



83 min read


01 Nine to Five

Unit test

1、超星Why hasn’t Jack Goodwin got a job yet?大学答案
A、He doesn’t have a very good degree.
B、英语业答He refuses to apply for jobs with low salaries.
C、综合章节It isn’t easy to get a job in the current financial climate.
D、课程He prefers to stay at home and help his 学习family.

2、How does he spend a typical day?通课
A、Doing a temporary job.
B、后作Watching television.
C、超星Queuing up in the university careers service.
D、大学答案Preparing for the next job interview.

3、英语业答How do most of his 综合章节friends spend the day?
A、The课程y do nothing all day and go to the pub in the evening.
B、The学习y do outdoor activities such as sailing.
C、The通课y are forced to work by their parents.
D、They do part-tie jobs such as working in a bar.

4、How are Jack’s parents helping him?
A、By looking for jobs for him.
B、By paying for a trio to South America.
C、By gradually making him more financially aware.
D、By threatening to throw him out of the house.

5、What do Whoopi Goldberg, Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt have in common?
A、They all did bar work before going to university.
B、They took part in protests against nuclear power plants.
C、They learnt to act by dressing up as giant chickens.
D、They all did temporary jobs at one stage in their lives.

6、In the passage If you ask me, the writer claimed that real life is not like what people normally praise it.

7、She declined the offer to do an MA at the London School of Economics due to a bad financial condition.

8、After she got the first salary in The Salisbury, she bought herself a bunch of flowers.

9、Tony invested in the writer by giving her a 20,000-pound loan, asking a ten percent annual interest for the collateral of the money.

10、Using her own story, the writers elaborated that the optimal returns in the business world is given by investing in people.

11、In the US, a “_______ (2 words)” approach normally shows the positive aspects of the job hunter.

12、More than a quarter of British resume writers are guilty of overdoing their resume. That is, they tell ______ (1 word).

13、On mainland Europe, the standard format form CV can find clear and easy-to-understand, but it has not yet been ________ (2 words).

14、According to the writer, the “_____ (1 word, in capital letters)” philosophy is the most useful guideline.

15、The following resume is written in a ________ (1 word) order. 2008 Summer job in tourist information office, Bournemouth 2007 Summer job as lifesaver patrolling busy beach in Bournemouth 2006-2008 Occasional weekend bar work in Duke of Monmouth pub, Southampton 2005-2006 Volunteer in India on a clean water project

02 A Good Read

Unit test

1、What is the main writing purpose of the passage Danger! Books may change your life?
A、To show the reader how to read fictions.
B、To persuade the reader that reading can be a life changing experience.
C、To claim that books provide the meaning of life.
D、To recommend some non-fiction books to read.

2、Why are we like Alice in wonderland when we read a book?
A、Because, like Alice, we often have accident.
B、Because reading makes us feel young again.
C、Because reading opens the door to new experiences.
D、Because books lead us into a dream world.

3、According to the author, what is the advantage of reading over real life?
A、There is more variety in books than in real life.
B、We can experience variety in books than in real life.
C、The people we meet in a book are more interesting than real people.
D、It’s harder to make sense of teal life than a book.

4、Which one is not the struggle that Miller, the author of They are alive and they spoke to me, has with books?
A、He had no money to buy books.
B、The books he wanted were always out at the library.
C、The books he liked were prohibited to circulate, but only for library use.
D、He was too young to borrow the “immoral” books.

5、“A book lying idle on a shelf is wasted ammunition.”(Para. 4) What is the figure of speech used in this sentence?

6、According to Miller, what should you do when you find a book you want to read?
A、Pick it up and start reading.
B、Ask a friend for advice about the book.
C、Think about whether you really need to read it.
D、Only read it if it is original.

7、Why does Miller especially admire about Blaise Cendrars?
A、He had a very adventurous life.
B、He was a great writer.
C、He knew what to do with his time.
D、He read as well as wrote a lot.

8、The author’s tone in the passage is _____.

9、What kinds of books helps Thomas Merton find out the true meaning of life?
A、William Blake’s poetic works.
B、Various plays by ancient Greek thinkers and writers.
C、Religious writings.
D、Novels ranging from the classics to the most recent.

10、What are the reading’s benefits that the author reemphasizes in the end of his writing?
A、To visit another world.
B、To meet different people.
C、To live other lives.
D、To reflect on ourselves.

11、The novel Thing fall apart, setting in Nigeria at the end of the 19th century, is a postcolonial novel and a portrayal of culture clash.

12、The clash occurs when African traditions meet the forces for change in the form of Christianity, as differences in their values and beliefs create misunderstandings and conflicts.

13、The leading character Okonkwo is a brave warrior, and his pride of his tribe and himself ended in a tragedy.

14、The novel is written in a Nigerian language to “bear the weight” of Okonkwo’s African experience.

03 Fashion Statements

Unit test

1、What is the meaing of "deteriorate"?
A、become better
B、go worse
C、go down
D、stand up

2、Which of the following statement about King Louis XIV is wrong?
A、He succeeded to throne at age 5.
B、His reign of 72 years and 110 days is the longest of any monarch of a major country in European history.
C、His personal emblem the eagle.
D、He was also an icon in fashion area.

3、Please choose the word with different meaning.

4、Please choose the word with different meaning.

5、Blue denim jeans remained popular in the US as work clothes until the 1950s, but then became associated with ______.
B、new ideas

6、What are features of formal writing?
A、passive structure
B、highly structured phrases
C、personal opinion
D、stative verb

7、When stock market goes up, women are likely to wear short skirt, i.e. lower hemline; stock market goes down, long skirt, higher hemline. This is what we call hemline index.

8、Why women should want to expose more or less of their legs during periods of economic boom and bust remains a mystery.

9、The lipstick effect is the theory that when facing an economic crisis consumers will be more willing to buy lipstick.

10、When Gina Cowen is looking for glass on a beach, she finds time passes slowly.

11、For most of the jewellery Cowen makes, she exhibits it in galleries.

12、Sea glass will eventually run out --- one day, it will be rarer than diamond.

13、Sea glass is more ecological than diamonds and gold because it can be used for a variety of purposes.

14、Gina Cowen devoted herself to sea glass career because of her experience on a beach near Cape Town.

15、French fashion history and French national history are closely intertwined.

16、Louis XIV is the one who helped put France and Paris on the international fashion map

04 Money Talks

Unit test

1、The passage starts with "I have a confession". What rhetorical device is used here?

2、If something is an asset for you, it is ______.
A、a major benefit
B、an agreement
C、something causing a lot of problems or embarrassment
D、a disagreement

3、If you weather a bad period, you ______.
A、survive it
B、fail to survive it
C、like it
D、want to escape from it

4、Buddy is an informal word for _______.
A、a friend
B、a colleague
C、a relative
D、a kid

5、A cash cushion will _______.
A、let you down in times of financial crisis
B、protect you in times of financial crisis
C、make you rich
D、make you poor

6、Which of the following country is not in the urozone?

7、Which sort of clients do credit card companies want?
A、people who are prone to impulse-buying
B、people who are potentially bad credit risks
C、people who are tempted to spend more than they have
D、people who are liable to fall behind with repayments

8、What are synonyms of the phrase "go from bad to worse"?

9、Which is (are) the synonym(s) of mutual?

10、Kelly failed to continue her studies in university because of credit card.

11、The three phrases: prone to, liable to and subject to can indicate likelihood.

12、Euro coins only have symbols of the country which issued the coins.

13、Euro banknotes illustrate gateways and windows and bridges, designed to show major architectural periods.

14、The European Parliament is elected every three years by EU citizens.

15、Renaissance architecture is the architecture of the period between the early 15th and early 17th centuries.

05 Gender Studies

Unit test

1、What is the unmarked clothing style for men?
A、A cowboy shirt with string tie.
B、A three-piece suit.
C、A necklaced hippie in jeans.
D、A suit and tie.

2、What does a marked female ending to a word usually convey?
A、Physical attractiveness.
B、A lack of authority.
C、A lack of seriousness.
D、Greater professional competence.

3、Emmy Awards are for ______.
C、music and recording

4、Which of the following words is marked?

5、Which of the following does NOT belong to traditional stereotypes of women?

6、What are the author’s main purposes of writing this passage entitled Sex differences in English gossip rules?
A、To summarize findings from recent research.
B、To present the writer’s own research findings.
C、To show that women are superior to men.
D、To dispel a myth about gender differences in gossipping.

7、Men gossip just as much as women.

8、Men talk more about politics than women.

9、Men talk more about football than women.

10、Women talk more about themselves than men.

11、Men don’t admit they gossip.

12、Women don’t admit they gossip.

13、If a woman wears no make-up, she is unmarked.

14、In western tradition, women will take her husband’s family name after marriage.

15、“Dr.” is an unmarked title for women.

06 All in the Past

Unit test

1、In the summer of 1940, Britain ______.
A、as likely to be attacked by another country
B、was surrounded by enemies
C、was intending to attack another country
D、had been attacked by another country

2、Churchill suggested that Britain ______.
A、would win a terrible victory
B、needed to fight a difficult war
C、must prevent a terrible crime
D、was a democratic country.

3、Winston’s father thought he was _____.
A、an intelligent and handsome boy who would be rich
B、a strong and brave boy who would fight for his country
C、a weak, miserable boy, unlikely to be successful
D、a hard-working boy who would follow in the family tradition

4、The writer suggests that Churchill's early ambition was _____.
A、to be an important military man
B、to play with soldiers
C、to win a war
D、to live in a palace

5、Winston fought as an ordinary soldier because _____.
A、he was married to a younger woman
B、he became depressed
C、he felt guilty about a battle that went wrong
D、he wanted to write about the war

6、“Accuracy is a duty, not a virtue” means _____.
A、Historian shouldn’t be concerned with accuracy.
B、Accuracy is a necessary condition but not the essential function of a historian.
C、Historian should be praised for using accurate facts.
D、None of the above.

7、What is not an auxuliary science of history?

8、What is the most important factor for a basic fact to become a historical fact?
A、The significance of the fact.
B、The truthfulness of the fact.
C、Historian’s interpretation.
D、Common people’s interests.

9、What is a priori argument?
A、an argument that is based on an assumed principle or fact
B、an argument that is based on actual observed facts
C、an argument that is proposed by a historian
D、noun of the above

10、Which of the following statement has the same meaning as "the facts speak only when the historian calls on them"?
A、Comment is free, but facts are sacred.
B、A fact is like a sack—it won’t stand up until you put something in it.
C、Accuracy is a duty, not a virtue
D、Noun of the above.

11、Traditional and living history museums are the two types of museums.

12、People can experience life of someone in the Iron Age 2,000 years ago.

13、Visitors gain a real insight into the skills of the ancient people by living in the roundhouses in Cinderbury.

14、Cinderbury is special because the whole city is a living museum.

15、In the writer's opinion, living history museums are much more interesting than traditional museums.

07 No Place Like Home

Unit test

1、There was a ________ of colors, from blossom in early spring to the dark golden colors of late autumn.

2、The baby___________ with pleasure.

3、What is the meaning of the word “cease”?

4、Our homes also show our individual sides, through _____________________.
A、the pictures on the wall
B、the souvenirs from visits beyond our homes
C、the favourite chair
D、our expression of choice

5、What are synonyms of the phrase "immense"?

6、In Active reading two Golden Memories, the author tells the story between him and his house.

7、In Active reading two Golden Memories,personification is used in the writing.

8、The golden memories of the house imply changes of the times.

9、Women's traditional roles have been swept away, and how they now exercise their birthright of greater choice.

10、So can the home, as we know it, survive? (in Para.7 Active Reading one). This is a rhetorical question.

11、On average, British people pay half of their income for accommodation.

12、Council houses were built and provided freely to primarily working-class people.

13、In U.K., grandparents usually live in their own homes.

14、British people seldom move home in their lifetime.

15、The National Health Service (NHS), which was established in 1948, provides (almost) free healthcare to those who cannot afford it.

08 Architecture: Frozen Music

Unit test

1、Choose the best summary of the passage.
A、The writer uses the Eiffel Tower as an example of a monument that has become a beloved symbol in spite of being unpopular with some people at the time of its creation. Ironically, the Eiffel Tower was not built with any greater aim than simply to be large and imposing, yet now it is seen as representing the city of Paris.
B、The writer claims that the Eiffel Tower, unlike similar tall or large structures, serves no utilitarian or aesthetic purpose. Today it is praised by ordinary people who cannot understand or appreciate truly great architecture.
C、The writer uses the Eiffel Tower to show how the size of a building determines its popularity. Although the Eiffel Tower had no serious purpose or function when it was built, because it was so much taller than other buildings around it, people came to see it as imposing and important.
D、The Eiffel Tower was not built with a greater aim than simply to be large and imposing, yet now it is seen as representing the city of Paris.

2、The main idea of the passage is that ______.
A、most people disagree about the meaning of a particular building
B、the function of a building is more important than its form
C、architecture varies among countries because of different cultural influences
D、architecture has a number of meanings beyond the practical function

3、The writer compares architecture to language to show that ______.
A、it is difficult to interpret
B、its meaning changes over time
C、it can communicate in different ways
D、critics and common people have different ideas

4、The main problem with the blocks of flats in Britain built in the 1960s and 1970s was that ______.
A、they weren’t lofty enough to be practical
B、there weren’t enough community facilities and green spaces nearby
C、the architects weren’t interested in the inhabitants’ comfort
D、the style was visually unattractive

5、The writer says that the Rockefeller Center ______.
A、communicates both human and spiritual power
B、was so expensive to build that it is unique
C、serves as a spiritual gathering place for people today
D、shows how man no longer needs to rely on religion

6、According to the writer, architecture gives us a vision of paradise on earth ______.
A、through churches, mosques, and monasteries
B、through buildings that work together with the natural landscape
C、by providing shelter from the forces of nature
D、by imitating and mimicking the natural surroundings

7、Replace "breathtaking" with a combination of a degree adverb + adjective.
A、particularly grand
B、incredibly good
C、extremely high
D、extremely attractive

8、Replace "soaring" with a combination of a degree adverb + adjective.
A、particularly grand
B、incredibly good
C、extremely high
D、extremely attractive

9、Replace "exquisite" with a combination of a degree adverb + adjective.
A、particularly grand
B、incredibly good
C、extremely high
D、extremely attractive

10、Which are the distinctive aspects of Santa Fe’s architecture?
A、The oldest state capital city.
B、The most exotic city.
C、The most picturesque city.
D、Distinctive south-western architectural style.

11、In what ways are Chinese and Western architectures different in terms of human cultures?
A、Building materials.
B、Architectural layouts.
C、Architectural styles.
D、Architectural values.

12、Filling the blanks with the words: resounding demountable utilitarian; lofty transcend The internet is delivering more and more useful, ______ options.

13、Filling the blanks with the words in the box. resounding demountable utilitarian lofty transcend What brings us together is that we have common interests which those _______ differences.

14、Filling the blanks with the words: resounding demountable utilitarian; lofty transcend The structure of the home shopping cart adopted"______ design" and the recycle materials, which showed the"green design" concept.

15、Filling the blanks with the words in the box. resounding demountable utilitarian; lofty transcend Asia has become a region with dynamic development and great potential and plays an increasingly important role in promoting the _____ undertaking of peace and development of human being.

09 Words of Wisdom

Unit test

1、The writer is studying Chinese ______.
A、because she enjoys the challenge
B、for future job possibilities
C、because she is doing research on language learning
D、for her current job

2、The dominance of English is probably going to decline in the future because ______.
A、trade with China is becoming more important for many countries
B、English is not a practical or easy language to learn
C、Chinese is becoming more important as a global language
D、of reasons not mentioned in the passage

3、Chinese dictionaries are difficult for the writer to use because ______.
A、the process involves many steps
B、the words are not arranged in a logical way
C、there are too many entries
D、the meanings aren’t always accurate

4、The writer is frustrated by Chinese tones because ______.
A、they are difficult to pronounce
B、they are too similar
C、different areas of China use them differently
D、they do not exist in English

5、The writer compares learning Chinese to doing a crossword puzzle ______.
A、because the two activities are equally difficult
B、because both the two activities are enjoyable and interesting
C、to show that she enjoys using her brain to deal with complex challenges
D、to explain why she is not yet proficient at Chinese

6、What does the writer say about the state of civilization today?
A、Changes are happening so rapidly that people cannot understand them.
B、Individual people do not have as much knowledge as the whole society does.
C、Technology brings more harm than advantages to society.
D、Education hasn’t been able to keep up with modern technological advances.

7、What point is the writer making about the word syllabus?
A、Students don’t need to know how to spell it now, because spellcheckers can correct their mistakes.
B、It can be spelled as either sylabus or syllabus.
C、It is actually spelled as sylabus, but many spellcheckers mistakenly correct it to syllabus.
D、The word has changed its spelling over time, so people of different ages spell it.

8、What does the writer imply about people today who can spell well?
A、They are unusual and disliked.
B、They are unusual but highly respected.
C、They are not as common as they used to be.
D、They are unimportant now because of spellcheckers.

9、What does the writer say about the Czech language?
A、Its spelling is more erratic than English spelling.
B、It is an easier language to learn than Italian.
C、It is closely related to Hungarian.
D、Its diacritic marks make spelling difficult.

10、Why have movements to reform spelling not been successful?
A、Too many people opposed the reforms.
B、There wasn’t enough funding or government support.
C、It would be too difficult and costly to adjust computer spellcheckers.
D、People could see from the example of Russia that spelling reforms don’t work.

11、Confucius Institutes are non-profit public institutions that aim to promote Chinese language and culture and support local Chinese teaching internationally.

12、Pictograms make up a large portion of Chinese characters. Characters in this class derive from pictures of the objects they denote.

13、A large unabridged dictionary, like the Kangxi Dictionary, contains over 40,000 characters, including obscure, variant, rare, and archaic characters; less than a quarter of these characters are now commonly used.

14、A large portion of the modern English vocabulary came from the Anglo-Saxon languages.

15、Old English initially was a diverse group of dialects, reflecting the varied origins of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of Britain.

10 The Human Spirit

Unit test

1、What is true about lines of longitude?
A、They are still changing positions today.
B、They are parallel to one another.
C、They are all the same length.
D、They are no longer used for navigation.

2、What was the importance of Ptolemy to navigation?
A、He put together the most advanced maps of his time.
B、He sponsored some important ocean explorations.
C、He made more accurate maps through his own observations.
D、He was the first person to draw lines of longitude and latitude.

3、What is the function of the prime meridian?
A、To mark the movement of the sun and planets.
B、To set a zero point for the lines of longitude.
C、To divide the globe into east and west.
D、To trace a line from the North Pole to the South Pole.

4、Which of the following CANNOT help a sailor determine latitude?
A、The length of daytime.
B、The position of the sun.
C、The position of the guide stars.
D、The position of the lines of longitude.

5、What did Christopher Columbus use for navigation?
A、Lines of latitude.
B、Lines of longitude.
C、Both lines of latitude and lines of longitude.
D、Neither lines of latitude nor lines of longitude.

6、What does one need to accurately determine the longitude while at sea?
A、The time on board the ship and the latitude.
B、The time both on board the ship and at a fixed location of known longitude.
C、The difference between the time the ship left land and the current time at sea.
D、The distance that the ship sailed in exactly one hour.

7、How many miles does a ship sail to cover 15 degrees of longitude?
A、15 miles.
B、1000 miles.
C、It depends on the speed the ship is sailing.
D、It depends on the ship’s distance from the Equator.

8、Why did the great captains of the Age of Exploration get lost at sea?
A、The maps they were using were not correctly drawn.
B、They didn’t have an efficient way to determine longitude.
C、The clocks at that time were not accurate so they couldn’t find the correct latitude.
D、The ships at that time were not easy to navigate.

9、What benefits to China can be achieved by exploring space?
A、Many technical spin-offs of materials and technology.
B、Encouraging breakthroughs.
C、Keeping up with space technology in case of the use of weapons in space
D、Solving the lacking of natural resources.

10、Which of the following statements are true?
A、Scientist Qian Xuesen started it working at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre.
B、The first Chinese satellite was launched in 1976.
C、In 2003 Yang Liwei was the first Chinese in space.
D、China’s Lunar Exploration Programme got underway with Chang’e 1 in 2007.

11、Which of the following novels are written by Jack London?
A、The Call of the Wild
B、The Sea-Wolf
C、Martin Eden
D、The Old Man and the Sea

12、Anyone above the Equator would melt into deformity from the horrible heat.

13、Neil Alden Armstrong was an American astronaut and the first person to walk on the Moon.

14、Christopher Columbus was an explorer, colonizer, and navigator.

15、The Apollo 11 mission was the first time people had been on the moon.

11 Final Test


1、Some people say that children should obey the rules of their parents and teachers, while other people think children will not be well-prepared for their adult life if they are given too much control. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. Write an essay with no less than 180 words to support your idea with reasons and examples. Marks will be awarded for appropriateness, content and organization. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.






  • 动词时态基础知识
  • 一般现在时和现在进行时
  • 一般过去时和过去进行时
  • 将来时态和完成时态
  • 语态


1. 将本课程的内容分为小节逐一学习,每个小节都要认真阅读,理解其中的重点内容。

2. 配合课程的练习题进行练习,巩固所学知识。

3. 参考相关英语语法书籍,扩展自己的语法知识。

4. 多听多说多读多写,不断提高自己的英语综合能力。



  • 掌握英语中各种动词时态和语态的用法
  • 提高英语语法水平
  • 提高英语听、说、读、写的综合能力








  • 动词时态基础知识
  • 一般现在时和现在进行时
  • 一般过去时和过去进行时
  • 将来时态和完成时态
  • 语态


1. 将本课程的内容分为小节逐一学习,每个小节都要认真阅读,理解其中的重点内容。

2. 配合课程的练习题进行练习,巩固所学知识。

3. 参考相关英语语法书籍,扩展自己的语法知识。

4. 多听多说多读多写,不断提高自己的英语综合能力。



  • 掌握英语中各种动词时态和语态的用法
  • 提高英语语法水平
  • 提高英语听、说、读、写的综合能力

