



56 min read


Chapter 2 Learning Strategies of Listening

Test for Chapter 2

1、尔雅Part II. Passage (Shadowing and Gist) Directions: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. What does the speaker really describe in the speech?英语
A、People can learn English well in their sleep.
B、视听People can learn English well while working.
C、期末People can learn English well through their talking (conversations).
D、答案People can learn English well by taking a systematic course.

2、学习irections: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. How do specialists comment on this 通完study method?
A、It shows the learning speed.
B、整答It exhilarates the learning speed
C、尔雅It worsens their memory
D、英语It enhances their abilities

3、视听Directions: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. How effectively can the average person learn during sleep as in the same period during the day?期末
A、Almost the same.
B、答案Two times as much.
C、学习Three times as much.
D、通完Two or three times as much.

4、Directions: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. What does sleep-teaching do?
A、It hammers the new things into your head.
B、It hammers the interesting things into your mind.
C、It hammers the humorous things into your mind.
D、It hammers only what you have studied while being awake into your mind.

5、Directions: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. What did the student have to do for another three hours before having breakfast?
A、To prepare the new lessons
B、To review his lessons
C、To keep him thinking
D、To continue writing

6、Part III. News (Shadowing and Gist) A. Directions: Listen to the news item and complete the following summary. This news item is about .
A、the local council election inYemen
B、the violent protest over voting problems inYemen
C、the people killed and injured during the voting inYemen
D、the ruling General People’s Congress Party in the lead

7、Directions: Listen to the news item and choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. Opposition parties are demanding after a violent protest over voting problems Tuesday.
A、a new election
B、a new selection
C、a new elector
D、a new selector

8、There were at least killed and injured during the voting.
A、six people … many
B、some people … many
C、six people … some
D、many people … some

9、People at more than 100 voting places .
A、were not able to vote Thursday
B、were not able to vote Tuesday
C、won’t be able to vote today
D、won’t be able to vote

10、show the ruling General People’s Congress Party in the lead.
A、Final election results
B、Final results
C、Early elections
D、Early election results

11、Part I (Note-taking) Directions: Listen to a talk about light and health. Take notes and complete the following summary. Can Light Affect Your Health? Many researchers believe that light can affect both your physical and your (1) .

12、From daylight, our bodies absorb vitamin D through the skin. Certain skin diseases also (2) from exposure to sunlight.

13、Light absorbed through the eye can stimulate hormone production, which in turn (3) our mood.

14、Some people become (4) in winter, when the days are dark and most people spend less time in the open air.

15、When spring comes, these (5) disappear. Researchers have called this condition SAD -- seasonal affective depression.

16、The condition can be (6) by exposing patients to special lights, known as full-spectrum lights.

17、This lighting has also been used to treat patients (7) from jet-lag, to improve learning in school-children in Russia and America,

18、and the (8) of Japanese factory workers

19、Young people need at least fifteen minutes a day in real daylight in Summer (9) in winter.

20、Old people, who risk vitamin D deficiency, should spend even longer exposed to (10) daylight.

Chapter 3. TEM 4 Listening

Test for Chapter 3

1、Corporate Culture Corporate culture is described as the (1) _____________ of an organization, and guides how employees think, act, and feel.

2、It includes core values and beliefs, corporate ethics, and rules of behavior. It can be expressed in the company’s mission (2) _____________ and other communications,

3、in the architectural style or interior (3) _____________ of offices, and in the titles given to various employees. Corporate culture affects you in many ways.

4、For instance: l The (4) __________ __________ per day, per week.

5、The (5) __________ __________, including employee interaction, competition degree, etc.

6、The (6) __________ __________, including the accepted styles of attire, etc.

7、The (7) __________ __________ you get, including cubicles, window offices, etc.

8、The (8) __________ __________ development.

9、Onsite perks, such as break room, play room, etc. l The (9) __________ __________ outside the office.

10、(10) _____________ with other employers.

Chapter 4 Strategies of Dictation

Test of Chapter 4

1、Peak performances - moments when children (1) that's in them -

2、are the stuff of every parent's (2) .

3、And yet most of us have seen a report card or heard a trumpet solo that (3)

4、what our kids can (4) .

5、Why can some boys and girls repeatedly pull themselves to the (5)

6、while others of equal or (6) cannot?

7、Many parents assume skill is pretty much determined by (7)

8、the student with the highest I.Q. will get the best grades, or the athlete with the most prowess will (8) .

9、Genes (9) in determining performance, but they're not everything.

10、The edge comes from mental attitude, character and (10) .

11、There are some simple ways for parents to help their youngsters develop those (11)

12、Find something to praise. A child who feels good about himself (12)

13、Assess your child's (13)

14、Encourage self-applause. Knowing how to relax is key to (14) .

15、A good report card (15) near your daughter's mirror reminds

16、her that she can do well and (16) to repeat her success.

17、There are no (17) to bringing your child to do his best.

18、It's a (18) of support, encouragement and hard work.

19、And those efforts (19) not only in peak performance

20、not only in peak performance but also in (20) between parent and child.