by the government.
C、The Republicans and the Democrats basically agree about the role of government and they have the same political beliefs.
D、Republicans and Democrats are the two most influential parties in American politics today

17、The key principles that are embedded in the Constitution include ________.
B、separation of powers
C、abolishment of slavery
D、checks and balances

18、The national government is divided into three separate branches. They are _______,________and________.
A、the legislative branch
B、the executive branch
C、the diplomatic branch
D、the judicial branch

19、The Democratic Party recognizes the important role of government in promoting social equality, while the Republican Party stresses anti-government and pro-business ideals. Therefore, ________tend to vote for Democrats.
A、business groups
B、nonwhite minorities
C、the rich

第四章:美国商业文化(American Business Culture)

4.6 单元测验 (Unit test)

1、Which of the following options belongs to business enterprise?
D、Educational institutions

2、Business culture reflects the typical American character and values. Among them, ________is seen not only as a value itself, it is also the means by which other basic American values are protected.
C、individual freedom
D、hard work

3、Many Americans believe that competition is vitally important to preserving freedom. The terms “________” is the most often used to describe the American business system.
A、free enterprise
B、equality of opportunity
C、individual freedom

4、Since everyone gets an equal opportunity for success, if two business people are competing against each other, the one who devotes more efforts is likely to win. That shows that the business competition encourages the value of _______.
A、hard work
B、equality of opportunity
D、individual freedom

5、One aspect of the American dream is to rise from poverty to modest wealth to great wealth. In the United States, this has usually been accomplished __________.
A、through successful academic careers
B、through successful farming
C、through successful business careers
D、with the help of the government

6、Here are about some statements about American people’s general attitude towards the government. Which one is correct?
A、Business should be fully regulated by the government.
B、The government should not intervene in business in whatever way.
C、Americans sometimes distrust the motives of business people and they think the government should be involved in part in the business, but not too much.
D、Business, like public affairs, should be mainly regulated by the government.

7、In the colonial days, what had held back the development of economy?
A、the abundance of land and scarcity of labor
B、inadequate slaves
C、heavy taxes
D、people’s reluctance to accept new technology

8、Which of the following options was the epoch of tycoon in the “Gilded Age” of the second half of the 19th century?
A、Bill Gates
B、Samuel Slater
C、John D. Rockefeller
D、Alexander Hamilton

9、The start of American entrepreneurship dates back to_______.
A、settlers engaging in trade and barter with Native Americans
B、westward expansion and the creation of the railroad
C、the flourishing of entrepreneurship after the American Civil War
D、the flourishing of entrepreneurship during the early Period of America

10、In real life, American people are also inspired by those stories of famous entrepreneurs throughout history. Which of the heroes is not a representative of American entrepreneurship?
A、Thomas Edison
B、Benjamin Franklin
C、George Washington
D、Steve Jobs

11、Americans compare business competition to a race, which is open to all Americans regardless of _______ .
D、social class

12、US government intervention in the economy increased the most during the Depression of the 1930s and World War II. The government get involved in business in several ways:
A、The government set the anti-trust laws to promote market competition.
B、The government engaged in regulations of business in social issues.
C、The government intervened in specific industries to encourage investment.
D、The government set the price of goods to keep them from going too high.

13、When the first British settlers arrived in Massachusetts, _______ and _______ were primary sources of wealth.
A、trading in furs
D、selling tobacco

14、Which of the following statements are true about Alexander Hamilton?
A、He was one of the nation’s founding fathers.
B、He was the nation’s first Secretary of Treasury.
C、He led the Annapolis Convention of 1786.
D、He wanted a weak national government.

15、What are the factors that enticed American settlers and immigrants to head west in the late nineteenth century?
A、The cheap and abundant labor in the west.
B、They can receive a lot of government help.
C、The cheap land for farming, logging, and ranching.
D、The discovery of precious metals and minerals.

16、In the US, successful business people are usually known as heroes in their communities, usually more than academic people.

17、Most Americans believe that business comes closer than other institutions to encouraging competition and other basic values in daily practice.

18、Throughout the colonial period, American people were self-sufficient, and except slaves, the standard of living were generally higher than that in England.

19、Western settlers were often depicted as independent and strongly opposed to any kind of government control or interference, so they had received no government help.

20、Americans would rather build a relationship first than sign a deal with you.

第五章:美国的种族多样性 (The Ethnic and Racial Diversity)

5.7 单元测验 (Unit test)

1、What does the sentence "Many minority groups in America are really bicultural" mean?
A、There are two kinds of cultures in America, and they coexist in harmony.
B、There are two kinds of cultures in America, and their contradictions are irreconcilable.
C、Many minority groups consider their cultures should also be accepted by the majority.
D、Many minority groups consider themselves Americans, but they also wish to retain their original culture.

2、The individuals of different colors and ethnic groups are distinct and recognizable but together they create a complete picture of unity that is uniquely American. So perhaps it's better to describe the United States as a _______.
B、melting pot
C、salad bowl

3、Which of the statements is false about Martin Luther King?
A、He was assassinated by a white gunman in 1968.
B、King led people in violent marches against racial discrimination.
C、His behaviors facilitated the passage of two major civil rights laws.
D、He is one of the most important black leaders in American history.

4、Which event represents that African Americans reached the pinnacle of U.S. politics?
A、Colin Powell became the first African American secretary of state.
B、Barack Obama was elected president in 2008.
C、Condoleezza Rice was the first black woman to hold an important position in the Cabinet.
D、Patricia Roberts Harris was the first black woman in the cabinet in 1977

5、Between 1849 and 1852 more than twenty-five thousand Chinese people, nearly all men, traveled to the United States ________.
A、to seek their fortune
B、to do business with Americans
C、for higher education
D、to learn English and working skills

6、Which of the statements is false?
A、San Francesco was named “Gold Mountain” in Chinese because of the California Gold Rush of 1849.
B、The term "forty-niner" was used, referring to those immigrants who went to California for gold in 1849.
C、Now, "forty-niner" refers to the player of the basketball team of San Francesco.
D、Chinese immigrants began arriving in the United States in large numbers after gold was discovered in California in 1848.

7、Why did the state of California impose a monthly three-dollar tax on “foreign miners” in the middle of the 19th century?
A、Foreign miners were much richer than the local miners.
B、Foreign miners were considered economic compes.
C、Because three dollars is nothing to the wealthy foreign miners.
D、They want to protect the environment.

8、_________was approved in 1882 in Congress and lasted for 60 years. It was the first and the only federal law in US history that excluded a single group of people from immigration on the basis of race.
A、The Act of Congress
B、The Neutrality Acts
C、The Chinese Exclusion Act
D、The Constitution

9、What did he mean when Gary Locke said that it took his family one hundred years to move one mile?
A、The life of a Chinese servant in a local family house was quite hard.
B、More Asian-elected officials were needed to protect their constitutional rights.
C、Gary Locke moved into the large and beautiful governor's mansion that was one mile away from his old house.
D、It is not easy for Chinese people to overcome the prejudice and discrimination to become leaders in the government.

10、Which of the statements about the racism is false?
A、Racism generally refers to a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities.
B、Personal racism refers to the attitudes of prejudice, and discriminatory behavior done by individuals or small groups.
C、Institutional involves discrimination in areas such as housing, education, job opportunities, and leisure.
D、Since the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s, the personal level of racism has been eliminated.

11、Which of the statements is an example of political correctness?
A、James Watson, a father of modern genetics, suggesting that black people are instrinsically less intelligent than the white people.
B、The southern government insisted on slavery.
C、The "War on Christmas" in the 1990s.
D、The Chinese were called "the sick men of East Asia".

12、People can accept that an African American says: "I'm so proud of being black!". However, they can't accept a white person says: "I'm so proud of being white!" This shows_______.
B、reverse racism
C、political correctness
D、the diversity of culture

13、In the early history of the US, immigrants with what kind of characteristics were most welcome?

14、The majority defined what the dominant culture would be in America. The term of majority or minority here is a matter of________.

15、What are the impact of The Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s ?
A、The institution level of racism has been challenged.
B、It greatly encouraged the African Americans and later many other minority groups.
C、It ended the racial segregation and discrimination in all areas of American life.
D、It benefited all minorities in the United States.

16、Which of the statements are correct about the African Americans in the United States?
A、African Americans were brought to the United States against their will.
B、The enslavement accords with traditional basic American values as freedom and equality of opportunity.
C、Slavery was abolished in the United States after the Civil War in the 1860s.
D、Things were much better for African Americans after the Civil War.

17、Why Chinese Americans, together with other Asian Americans, are known in the States as the “model minority”?
A、They are usually very hard-working.
B、They have a low poverty rate.
C、A large percentage of them can achieve academic success.
D、They have a low crime rate.

18、There exist two forms of racism-_______and_______.
A、behavioral racism
B、collective racism
C、institutional racism
D、personal racism

19、“Salad Bowl” refers to the concept that various racial and ethnic groups have been combined into one culture with commonly shared values. And the process is generally known as assimilation.

20、New immigrants attended English and citizenship classes to learn basic American beliefs, and they usually found it easy to get assimilated in the dominant culture and gave up the languages and traditions of their homeland.

21、The Black History Month in February was established to remember important historical events and celebrate the black culture.

22、The American Civil Rights movement inspired the minority groups including Chinese Americans.

第六章:美国教育(Education in the US)

6.7 单元测验 (Unit test)

1、The educational institutions in the United States also reflect the nation’s basic values, especially the ideal of________.
B、equality of opportunity
D、hard work

2、Why have elitist schools been challenged?
A、They conflict with the American ideal of equality of opportunity.
B、They have higher academic standards than the public schools.
C、They are much more expensive than the public schools.
D、They are not as safe as the public schools.

3、________ receive public funding but operate independently of the established public school system. They provided an alternative education.
A、Private schools
B、Public schools
C、Charter schools
D、Professional schools

4、In America, education is made accessible to all individuals so that they may climb as high on the ladder as they can. The idea is that ________ are expected to determine how high each person will go.
A、the social class of the individuals
B、the abilities of the individuals
C、the race of the individuals
D、the wealth of the individuals

5、For those who cannot attend four-year college programs for economic or other reasons, they can also receive an associate degree for two years of study at a _________.
A、professional school
B、junior/community college
C、private school
D、state school

6、Which of the following statements is false?
A、Generally speaking, private institutions are more competitive in selection.
B、All university students must pay tuition expenses in the United States.
C、The cost of attending university in the US is relatively high compared with other countries.
D、In the US, the scholarship is intended for all of the students.

7、American philosopher and education reformer John Dewey claimed that the only worthwhile knowledge is knowledge that can be used. His philosophy is called ________.

8、Which of the statements is false about the educational inequalities in America?
A、Today, the US has completely solved the problem of educational inequality.
B、In the 1960s, people awoke to the problem of educational inequalities.
C、After the Civil War, the southern states still segregated the black students from the white in public schools.
D、Because of the affirmative action, public schools have to admit black students to achieve racial balance that is required.

9、In 1980s, a general decline in academic performance became a pressing problem. The federal government ___________ in order to change this situation.
A、connects 99% of the American schools to the Internet.
B、puts more emphasis on developing critical thinking skills of the students.
C、adds more vocational and professional training classes in high school.
D、requires annual test in reading and mathematics in most elementary and middle grades

10、American public schools have some basic characteristics in common. They are________.
A、locally controlled
B、free from religious influence
D、publicly supported by taxes

11、Which of the following options are private schools?
A、elitist schools
B、charter schools
C、professional schools
D、religious schools

12、What might be the reasons that parents send their children to religious schools?
A、They want to save money.
B、These schools can provide religious instruction.
C、They believe that these schools are safer.
D、They believe that these schools set higher academic standards.

13、In America, education is mandatory in _________.
A、elementary school
B、middle school
C、high school

14、The educational ladder concept is an almost perfect reflection of the American ideal of individual success based on _________ and _________.
A、social class
B、material wealth
C、equality of opportunity
D、working your way to the top

15、In America, the word “college” is used in several different ways. It may refer to________.
A、education after high school
B、a two-year community college
C、the divisions within universities
D、a large school that offers graduate degrees

16、In America, admission to an institution of higher learning is governed by each college or university. Though weighted and evaluated differently by each institution, the general criteria include________.
A、successful completion of high school
B、the results from standardized tests such as the SAT and the ACT
C、minimal courses of studies in areas of English, mathematics, and sciences
D、Publishing articles in academic journals

17、As industrialization grew and the school system expanded, public high schools were pressured by industry and parents to train students for jobs. This had resulted in the construction of two types of high schools: ________ and _______ (college preparatory).
A、vocational schools
B、general schools
C、professional schools
D、elitist schools

18、Which of the examples reflect Dewey’s influence in the teaching techniques?
A、The study of music involves making music.
B、Democratic principles are put into practice in the student council.
C、Students are encouraged to translate literary works.
D、Group projects are designed to cultivate leadership in students.

19、Today, the US government spends more money on education than any other nation in the world.

20、One of the most significant trends lately in American schools is the growing computerization and automation.

第七章:美国家庭(The American Family)

7.7 单元测验 (Unit test)

1、In the 1950s, the majority of the American households were __________-- a husband, wife, and two children.
A、blended families
C、single parent families
D、nuclear families

2、When divorced people remarry, their children are living with a stepmother or stepfather. This is a _______.
A、single parent family
B、blended family
C、nuclear family
D、extended family

3、In addition to traditional families and blended families, there are a number of single parents. Sometimes single parents and their children live with the grandparents ________.
A、for economic and emotional support
B、to increase the intimacy of family members
C、for better education for children
D、to find a new partner

4、There is no doubt that the definition of “family” has become much broader in today’s America. The majority of Americans would now define a family as__________.
A、a man and a woman devoted to each other
B、a husband, wife, and their children
C、people who live together and love each other
D、a married couple

5、“Americans view the family as a group whose primary purpose is to advance the happiness of individual members and the needs of each individual take priority in family life.” This reflects the American value of ______.
C、hard work
D、material wealth

6、The Red Cross and YMCA have offered all different types of babysitting courses. During the course, participants will learn the knowledge and skills except_______.
A、how to care for younger children across a variety of age groups
B、how to respond to emergencies
C、how to care for themselves when they are at home alone
D、how to help children with their homework.

7、The job of ________is to keep kids safe and comfortable until the parents come home.
A、a babysitter
B、a house-sitter
C、a baby-carer
D、a pet-sitter

8、Which of the following statements is false?
A、Babysitters contribute a lot to American childcare system.
B、Babysitting is generally a full-time job.
C、Babysitter's certificate is a common thing for teenagers in America to get.
D、In America, people started saying the word "babysitter" in the 1930s.

9、Former U.S. president Barack Obama said in his 2015 State of the Union Address that childcare should be treated_______.
A、as a side issue
B、as women's issue
C、as the national economic priority for all Americans
D、as a political issue

10、Traditionally, American children have been expected to “leave the nest” at about age eighteen. And the parents' goal is to raise_______.
A、obedient children
B、intelligent children
C、children who are able to take care of their parents in the future
D、independent children

11、Boomerang kids” refers to young people _______.
A、who are still living with their parents by their mid-twenties
B、who get a job and support themselves, mostly in another city
C、who have left the nest once but are now back home
D、who disrespect parents and challenge their authority

12、“Tiger Mom” is a loanword from Chinese. It means________.
A、gentle mom
B、ordinary mom
C、traditional mom
D、very strict mom

13、Amy Chua published a book called Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother in 2011. Many moms criticized Chua and other Tiger Moms for________.
A、putting too much pressure on their children
B、abusing their children
C、giving their children too much freedom
D、spoiling their children

14、Sandwich Generation or the Sandwichers are those who are in the middle between_________.
A、their spouse and the elderly parents
B、the little kids and the elderly parents
C、their work and their family
D、the little kids and their work

15、What could be the result of “the belief in equality between parents and children” in the American family?
A、It causes a decline in parental authority.
B、It narrows the gap between parents and children.
C、Some parents seem to have little control over the behavior of their teenage children.
D、It establishes the child's authority.

16、Which of the following statements are the reasons of the rise of babysitting after World War II?
A、Babysitting is a highly paid profession at that time.
B、People lived far away from their extended family who used to keep an eye on their kids.
C、The country’s population was booming after the war time.
D、Teenagers started to look for personal freedom and began to work.

17、The American values of _________ and _________ are reflected in the relationship between parents and children.
A、pursuing individual happiness
B、pursuing material wealth

18、When the elderly people are getting really old and have severe health problems, some would move to a nursing home, because ________.
A、They have other people to talk to.
B、Their children can take care of them there.
C、Almost all of the American elders are living there.
D、They can get professional medical care there.

19、Many American parents believe in sacrificing individual happiness for the sake of their children.

20、Americans generally hold the idea that the family is the best place for children to learn moral values and a sense of responsibility.

第八章:美国休闲生活 (Leisure Time)

8.6 单元测验 (Unit test)

1、The majority of American football and basketball players, both college and professional, are African-American, and about one-quarter of baseball players are Hispanics or Latinos. This is an example of __________in action.
A、hard work
C、equality of opportunity

2、Which of the following statements is false about the basketball in America?
A、More Americans play basketball than any other team sport.
B、NBA is generally considered as the most popular professional sport.
C、March Madness is one of the most popular sporting events of the entire year.
D、Actually, many people like NCAA basketball more than NBA basketball.

3、Which of the following statements is false about the baseball in America?
A、Baseball has contributed many words to English language.
B、Baseball is the oldest of the major American team sports.
C、Baseball is the most popular sport in America now.
D、MLB is considered the second most popular professional sport.

4、Which of the following statements is not the reason that Hollywood became an ideal place for American movie industry?
A、Southern California offered nearly year-round sunshine and warm weather for outdoor shooting.
B、The area provided a unique physical environment: mountains, desert, a city and the sea.
C、Los Angeles was well known at the time as the nation’s leading open-shop, nonunion city.
D、Long before Hollywood became a movie powerhouse, it was famous for its advanced economy.

5、Hollywood is considered a miniature of American society as a “melting pot”, or “salad bowl”, or something between, because_______.
A、Hollywood has a unique physical environment.
B、Hollywood movies show American values and styles.
C、Hollywood has turned out to be a unique American icon.
D、Hollywood is full of foreigners and outsiders.

6、Which of the following statements is wrong?
A、Hollywood is known to have one of the best nightlife recreation facilities in the world.
B、Hollywood has lost all its glamour because it is confronted with many challenges.
C、Hollywood is home to many venues and theaters that host award shows.
D、Hollywood is a name which is associated with American movies.

7、__________ became a federal holiday to commemorate the discovery of the New World.
A、Thanksgiving Day
B、Columbus Day
C、Independence Day
D、Memorial Day

8、_________has been the most important patriotic holiday since the independence of America.
A、Veterans Day
B、Memorial Day
C、Thanksgiving Day
D、Independence Day

9、_________ becomes a federal holiday and later it becomes a day on which the United States pays tribute to those who died serving in the military.
A、Memorial Day
B、Veterans Day
C、Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
D、Independence Day

10、_________ is now a federal holiday to mark the Civil Right Movement in history.
A、Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
B、Veterans Day
C、Martin Luther King Day
D、Memorial Day

11、Americans usually have roast turkey, cranberry sauce, smashed potato, pumpkin pie, or turducken on _______.
A、Veterans Day
B、Independence Day
C、Thanksgiving Day
D、Easter Day

12、On Thanksgiving Day, you may probably hear someone says : “Oh, I’m in food coma”. That means _______.
A、He fell into a coma from food poisoning.
B、He is not interested in food.
C、He has too much food and gets very sleepy.
D、He is too sleepy to eat any food.

13、American children dress up in funny or scary costumes and go “trick or treat” by knocking on doors in their neighborhood ________.
A、at Christmas
B、on Easter Day
C、on Thanksgiving Day
D、on Halloween

14、As to television programs, there are numerous talk shows, stand-up comedies, and situational comedies in the States. Which of the following options is not a fun-featured American program?
A、Cable News Network
B、Good Morning America
C、Ellen Show
D、The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

15、From the book Amusing Ourselves to Death, we can learn that_______.
A、American comedies were welcomed in many other countries.
B、the over-dosed entertainment might have led to some side-effects.
C、the pursuit of entertainment contributes to the diversity of American culture.
D、American comedies are spreading some American ideas and traditions to the world.

16、Sports play an important role in American society. For example, _________.
A、Sports have contributed to racial and social integration in America.
B、Sports are valued for teaching young people traditional American values.
C、Sports have been a “social glue” bonding the country together.
D、Sports have given a boost to the entertainment industry.

17、The three most popular organized sports in America are ________, __________, and __________.

18、In America, sit-coms, short for situational comedies, generally turned out to be the most popular TV shows in history, such as ______
C、The Simpsons
D、The Big Bang Theory

19、Which of the following statements is true about the football in America?
A、Super Bowl is the most watched thing on TV all year in the United States.
B、American football is generally considered the most popular sport.
C、Playing or watching football is a popular activity Americans do on Thanksgiving Day.
D、The Super Bowl is the biggest sporting event in America every year.

20、The organized sports generally reflect the basic values of American society, such as ________, ______, and ________.
C、fair play

21、_______and ______are two movies that have an all-Asian cast.
A、The Joy Luck Club
B、Crazy Rich Asians
C、The Good Earth
D、The Great Wall

22、Nowadays, Hollywood is confronted with many challenges, such as_______.
A、the disappearing audience
B、the television crisis
C、a lack of original stories
D、the infamous sexual harassment

23、_______and _______are two crazy shopping days in America every year.
A、Thanksgiving Day
B、Black Friday
C、Cyber Monday
D、Double Eleven

24、Some holidays celebrated in America are ethnic-related and culture-bound. Such as______.
A、Thanksgiving Day
D、St. Patrick’s Day

25、Easter is always a kid-friendly holiday with activities such as _______,_______, and ________.
A、egg hunting
B、the Easter Bunny
C、trick or treat
D、Easter parades

26、Sporty students are more likely to be the popular ones in American school.

27、American movies got their principal support from the highest and most visible classes in American society.

28、Americans like sarcasm so much so they don’t know how to be serious.

第九章:美国人的人际交往模式 (Social Interactions)

9.5 单元测验 (Unit test)

1、To people from other countries, Americans may come across as self-interested, aggressive and rude. What is the reason of that?
A、Because in the United States, people are often impatient and they feel free to interrupt others anytime during the conversation.
B、Because American verbal communication style is direct, clear, transparent and open about matters.
C、Because Americans communicate in ways that are implicit and rely heavily on nonverbal cues.
D、Because Americans always use silence to avoid argument or even conflict, which seems rude to others.

2、When we are communicating with each other, we use various ways of body movements other than language such as gestures, postures and facial expressions, etc. That is what we call________.
A、verbal communication
B、nonverbal communication
C、indirect communication
D、direct communication

3、By Edward T. Hall’s term, American culture is a __________. It refers to a culture that communicates information in direct and explicit ways.
A、low-context culture
B、high-context culture
C、nonverbal communication
D、verbal communication

4、In America, when students are keeping silent in class, they are usually regarded as ________.
A、too intelligent to answer those simple questions.
B、keeping silent to show their respect to the teachers.
C、not confident and having no options of themselves.
D、using silence to avoid argument or even conflict.

5、Americans use the term “It’s just business”, to show that________.
A、They want to do business with you.
B、They put emphasis on the facts at hand and not the relationships.
C、They think that money and wealth are the most important things.
D、They don’t think about other factors other than money.

6、Which of the following statements is false?
A、Americans appreciate direct eye contact when they are talking.
B、Americans tend to have physical contact with other people.
C、Americans have a strong sense of personal space and privacy.
D、Americans have higher frequency of using gestures than Chinese.

7、Americans always move one or two fingers with their palms up when they want to say "________"
A、go away
C、come here

8、In American Sign Language, ________is a shorthand sign meaning " I love you". And Today it usually means "Rock on!"
A、chest bump
C、the peace sign
D、devil horn

9、In America, when somebody scores a basket in basketball, people may _________ as a celebration.
A、shake hands
B、show devil horn
C、bump chests

10、Which of the following statements is false?
A、In America, people write their given name before their family name.
B、In America, some professors prefer to be called by their first names.
C、It is polite to call a lady Mrs. at first, unless you are prompted otherwise.
D、In America, it is implolite to other's family name.

11、In the military, a woman of higher rank is addressed as ________.

12、Within American business, _________are generally expected when meeting and leaving.

13、Which of the following statements is false?
A、Americans usually talk to each other from a distance of about two feet.
B、Most Americans prefer a warm hug as a greeting when they first meet.
C、When kissing, friends and family typically get kissed on one cheek.
D、Americans rarely walk around when they are smoking.

14、Which of the following options are true?
A、Americans value direct and simple talks.
B、Americans are uncomfortable with silence and will find ways to fill it.
C、Americans usually talk in a self-enhancement style.
D、Americans tend to talk in modest way to show respect to others .

15、The ________ and _________usually restrain their strong feelings such as anger, sadness and happiness in public.
C、The Spanish people

16、At the end of a conversation, Americans may use terms “_________”as politer ways of departing.
A、How you doing?
B、Let’s do lunch.
C、See you around.
D、Call me some time.

17、In America, if someone is visiting a house, he or she can bring ______as a gift.
C、a potted plant
D、a book

18、Religion can be a taboo topic in America. Many religions are introduced into America, including ____________________.

19、In America, which of the following expressions or behaviors are considered rude and offensive?
B、wearing "blackface"

20、Which of the following statements are right?
A、In America, it is considered rude to ask how much money people make.
B、In America, it is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to smoke.
C、In America, race is a common topic to start a conversation.
D、In America, food is a common topic to start a conversation.

21、Scientific research shows that nonverbal communication is the predominant means of conveying meaning from person to person.

22、Americans appreciate clear and higher volume of voice, so emotional outbursts are commonly seen in public communication.

23、Latino and Hispanic are not races but are rather recognized as ethnicities.

24、Polygamy is very much a taboo today in the US and it is illegal in all 50 states.



1、From the 1600s to the birth of the United States in 1776, the majority of the immigrants were from______.

2、Zangwill first used the term ________ to describe the United States.
A、salad bowl
B、melting pot
D、quota system

3、Which is the largest state of the United States?
A、Rhode Island

4、Christopher Columbus mistakenly thought he had arrived in
A、The continent of America

5、What does equality mean in the American context?
A、Everyone is safeguarded the same amount of wealth and status.
B、What people have gained has nothing to do with their efforts.
C、People only enjoy equality within the same religion, ethnicity and family backgroud.
D、Everyone should have an equal chance to succeed.

6、_________serves as the legal basis of political system of America.
A、The Constitution
B、The Articles of Confederation
C、The Declaration of Independence
D、The Bill of Rights

7、Two parties of the US alternate in governing. The two main parties are_________.
A、the Republican Party and the Liberal Party
B、the Democratic Party and the Liberal Party
C、the Liberal Party and the Labour Party
D、the Democratic Party and the Republican Party

8、The focal point of American political life is the presidential election. Which of the statements is false about the presidential election?
A、Presidential elections are held every four years on the first Tuesday in November.
B、The president technically is directly elected by the people.
C、The president is elected by a procedure recognized by the constitution.
D、Citizens participate in the process of electing the president indirectly.

9、Business culture reflects the typical American character and values. Among them, ________is seen not only as a value itself, it is also the means by which other basic American values are protected.
C、individual freedom
D、hard work

10、One aspect of the American dream is to rise from poverty to modest wealth to great wealth. In the United States, this has usually been accomplished __________.
A、through successful academic careers
B、through successful farming
C、through successful business careers
D、with the help of the government

11、According to Harry Triandis, culture can be divided into
A、Material culture
B、Spiritual culture
C、Objective culture
D、Subjective culture

12、The national government is divided into three separate branches. They are _______,________and________.
A、the legislative branch
B、the executive branch
C、the branch of foreign affairs
D、the judicial branch

13、which of the statements are the evidences of American materialism?
A、They live a simple life and try to keep desire to the minimum.
B、Americans will buy more new things driven by the pursuit of comfort, cleanliness and novelty.
C、Americans like to keep and use the old stuffs that still work.
D、Americans may use credit card to buy things that they can't afford at present.

14、The Democratic Party recognizes the important role of government in promoting social equality, while the Republican Party stresses anti-government and pro-business ideals. Therefore, ________tend to vote for Democrats.
A、business groups
B、nonwhite minorities
C、the rich

15、What are the two key words about American business?
B、hard work

16、Americans compare business competition to a race, which is open to all Americans regardless of _______ .
D、social class

17、What efforts have Americans made to safeguard equality in American people's lives?
A、Americans usually follow the rule of "one person, one vote".
B、Americans usually pay attention to any other person's opinion.
C、Americans try to make good rules that allow everyone chances to win.
D、Americans are accustomed to bowing to the higher-status person.

18、Anyone who does not compete successfully can't fit into the mainstream of American life.

19、Most Americans believe that business comes closer than other institutions to encouraging competition and other basic values in daily practice.

20、In business, Americans would rather build a relationship first than sign a deal with you.



1、Traditionally, Americans do not want to have a strong federal government because__________.
A、they are afraid of their political leaders
B、they are afraid it will put limits on their individual freedom
C、they think that state governments should be given supreme power
D、they think a weak federal government is more efficient

2、The word “ college” also means _________. For example, the College of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Maryland.
A、a divisions within universities
B、the stage of education after high school
C、two-year community college
D、schools that offer graduate degrees

3、The first ten amendments of the Constitution are known as _________.
A、The Articles of Confederation
B、The Declaration of Independence
C、The Bills of Rights
D、The Civil Rights Act

4、The individuals of different colors and ethnic groups are distinct and recognizable but together they create a picture that is uniquely American. So perhaps it's better to describe the United States as a/an _______.
B、melting pot
C、salad bowl

5、“Tiger Mom” is a loanword from Chinese. It means________.
A、gentle mom
B、ordinary mom
C、traditional mom
D、very strict mom

6、When elderly people are getting really old and have severe health problems, some would move to a nursing home, because ________.
A、They have other people to talk to.
B、Their children can take care of them there.
C、Most American elderly people choose to go there.
D、They can get professional medical care there.

7、Which did American founding fathers do to promote equality?
A、They tried not to develop a formal class system in the United States.
B、The Declaration of Independence says "all men are created equal".
C、Titles of nobility were forbidden in the Constitution.
D、The three branches of government power check and balance each other.

8、Which of the following statements are true about Alexander Hamilton?
A、He was one of the nation’s founding fathers.
B、He was the nation’s first Secretary of the Treasury.
C、He led the Annapolis Convention of 1786.
D、He wanted a weak national government.

9、Which of the statements are the examples of political correctness?
A、The southern government insisted on slavery.
B、The "War on Christmas" in the 1990s.
C、Some people use the term "nigger" to address African Americans.
D、People began to use “chairperson” instead of “chairman”.

10、There exist two forms of racism—_______and_______.
A、behavioral racism
B、collective racism
C、institutional racism
D、personal racism

11、Christopher Columbus acted on behalf of the Spanish crown to explore the new continent in 1492.

12、One of the most significant trends lately in American schools is the growing computerization and automation.

13、Successful business people are known as heroes in their communities, usually more than academic people.

14、Anyone who does not compete successfully can't fit into the mainstream of American life.


1、Hi, everybody. Congratulations to H.B.C.U. (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) class of 2020. Michelle and I are so proud of you. Graduating from college is a big achievement under any circumstances. And so many of you overcame a lot to get here. You navigated challenging classes, and challenges outside the classroom. Many of you had to stretch to afford tuition. And some of you are the first in your families to reach this milestone. So even if half this semester was spent at Zoom University, you’ve earned this moment. You should be very proud. Everybody who supported you along the way is proud of you — parents, grandparents, professors, mentors, aunties, uncles, brothers, sisters, cousins, second cousins, cousins who you aren’t even sure are cousins. Show them some gratitude today. …… This year, you’re being asked to find your way in a world in the middle of a devastating pandemic and a terrible recession. The timing is not ideal. And let’s be honest — a disease like this just spotlights the underlying inequalities and extra burdens that black communities have historically had to deal with in this country. We see it in the disproportionate impact of Covid-19 on our communities, just as we see it when a black man goes for a jog, and some folks feel like they can stop and question and shoot
















