



51 min read


第一章 英国国家概述


1、尔雅which of the following is 英语NOT true about Britain?
A、it used to be a powerful imperial country in the world.
B、国家概况it plays an acitve role as a member in European Union.
C、章节整答it is 答案a developed country in the world.
D、it used to be one of hte superpowers in the world.

2、学习which of the following is 通完NOT considered a characteristic of London?
A、The尔雅 culture center
B、The英语 business center
C、The国家概况 political center
D、The章节整答 sports center

3、which of the following is 答案the exception of truth of London?
A、London is 学习a political, economic and cultural center of the country.
B、London has a larger population than all other cities in England.
C、通完London is 尔雅not only the largest city in England, but also the largest in the world.
D、London has played a significant role in business in the country.

4、The Tower of London, a historical sight, located in the center of London, was built by ___________.
A、William the Conqueror
B、King Arthur
C、Robin Hood
D、Oliver Cornwell

5、United Kinddom is actually a country of countries.

6、The Scots and Welsh have a strong sense of being British.

7、Britain is a country with a history of invasions.

8、The Anglo-Saxons began to settle in Britain in the 11th century.

第二章 英国国家概述(II)


1、when did Scotland join the Union by agreement of hte English and Scottish parliaments?
A、in 1715
B、in 1688
C、in 1745
D、in 1707

2、Where do the majority of people in Scotland live?
A、in the Highlands
B、in the Lowlands
C、in the Uplands
D、in the Downlands

3、Northern Ireland is the smallest o f the four nations, but is quite well-known in the world for ________.
A、its rich cultural life
B、its low living standards
C、the troubles and conflicts in political problems
D、beautiful views and famous landmarks

4、Both the Scottish and Welsh people elect their members of parliaments to the London Parliament respectively.

5、Belfast, the capital of Northern Ireland, is a large city with millions of people.

6、The Good Friday Agreement was finally approved in 2019.

第三章 英国历史


1、who were the earliest invaders in England?
A、The Anglo-Saxons
B、The Normans
C、The Vikings
D、The Romans

2、When was the Glorious Revolution in Great Britain?
A、in 1688
B、in 1707
C、in 1800
D、in 1606

3、Who were the original speaker of English in Great Britain?
A、The Normans
B、The Anglo-Saxons
C、The Vikings
D、The Romans

4、In the late 8th century England was invaded from Scandinavia and in the 11th century they suffered invasions from Norman French.

5、During the Wars of Roses, white rose stands for York family and red rose for Lancaster family.

6、The Glorious Revolution was a bloody revolution and starting point of British Constitutional Monarchy.

第四章 英国政治与经济


1、Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of British government?
A、It offers the Queen high political status and supreme power.
B、It is both a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy.
C、It is one of the oldest representative democracies in the world.
D、It has no written form of constitution.

2、Which of the following is NOT a true description of the Queen's role?
A、The Queen symbolizes the tradition and unity of the British State.
B、The Queen selects the Prime Ministers and the Cabinet.
C、The Queen acts as a confidante to the Prime Minister.
D、The Queen is the head of the Church of England.

3、Which of the following is NOT a feature of the House of Lords?
A、Lords do not receive salaries and many do not attent Parliament sittings.
B、It consists of the Lord Spiritual and Lords Temperal.
C、The lords are expected to represent the interests of the public from where they are elected.
D、Most of the lords in the House of Lords are males.

4、Which of the following is NOT based on the fact of House of Commons?
A、Most members belong to the major political parties.
B、Members of House of Commons are expected to represent the interests of the public.
C、Members of House of Commons receive salaries and some other allowances.
D、Member of House of Common elect the Prime Ministers and the Cabinet.

5、Great Britain is both a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy.

6、Britain, like Israel, has a written constitution of the sort which most countries have.

7、It is no doubt that Great Britain is the oldest representative democracy in the world.

8、In Great Britain, the process of state-building has been one of evolution rather than revolution, in contrast to other countris like France and the United States.

9、In 1689, Parliament passed _________________________ to ensure that the King would never be able to ignore Parliament.

10、In Great Britain, the head of the state is the King or Queen, while the real center of political life is __________.

11、Strictly speaking, the Parliament today consists of three parts, the Queen, House of Lords and ____________.

12、The most important function of the Parliament is to ________________.

第五章 英国文学


1、Which of the following writer did NOT belong to Romanticism of British literature?
A、John Keats
B、Percy Bysshe Shelley
C、William Wordsworth
D、Daniel Defoe

2、Which literary form flourished in Elizabethan age more than any other form of literature?

3、Several gifted women played a significant part in the 19th century literature in Great Britain. which of hte following is an exception?
A、Virginia Woolf
B、Emily Bronte
C、Jane Austen
D、Charlotte Bronte

4、Which of the following is generally considered to be the masterpiece by Emily Bronte?
A、Wuthing Heights
B、Oliver Twist
C、The Heart of Darkness
D、Howard's End

5、Which of the following is not considered to be great tragedies of William Shakespeare?
B、A Midsummer Night's Dream

6、William Shakespeare's plays are generally categorized into historical plays, comedies and tragedies.

7、William Shakespeare is considered as a great poet and much is known of his personal life.

8、John Keats, Percy Bysshe Shelley and George Gordon Byron brought the Romantic Moverment to its height.

9、Charlotte Bronte and Emily Bronte are noted for their respective novel Jane Eyre and Oliver Twist.

10、Charles Dickens is regarded not only as a great novelist, but also as social critics in the 19th century.

第六章 英国的教育与体育


1、In Great Britain, the great majority of parents send their children to ___________.
A、A. Private schools
B、B. Independent schools
C、C. State schools
D、D. Public schools

2、In Great Britian, children from the age of 5 to 16 ____________.
A、A. can legally receive partly free education.
B、B. can legally receive completely free education.
C、C. can not receive free education at all.
D、D. can not receive free education if their parents are rich.

3、If a student wants to go to university in Great Britian, he will take the examination called ____________.
A、A. General Certificate of Education--Advanced
B、B. Genera Certificate of Secondary Education
C、C. The Common Entrance Examination
D、D. General National Vocational Qalifications

4、Which of the following is NOT true?
A、A. Parents send their children to public schools because they are rich.
B、B. Parents send their children to public schools because their children can get better jobs when they leave schools.
C、C. Parents send their children to public schools because their children can have a better chance of getting into a good university.
D、D. Parents send their children to public schools because their children prefer to go to public schools.

5、Which of the following schools would admit children without reference to their academic abilities?
A、A. Comprehensive schools
B、B. Secondary Schools
C、C. Independent schools
D、D. Grammar schools

6、The purpose of British education is not only to provide children with literacy and the other basic skills but also to socialize children.

7、Public schoos are part of the national education system and funded by the government.

8、Grammar schools select children at the age of eleven and provide them with a general education.

9、British universities are public bodies which receive funds from central government.

10、The enduring feature of British education is the continuing debate over what should be taught in schools.

11、The two oldest universities in Great Britian are ___________________ and Cambirdge University.

12、Parents can choose between sending their children to state schools or _____________.

13、Comprehensive schols provide a general education, teaching students everything from ____________ subjects like literature and science to more practical subjects like cooking and carpentry.

14、GCEA in British Education stands for ___________

15、FA in British sports stands for ___________.

第七章 美国国家概述


1、In terms of territory, the United State is the ___________ country in the world.

2、How many colonies were established along the east coast of America by Great Britain?

3、What is NOT the branch of American government?
A、The executive
B、The legisalture
C、The representative
D、The judiciary

4、How many judges are there in the American Supreme Court?

5、Which of the following is NOT a traditional American food?
C、Pizza and pasta

6、Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.

7、The first English permenant settlement was found in California.

8、George Washington, Banjamin Franklin, and Abraham Lincoln were regarded as the founding fathers of the United States of America.

9、The United States is regarded as a melting pot and salad bowl.

10、The United States is a country of immigrations with low social mobility.

第八章 美国历史


1、Which of the following statements was correct around the time of the American Revolution?
A、The American had the mixed blood of European or their descendants.
B、The American had the mixed blood of Europeans with American Indians
C、The American had the mixed blood of Europeans with blacks
D、The American had the blood of the English only.

2、The following were teh founding fathers of the American Repblic except____________.
A、George Washington
B、Thomas Jefferson
C、William Penn
D、Benjamin Franklin

3、The theory of American politics and the American Revolution originated mainly from ________.
A、George Washington
B、Thomas Jefferson
C、John Adams
D、John Locke

4、"No taxation without representation" was the rallying cry of __________.
A、The settlers of Virginia
B、The people of Pennsylvania
C、The colonists in New England
D、The people of the 13 colonies on the eve of the Aemrican Revolution

5、Which of the following is NOT in the New England?
C、Rhode Island
D、New Hampshire

6、Emancipatin Proclamation was issued after the American Civil War.

7、By the early 1760s, the 13 colonies in North America were ready to separate themselves from Great Britain.

8、Massachusetts was established by English Puritans who separated themselves from Roman Cacholic Church.

9、The state of Pennsylvania used to be inhabited by the Quakers.

10、The American Revolution officially proclaimed the birth of a new American Nation.

11、In 1782, the Frenchman who settled in Pennsylvania first asked the question "what is an American" in his book _____________.

12、The New World of America was peopled as a result of two long-continuing immigration movements, the first one from _____________ and the second from Europe.

13、American Indians had developed three birlliant civilizations before the Europeans arrived. these three civilizations were Muyan, Inca and ___________.

14、New England was founded by a group of religious believers called ___________.

15、The first permanent settlement in North America was established in today's _________ state.

第九章 美国政治经济与社会问题


1、Which of the following is the only branch that can make federal law and levy federal taxes?
A、The executive
B、The Legislative
C、The Judicial
D、The president

2、Which of the following is NOT a power of the president?
A、The president can veto any bill passed by Congress.
B、The president has the authority to appoint federal judges when vacancies occur.
C、The president can make laws
D、The president has broad powers, with the executive branch, to issue regulations and directives regarding the work of the federal departments.

3、Which of the following is NOT guaranteed in the Bill of Rights?
A、The freedom of religion
B、The freedom of speech and of the press
C、The right to own weapon if one wishes
D、The freedom of searching a person's home by police.

4、Which of the following is NOT the reason for the higher arrest rates among minority groups?
A、The aggressive nature of these groups
B、Racial prejudice against them
C、Low social status of these groups
D、Poverty and unemployment among minority groups

5、Which department is the branch of interpreting laws in the United States?
A、The executive
B、The President
C、The Judicial
D、The Legislature

6、The US Constitution set up a federal system with a strong central government.

7、The main duty of the Congress is to make laws, including those which levy taxes that pay for the work of the federal government.

8、When the War of Independence was over, the United States was one unified nation as it is today.

9、The president has the authority to appoint federal judegs, and all such court appointments are subject to confirmation by the House of Representatives.

10、Americans have to join a political party in order to vote or to be a candidate or public office.

11、The US federal government consists of the following three branches: the Executive, _________, the Judicial.

12、Groups who try to persuade Congressmen to vote for or against a bill are known as _________.

13、The Supreme Court is composed of one chief justice and _______ associate justices.

14、The two major political parties are Democratic, which is thought to be more liberal, and ____________, which is believed to be more conservative.

15、The Congress is divided into ______________ with 435 members who serve two-year terms, and senate with 100 lawmakers who serve six-year terms.

第十章 美国文学与教育


1、Which of the following did not belong to Romanticism in Great Britain?
A、John Keats
B、Percy Shelley
C、George Gorden Byron
D、Daniel Defoe

2、Several gifted women played a significant part in the 19th century literature. Which of the following is an exception?
A、Virginia Woolf
B、Emily Bronte
C、Jane Austin
D、Charlotte Bronte

3、Which of the following subjects are not offered to elementary school students?
A、Mathematics and language
B、Politics and business education
C、Science and social studies
D、Music and physical education

4、Both public and private universities depend on the following sources of income except_______.
A、Personal investment
B、Student tuition
C、Charitable endowment
D、Government funding

5、Large universities are always better, and more desirable universities are always more expensive.

6、One of the things that decides whether an applicant can be accepted by a college is his or her scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Tests.

7、Harvard university was originally founded to train governemnt officials.

8、It takes at least four years to get a bachelor's degree from an institution of higher learning in the US.

第十一章 节日与流行文化


1、Which of the following businessmen was responsible for the invention of movies?
A、The Lumiere Brothers
B、Thomas Edison
C、Edwin S Porter
D、Charlie Chaplin

2、Which of the following was considered the first projection device in the United States?
A、The Cinmatograph
B、The Vitascope
C、The Cinemascope
D、The Exibitor

3、Three of the following of studios were part of the five "Majors", which of them is not?
C、Warner brothers

4、The term "popular culture" (commonly known as pop culture) was coined in the 20th century.

5、Although the United States has produced most commercial films in the 20th century, movies did not originate in America.

6、Independent filmmakers such as Steven Soderbergh and Quentin Tarantino had significant commercial success in the 1990s.



1、Which is the largest city in Scotland?

2、Northern Ireland is the smallest of the four nations, but is quite well known in the world for __________?
A、It most famous landmark, the Giant Causeway
B、Its rich cultural life
C、Its low living standard
D、Its endless political problems

3、According to the Good Friday Agreement, Northern Ireland today should be governed by the following jurisdiction except__________
A、the jurisdiction of the republic of Ireland
B、the jurisdiction of loyalist minister
C、the jurisdiction of Great Britain
D、the jurisdiction of Northern Ireland

4、Which of the following statements is not correct?
A、There are no legal restraints upon parliament
B、The Queen is part of parliament
C、Parliament has supreme power of passing law
D、Parliament has no power to change the terms of the constitution

5、Which of the following is not based on the fact?
A、Members of parliament elect the prime minister and the cabinet
B、MPs receive salaries and some other allowance
C、MPs are expected to represent the interests of the public
D、Most MPs belong to the major political parties

6、Which of the following is not an effect of immigration on British society?
A、There is no varied for people to choose from.
B、Class tension has increased.
C、New forms of popular music have emerged.
D、Different religious beliefs have been practiced actively

7、Which of the following is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare?
A、Doctor Faustus
D、The Tempest

8、Several gifted women played a significant part in the 19th century literature. Which of the following is an exception?
A、Virginia woolf
B、Emily Bronte
C、Jane Austin
D、Charlotte Bronte

9、Which of the following is not true in UK?
A、Parents send their children to public schools because they are rich.
B、Parents send their children to public schools because their children can get better jobs when they leave schools.
C、Parents send their children to public school because their children can have a better chance of getting into good university.
D、Parents send their children to public schools because children prefer to go to public schools.

10、Which of the following is not true about the characteristics of Britain?
A、Economic differences between north and south.
B、Differences of social systems between Scotland and Wales.
C、Class differences between a white collar worker and a blue collar worker.
D、Cultural differences between immigrants and the British.

11、There are two major national parties in the UK.

12、The leader of the Conservative, Margaret Thatcher started a series of reforms. An extensive program of privatization was carried out, and she was successful in an all round way.

13、Much early British literature was concerned with Christianity, and Anglo-Saxon produced many versions of the Bible.

14、The oldest institution of government in Britain is the Monarchy.

15、Britain, like Israel, has a written constitution of the sort which most countries have.

16、In 1215, some feudal barons and the Church forced King John to sign the __________ to place some limits on the king’s power.

17、Strictly speaking, the parliament today consists of the Queen, __________ and the House of Commons.

18、One of the oldest of early “Old English” literary work is a long poem from Anglo Saxon times called __________.

19、William Shakespeare’s plays fall into three categories. They are _________, comedies and history plays.

20、The two oldest universities in Britain are Oxford and ___________.



1、Three of the following are characteristics of London. Which of the four is the exception?
A、London is a political, economic and cultural center of the country.
B、London has a larger population than all other cities in England.
C、London is not only the largest city inBritain, but also the largest in the world.
D、London has played a significant role in the economic construction of the country

2、Which of the following parties in Scotland still wants an independent Scotland?
A、The Labor party
B、The Liberal party
C、The Scottish Nationalist party
D、The Conservative party

3、Which of the following agreement is accepted by both Catholic and protestants in northern Ireland?
A、the Anglo-Irish agreement
B、the Belfast agreement
C、the Good Friday Agreement
D、the Multi-party Agreement

4、Which of the following is not a characteristic of British government?
A、It offers the Queen high political status and supreme power.
B、It is both a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy.
C、It is the oldest representative democracy in the world.
D、It has no written form of constitution.

5、Which of the following is not related to the constitution of UK?
A、It is a written document which lists out the basic principles for government.
B、It is the foundation of British governance today.
C、Conventions and laws passed by parliament are part of the constitution.
D、The common laws are part of the constitution.

6、Which of the following is not true description of the Queen’s role?
A、The queen selects the prime minister and the cabinet.
B、The queen symbolizes the tradition and unity of the British state.
C、T the queen acts as a confidante to the prime minister.
D、The queen in the temporal head of the Church of England.

7、Which of the following is not characteristic of the hereditary aristocracy in the UK?
A、The noble titles can be inherited by the children.
B、They usually own historic houses in the country.
C、They are the richest people in UK.
D、The senior members can be lords in the House of Lords.

8、Which of the following writers was the most famous Scottish writer?
A、D.H. Lawrence
B、Charles Dickens
C、Jonathan Swift
D、Sir Walter Scott

9、In UK, the great majority of parents send their children to ________.
A、Private school
B、Independent schools
C、State schools
D、Public schools

10、Which of the following schools would admit children without reference to their academic abilities?
A、Comprehensive schools
B、Secondary schools
C、Independent schools
D、Grammar schools

11、Children from the upper middle class usually have a better education than those from the working or middle class.

12、The majority of Irish people were descendants of original Celtic people who inhabited British Isles before the Roman arrived 2000 years ago.

13、Writers of romantic literature are more concerned with imagination and feelings than with the power of reason.

14、There was a general flowering of culture and intellectual life in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries which is known as the Renaissance.

15、The Commonwealth of Nation includes all European countries.

16、During the Civil war in the 17th century, those who represented the interests of Parliament are called __________, and those who supported the King were called Loyalists.

17、In Britain, the official head of state is the Queen while the real center of political life is __________.

18、In 1689, parliament passed __________ to ensure that the king would never be able to ignore parliament.

19、____________ written by Geoffrey Chaucer is often studied by middle school and college students today

20、The island of Great Britain is made up of England, __________ and Wales.
